Maria's Space: Back to School = Back to Stress? 7 Signs Your Child May Have Anorexia

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Back to School = Back to Stress? 7 Signs Your Child May Have Anorexia

While this is something I don't have to deal with as the mom of a very happy, healthy 9 year old I myself suffered from bulimia years ago and know that it takes one thing to turn kids around and look at themselves through different eyes and it is usually the eyes that shouldn't even matter to them.

So, I am sharing this information found in my in-box this morning.

A nutritionist reveals warning signs parents should look out for.

As summer winds down and school starts up again, many students are feeling the pressure to show off their new wardrobes and look their best.

And with awkward body changes and constant pressure from the media, being around their peers could stir up fierce competition, especially in girls, says Andrea Szebeni, a registered nutritionist and dietician with the LighthouseRecovery Institute. For some teens, the stress of going back to school can cause them to battle symptoms of anorexia nervosa, says Szebeni, who helps young women overcome eating disorders.

Szebeni provides these seven warning signs that parents should look out for if they suspect anorexia:

1.      Denial of hunger. Is your child saying she is never hungry at meal times or that she already ate? This obviously may occur sporadically, but if you notice a consistent trend, be aware, Szebeni says.
2.      Preoccupation with food, weight, calories and dieting.
3.      Refusal to eat certain foods, progressing to restrictions against whole categories of food.
4.      Dramatic weight loss.
5.      Consistent excuses to avoid mealtimes or situations involving food.
6.      Withdrawal from friends and family, especially events where food is involved.
7.      Your daughter no longer is menstruating.

If a child starts to exhibit any of these anorexia warning signs, it may be time to sit down and have a serious discussion with them or to seek professional help, Szebeni says.

About Lighthouse Recovery Institute
Lighthouse Recovery Institute ( is a licensed drug, alcohol and eating disorder treatment center in Delray Beach, Fla., specializing in recovery for women. At the Lighthouse Recovery Institute, our mission is to help each client attain peace, happiness and permanent sobriety. With more than 30 years of experience in the treatment of drug abuse, alcohol abuse, eating disorders and trauma, our passionate team of doctors, therapists, and specialists provide nothing but the highest quality of care for every woman who walks through our doors. The center has a staff of 15, including a clinical director, therapists, nutritionist/dietician, yoga instructor and marketing team. Twelve of the staff are in recovery themselves.

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