Maria's Space: Finding Fault In The Education System For Special Needs Children

Friday, December 02, 2016

Finding Fault In The Education System For Special Needs Children

Not much has changed in the way we approach special needs education for children. For decades, emphasis has been placed on the standardization of education—every student should be able to hit the predetermined mark in any and all subjects in order to succeed. Unfortunately, most people—especially those with learning disabilities—are not capable of excelling in all fields of academics. We all have our strengths, and one special needs doctor has embraced this realization in order to focus on those strengths to help children with special needs succeed.

Dr. JoQueta Handy, Ph.D, CCC-SLP has taken it upon herself to create a method of learning that focuses on what the child can do as opposed to what they can’t. Her program is called the Children’s Opportunity for Brilliance, or COB model, and is designed to hone in on the child’s strengths to find a route of learning that best suits them. Through the use of various teaching strategies and sophisticated brain technologies, the COB model has lead to a 70 percent improvement in students after just 16 hours of one-on-one instruction.

In its current form, the special needs education system is indeed a broken one. However, through individual attention through the COB model and a celebration of the uniqueness of every child, Dr. Handy believes this broken system can one day be fixed to ensure the potential of every student is recognized.

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