Maria's Space: So That Is What A Moth's Eye and A Decomposing Fly Looks Like

Thursday, July 21, 2016

So That Is What A Moth's Eye and A Decomposing Fly Looks Like

This USB/Android Cord Microscope is amazing. The cord is a 2-in-1 USB or Droid cord due to the fact it transforms with a flip (see the video).

The box comes with a QR Code for PC or Android Phones. We simply downloaded the software that was in the booklet that comes with the microscope. At first it doesn't look like anything is downloading because it simply turns on your computer camera. But when you look at your apps you can see it is downloading. Once downloaded you can see what you are viewing with the microscope right on your computer. You can take pictures or video. It is really amazing how much 200X magnification is.

The magnifier can come off the base or keep it in the base which is completely adjustable and lockable. It also comes with 4 tip attachments.

The LED light can be adjusted with a knob on the wire.

The camera is also waterproof.

Amazing price point!

Picture 1 - Nickle (look at that blue? We did not see it with our naked eye, What is that PlayDoh?)

Picture 2 - Dead Fly's leg - YUCK!

Picture 3 - Strand of my daughter's hair and multiple strands. Oh look a split end!

Picture 5 - Dead moth's eye. GROSS!

Picture 6 - Decomposing ant body is just so narly!

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a discounted product for my honest opinion. My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. No monetary compensation was offered or received.

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