Maria's Space: The Stray by Sherry King - Awesome Holiday Gift Idea for Readers of The Paranormal

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Stray by Sherry King - Awesome Holiday Gift Idea for Readers of The Paranormal

Can the wrong dog be the right man?

The Stray, a Paranormal Romantic Suspense Novel by Sherry King, was released by L&L Dreamspell in September 2009. 

For years, Chanah has avoided the peculiar danger that sex represents for an empath. Other women might at least say stop if something hurts, but her empathy brings her along for every ride. If he likes it so does she.

The regrets come later.

All men are dogs, she tells herself, until the day the stray she’s feeding reveals himself as Nick, a splendid shapeshifter.

This handsome monster may be the one man Chanah cannot resist.

Can she come to terms with her unresolved past and embrace an unlikely future while evading a murderer with a grudge?

The Stray by Sherry King was released in September 2009 – Distributor – Ingram
ISBN 978-1-60318-132-7 – A Paranormal Romantic Suspense Trade Paperback - $15.95
– Page Count 220.  Learn more at

In a Nutshell: Perhaps you prefer the werewolf in a world full of Vampire lovers. If you ever wondered what it would be like to be with Sam Merlot (True Blood) or Jacob Black (The Twilight Sage), well baby, Sherry King is going to tell you. 

The main characters, Chanah and Nick are hot together. I thought Chanah to be an interesting character and appreciated her humor. She has moxie that chick!  Nick is hot and I couldn't help picturing Taylor Launtner while reading it. The shapeshifter premise is something I have read a lot of lately, and The Stray has a nice balance of paranormal mixed with romance and suspense.  I loved it. There was some hot scenes that make this not so much for young adults but lovers of romantic paranormal will love it. 

The Stray Excerpt: You're the Dog!

"I'm done for dead. Lights out for sure dead."

"You're not dead."

The beautiful male voice sounded halfway between relieved and amused. Chanah stiffened. She lay half across a lap. Someone known and safe, but for sure she never heard that voice before. A jack-hammering headache. Chanah's eyelids parted just a little, then wide and wider. The man ... no shirt ... or pants.

Are we doing the deed? The usual context for naked men--not that she'd seen any since Tommy, the trigger-tail skunk pimp.

It didn't seem she'd forget a guy like this. Lean, long muscled, uh, blond, a yummy side of beef, and she hadn't even seen a face yet. Urges Chanah long ago learned to ignore raised their hands to heaven and shouted "Amen!" at the feel and smell of him. He had an aura sweeter than a Jilbert's Yooper Mud Slide Sundae. Familiar. Where? When? On the floor in the hall and head hurt.

Her whole body stiffened like a gillnetted steelhead.

This butt-naked man knocked her out--and she lusted after him? My rat-attract radar strikes again. No wonder MZ says I have bad taste in men! She drew back an arm and punched him a good one. Her knuckles stung, and she struggled to stand.

He blinked and released her. Smooth as God's grace he stood too and backed up one step. "Don't be afraid."

Oh, God. In the movies, the murderous creep always said that just before he tortured someone, or ate them. Chanah's foot struck something hard--a hammer on the floor. She didn't know how it got there, but she put her foot on the handle. Pick it up and slam him with it.

His eyes followed her gaze and took in the hammer. "You don't need that. I won't hurt you."

Chanah's gut told her to believe him, but she had questions, including the most--most obvious: "What might you be doing in my house without your clothes on?"

The grin changed his rather triangular face. Chanah noticed his ice-blue eyes and dark blond lashes. She knew those eyes. And that gold-blond hair with sun bleached white tips.

Check out Sherry's other books here.

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