Maria's Space: Color Carnival - The Pitcher Flower

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Color Carnival - The Pitcher Flower

In all honesty, I have absolutely no idea what this plant is. I was at my sister-in-laws yesterday and it was in her front yard. Any ideas?


  1. The only thing that I have seen similar to that guy is a pink calla lily, and they are houseplants in my neck of the woods. Very pretty, whatever it is!

  2. I agree. I think it is a pink calla lilly. You can see if it is from a bulb. I have some white ones and pink ones that I hope will come back this year in the garden. The white ones are coming up for sure and I planted some pink ones but I haven't seen them come up yet but they were small. So pretty!!
    Rita Spratlen

  3. I dont know what it is but its a beautiful flower. The pic turned our great!

  4. Oh wow, that is a beautiful flower! I've never seen one like that before, but I'd love to have it in my garden.


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