Maria's Space: ASK ANNA: Advice for the Furry and Forlorn by Anna Koontz, Dean Koontz

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

ASK ANNA: Advice for the Furry and Forlorn by Anna Koontz, Dean Koontz

Ask Anna by Dean Koontz With her superior intellect, sharp wit, a warm and fuzzy heart, Anna Koontz debuts her talent as an advice columnist in her seminal work ASK ANNA: ADVICE FOR THE FURRY AND FORLORN. All author proceeds go to Canine Companions for Independence.

Dean Koontz is one of the world's biggest selling authors. Anna Koontz is Dean's remarkable dog who is poised to follow in her dad's footsteps with her first advice book for canines. She will soon become canine columnist to the world!

With her superior intellect, sharp wit, a warm and fuzzy heart, Anna Koontz debuts her talent as an advice columnist in her seminal work ASK ANNA: ADVICE FOR THE FURRY AND FORLORN. Some of her best advice: take time daily for ball-chasing and belly rubs - the keys (along with sausages) to true canine joy.

Learn more about the problems that plague Anna's clients and be inspired by how she counsels them. Also delight in Dean's just slightly skewed perspective on the importance of dogs throughout history. Without their advice, we humans would be in even worse trouble than we are today. They're heaven-sent (what is dog spelled backwards?!)

The 411: 

Great book for dog owners, dog lovers or folks who love to read and smile. Anna is Dean Koontz dog and like her daddy she is a writer. She writes advice to other pouches who write in to her.

One page features a beautiful color photo of a dog with a question for Anna like Mutt and Jeff who ask:

Dear Anna, what is it about tennis balls? Huh? What is it? Why do we like to chase them until we exhaust ourselves?

The next page features a beautiful color photo of Anna who answers:

Dear Mutt and Jeff, Tennis balls are mystical objects symbolizing the perfect roundness of creation , reminding us that life is a chase toward destiny. Each tennis ball is a symbol of eternal joy and eternal life. Humans bat them away with rackets because, sadly, humans are afraid to bite the concept of eternity and chew it. Mine Squeaks too! Anna 

It is an enjoyable book that can be read all at once or just whenever you have a second. Love it. Nothing to commit too during these next few busy weeks. 

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.  

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