Maria's Space: Get Your Glow On In Time For Summer

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Get Your Glow On In Time For Summer

As the temperatures gradually start to rise and the days grow longer, you know that summer – and all the fun it brings – is not far off. However, after months spent sheltering from the winter chill, you might feel that you have preparation work to do before you are summer-ready. So that you can confidently enjoy fun outdoor activities like sunbathing and walks, here are some ideas for how you can get your glow on in time for summer.


Pay attention to your skin

Months spent dealing with drastic changes in temperatures, going from the cold and wet outdoors to high central heating temperatures indoors, can wreak havoc on your skin, leaving it dry and flaky. Use an exfoliating brush when showering several times a week to remove dead skin to reveal firmer and brighter skin and increase blood flow to those areas. Follow this up with slathering on a rich moisturizing cream to soften your body and make your skin glowing and silky to the touch. Don’t forget to use sun protection, either. Harmful UV rays can affect the skin even on cloudy days, so multitask and use moisturizers containing some SPF.


Take supplements

Though a majority of your vitamins and minerals should be found in your diet, you might feel that you could do with an extra boost in certain areas. Perhaps your focus and energy levels could be sharpened, or you need some extra help in relaxing and getting a good night’s sleep. This is where supplements come in to give you that extra boost. An all-natural supplement will provide you with plant-based blends of powerful botanicals that have been carefully combined to target a specific area, whether improving energy levels, mood, or sleep. Check out neubria for more information about natural supplements.


Give yourself a pedicure

With summer comes sandal weather. However, after months spent bundled up in thick socks and boots, your feet might not be fit to be seen – cracked heels and discolored nails don’t look pretty in open-toed shoes. Take some time to give yourself a pedicure before unveiling them. Treat yourself to a foot bath, complete with a luxurious aromatherapy foot soak; then, whilst your feet are still damp, remove dead skin with a pumice stone. Trim your toenails, remembering to cut straight across to avoid ingrown toenails, and paint them in a bright and cheerful color for summer – a classic red or summery coral will always look good and suit most outfits.


Have a haircut 

Hair requires cutting to keep it looking neat and healthy and to remove any split ends that can make it look bedraggled. A regular haircut is even more of a necessity if you wear your hair in a demandingstyle that grows out quickly, such as a sharp bob. Try to fit in a salon visit before the excitement of summer to ensure that your hair is well-maintained and full of bounce for those summer parties.


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