Maria's Space: Stop Phubbing, Celebrate National Etiquette Week !

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Stop Phubbing, Celebrate National Etiquette Week !

Has someone ever snubbed you with their iPhone or android? They whip out their phone, go through emails, reply to text messages and listen to voice messages while repeating an occasional “aha” in your direction as if they’re actually interacting with you. Phone + Snub = PHUB.  Shout it from the rooftop and tell them to “Stop Phubbing!” But seriously, don’t really shout. It’s National Etiquette Week; use your inside voice. 

National Etiquette Week begins the second Monday in May. It’s a good time to self-assess, be a role model and encourage civility and manners. It reminds us how we should conduct ourselves and practice etiquette in our everyday life. 

To celebrate National Etiquette Week, here are five tips that can be easily put into practice: 

Post Appropriately: Should I Have Posted That? – Probably not. Think twice before you post a comment or send a picture; they could be offensive. Post a compliment instead.

Turn the Phone on Vibrate -The hardcore rap ringtone that played during the staff meeting was not the most appropriate, but it did get you attention--the wrong kind. Perhaps the kind that may even cost you a promotion. Change your ringtone to soft generic music and be sure to turn your phone on vibrate in meetings.

Pace Your Workout - Checking your messages, staring into space and having extended conversations on the arm-lift machine are ways to monopolize the gym equipment. Please remember others need to tone their muscles and may be waiting to use the very machine you’re hogging. Don’t spend extended time on gym equipment.

That is Your Guest, Not Mine – Do not invite other people to an event for which you received an invitation. The person hosting the event would have sent them an invite if they wanted them to attend. It is permissible to bring them if the invitation allows you to bring a guest. Cost, food and space allocation are all involved in planning an event. Don’t bring an uninvited guest to an event.

Stop Using LOL -  Why are you Laughing out Loud? It is trite and does not convey a true message.  It can also be misunderstood. Think of other adjectives or expressions that display your emotions.  LOL, is that Lots of Love?

Etiquette tips are authored by LaDonna Carter an Etiquette Consultant with Elements of Society. She is certified by the Protocol School of Washington. Carter has been teaching etiquette and dining seminars to children, teens and professionals for over 15 years. 

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