Maria's Space: Reasons You Should Volunteer With Your Kids

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Reasons You Should Volunteer With Your Kids

Growing up my parents often did volunteer/community work. We were raised to believe that if you could help others, you should.  The gestures didn't have to be big or grand but if you were capable of making someone's life easier or better, it is your duty to do it. My sister and I sometimes recall a time that my father was packing a bag for a neighbor who was going through difficult times. They had decided they would help by delivering some groceries to them. We watched them pack the bags and complained to each other that the other family was getting way better stuff than we got. Along with the bags of food, they were also getting cookies, candy and chips something we didn't see often. Treat others better than you would yourself! It made my parents feel good and we felt good knowing we had helped in a small way.

I carried that feeling into my adult life. Volunteer work is something I have done since I was very very young and out on my own. Volunteering at hospitals, a Charity Church line for runaways, taking photos at the senior centers and babysitting were all things I did as a young adult.

Now that I have kids I want them to understand that while many believe charity begins at home, it is a wonderful thing to help others.

A few weeks ago we filled out forms to volunteer at an animal shelter. Both kids love animals and I have wanted to do this for the past few years. Now that they are a little older it seemed like the perfect time.

My Top Reasons You Should Sign 
Your Kids Up
 For Volunteer Work

You Get To Experience The Real World. 

No you are not being paid but there are expectations put on you that you will have at any paying job. You will be expected to be there. If you are not there others will have to take up the slack.

You will need to know the job and be able to do it without supervision. Your boss will  not have time to micromanage you every day.

Learning responsibilities is key here and one of the best reasons your children should do volunteer work.

It Is Good For You! 

It makes you feel good knowing that you are helping someone. You walk away with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Volunteering has been known to reduce stress. Helping others really does help you.

Volunteering Promotes Self Esteem

Both of my kids need self esteem. My daughter is shy and quiet but blossoms when she feels comfortable. My son is autistic and sometimes feels like he isn't very good at things.

My daughter feels very comfortable while volunteering and sometimes helps others do their job leaving me for short periods rather than being attached to my side. This is a wonderful thing. I love hearing her talk and laugh with someone else especially in such a short time. She knows the others there are also volunteering and doing something they love not something they have to do.

My son follows all directions easily and willingly and two cages in on his first day was already do cages alone without difficulty. There are a few steps to any job and he listen, learned and got them all quickly. I loved watching him confidently working to make the cages and room clean for the animals.

Creating Connections and Making Memories

My son and daughter fight like all other siblings but when they volunteer together they work side by side assisting and coaching each other without drama or jealousy. They do whatever it takes to get the job done without any arguments.

Working together with them is creating a strong bond that hopefully they remember for many years to come and hopefully always makes them think of each other when they do volunteer work in their future.

You Can Learn New Skills Or Open Your Eyes to New Experiences

My kids are only volunteering at an animal shelter now which is teaching them a different way to do a lot of the chores they already do at home but as they get older and I don't have to be with them with each volunteer service due to their age they will learn new skills that may help them in their future jobs.

Fills Idle Time

I am a firm believer that kids need their idle time filled. Not too much because we do a lot of self growth when we have time to be quiet and alone in our thoughts but I believe in unplugged time. Volunteer work means the kids are unplugged from their phones and computers and that is so important to me and eventually to them. 

My kids love working here. They love it and get paid in licks, kisses, pants and shirts covered in hair and the occasional scratch but they both get up and we head out early to make the catteries clean and fresh for the cats housed there.

Pictures of my babies volunteering

AND now the real best reason to volunteer at an animal shelter

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