Maria's Space: Culturelle ProBiotic For The Whole Family

Friday, June 08, 2012

Culturelle ProBiotic For The Whole Family

My family and friends have had to hear me go on and on since my surgery in 2010, that a healthy balance is Mandatory to good health. While I don't know that my diet was the cause of my issues (ruptured abscess in my intestine which lead to months of infections and severe pain and finally major surgery) I know it didn't help.

Keeping a balance to my diet takes effort. It is not something you go into lightly and every day requires careful consideration. Something I always make a priority which is way I am happy to help things along with over-the-counter assistance.

Culturelle was on my radar but I had never tried it even with three friends telling me (and they don't have issues) that it changed their lives and now they won't go a day without.

We tried the three products listed above and here is what we found:
  • All of the products are easy to take. 
  • The kids actually remind me that they need theirs.
  • They are convenient to carry with you.
  • My daughter who always complains about her stomach, has only complained once this week.
  • The is one of the easiest ways for us to keep good bacteria in our belly. (Probably one of the most important things I learned in 2010 is how very important this is.)
  • There are even Culterelle tablets for those who need a Gluten Free diet (something I am considering).
  • My son prefers the children's chewables and my daughter prefers the packets
 Personally, I feel the entire family of Culturelle products are a welcome addition to your medicine closet.

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