Maria's Space: 5 Tips To Avoid Shady Mechanics

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

5 Tips To Avoid Shady Mechanics

As independent women, we want to know and do just about everything. Where there was once an understanding among us regarding the tasks in our daily lives best left for men, this divide is rapidly closing. While this independence is liberating, it also means there are new things for us to learn – and this can be unnerving.

Looking after your car can be one such situation. We want to know how to keep our car safe and on the road, but sometimes understanding what goes on under the bonnet is hard to fathom. We can easily organise affordable car insurance from Budget Direct, keep our car clean and maybe even change a tyre in emergencies, but trying to understand the mechanical workings of our car often seems like an alien language.

So how can you choose a mechanic you can trust, one who will do a good job on your car? You hear many stories about dodgy mechanics who say something needs fixing and charge you exorbitant prices for work that doesn’t need doing. Here are some tips to ensure you get the best quality repairs and service for your money.

Read the Reviews
There are now heaps of websites where previous clients of mechanics can post reviews and comments. Many of these review sites offer star ratings system and a comments section where users can post any issues that have come up with the mechanic in the past. Discovering the experiences of real people is the best way to find out what sort of service you can expect.

Ask Your Friends
Seek advice from your friends and family. They may be able to offer reliable recommendations for mechanics they have used in the past.

Check Their Qualifications
Choose a service outlet with qualified mechanics and one that will honour any existing warranties. Ask for quotes and compare the rates of various mechanics before deciding on one. Remember that cheaper isn’t necessarily better, and the opposite doesn’t apply, either. They may be trying to rip you off by adding work that is unnecessary.

Know Your Mechanic
Before agreeing to have the work done, make sure you're comfortable with everything. If your mechanic explained the repairs and you still don't understand, ask him to explain again. Just like you wouldn’t let someone you don’t trust cut your hair, don’t let someone you don't feel comfortable with near your expensive car engine. Ask him to explain the work that he says needs to be carried out, and learn about the process. This way you will be better informed if he attempts to add any more work.


  1. I am so grateful that my husband is incredibly handy and does all his own mechanic work. And he has good friends who are mechanics if he ever has any questions! I would be pretty lost if it were up to me!

  2. These are all great tips. I often wonder what I would do it I didn't have my husband or my dad around when something went wrong with the car. Heck ~ I have never even purchased a car on my own. It is like an alien world to me.


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