Maria's Space: This Summer Stay Hydrated With Essentia! #giveaway #essentiawater

Saturday, June 20, 2015

This Summer Stay Hydrated With Essentia! #giveaway #essentiawater

Water is water right?! WRONG! I am a water aficionado! Water is my absolute favorite drink. Honestly. I could forgo all else as long as I had water. I'm really picky about my water too! We have well water at our house which is how I grew up in my younger years as well. However when we moved to Brooklyn, we drank city water and I never liked the taste or smell. Eventually bottle water became all the craze and I found myself partial to certain brands and not always the most expensive kind.  I like a cool, crisp taste with no flavor or aftertaste which brings me to Essentia!

We received a huge, generous shipment to try out for ourselves. We learned it is a functional water meaning that it is pH balanced for hydration and is infused with electrolytes and minerals.

The process for Essentia is:

Purification - water goes through a process of microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet exposure for a purity of 99.9%

Electrolyte Infusion - Pure food grade alkaline minerals are infused into the purified water such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium bicarbonate

Ionic Separation - Oxidizer acidic water clusters are separated from the alkaline water clusters and removed from the water.

You can really taste the difference. My kids and I are all water drinkers. This water lasted us about 6 days. Over the past year I have read more and more about the importance of keeping your body more alkaline and I make a concoction to drink for this reason. Knowing I can get my favorite drink and it already takes care of that for me makes me very happy.

I found out that you can get the water on Amazon but you can also get it at many stores. Fortunately my Walmart has it so we can get it when we need it.

To Win:

Disclaimer: I received complimentary products for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered or received.


  1. Sandy Cain1:33 PM

    I drink a LOT of water! I'd say about 12 - 15 glasses a day, more if it's hot. I take meds that make me thirsty so I do drink water all day long!

  2. I probably drink the equivalent of about six glasses of water. Maybe not every single day, but I do try.

  3. I try to drink 3 12 oz glasses a day...sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

  4. Not nearly enough!

  5. I aim for 6-8 glasses of water a day but I drink closer to 3-4. I'm not a fan of water.

  6. I think I drink about 2 8 ounce glasses of water a day.

  7. I usually drink 2-3 glasses of water a day

  8. I drink 5-6 large glasses a day more if we are outside swimming

  9. I'm limited to 64 fluid ounces a day.

  10. I drink about 2 glasses of water a day. I know I need to drink more.

  11. I really need to drink more water! I would say I drink about 3 bottles a day.

  12. I drink A LOT of water.If I was to guess I would say 10 glasses or more.

  13. I usually drink anywhere from 6-8 glasses of water a day but increase that to almost double in the warmer weather months. Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!


  14. I drink about 5 glasses of water a day.

  15. I'm pretty good at this at least 6 glasses a day. thankyou, ken

  16. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)4:35 PM

    I only drink about 2 but I know I should drink more.

  17. Probably about three.

  18. I certainly don't drink enough water each day. Usually only 2-3 glasses. Thank-you. :)

  19. Hmm, it varies, but I probably drink 4 or 5 bottles of water a day. Sometimes, I add a little flavor to it.

  20. I average 50-60 ozs every day

  21. I usually drink about 4-5 glasses of water everyday!
    Thank You

    Fiona N

  22. I try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  23. I only drink about 2 - 3 glasses a day of water. Not nearly as much as I should.

  24. I only drink about 2 - 3 glasses a day of water. Not nearly as much as I should.

  25. Maria Wood3:37 PM

    I drink a lot of water a day. I don't drink anything else but water so I have about four large glasses of water a day.

  26. The best water I thank is Fuji. I drink about one bottle a day of water


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