Maria's Space: Cat Litter Mat Catcher

Friday, November 17, 2017

Cat Litter Mat Catcher

Large Litter Mat Catcher

We recently adopted a 7 month old cat from the Animal Shelter we volunteer at and don't know how we have done without her all these years. We love her but none of us love the litter box. The litter box is the reason it took so long to talk my husband into a cat. Clean up isn't horrible and we stay on top of it every single day but I always manage to find litter on my carpets which means clean up ends up lasting much longer than I had hoped. SO I was thrilled to find this little helped that I put under her box 2 days ago.

I no longer have to sweep the bathroom every day and have not found any litter on my carpets.

The mat has a none slip back which keeps it in place. No reason for your cat to slip scaring it away from possibly using a litter box. It also has woven rubberish mesh that catches and holds onto the litter so no contamination or messy litter around your house.

On the weekends I will just shake the mat out into a garbage bag and be done with my clean up! Woot Woot!

To Get:

I will let you know all the new products I find that work for Luna. She will be a very spoiled kitty I can't stop shopping for her.

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