Maria's Space: Making a Vacation Property Child Safe

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Making a Vacation Property Child Safe

Photo by Te NGuyen on Unsplash

During the colder, darker monthswhat could be more fun than planning your next family vacation? It’s something to look forward to and put positive energy into as our thoughts turn to the hopefully warmer and sunnier weather ahead. 

Planning a vacation takes thought, but how many of us have arrived at a destination — whether it be a vacation let, a hotel or an apartment — to find that it’s less than child safe? With a little planning ahead and some forethought, it’s simple to make any property or hotel room a child-friendly place. Here’s how. 

Family Friendly Vacations
It may be a simple enough point to make, but it pays to do your research and find resorts, apartments or lets that are family oriented. It’s no good booking a vacation only to arrive and find that it’s geared up for luxe vacations, or couples only,and that there’s nothing on offer for parents (or grandparents) with children. 

These days there are different options for family-friendly places. A proper house or villa might be too costly, and a hotel room too cramped, whereas something like an Aparthotels gives the best of both worlds — a staffed and well-resourced place to stay that’s safe, but that gives a family plenty of space to relax. 

Whatever type of vacation accommodation you choose, there are steps you can take to ensure it remains safe for your children.

Making a Vacation Property Safe
This is not an exhaustive list, but it does give a thorough idea of what might need to be considered when making a vacation property safe for children

• Take a clean blanket from your home and leave this on the floor so that small children and toddlers can play without you worrying about how clean the flooring is 
• Think about taking a safety latch with you for the toilet to make sure the lid is shut when not in use
• Take packs of disinfectant wipes with you to give door handles and surfaces a once over 
• Pack night lights and covers for electrical outlets 
• Consider packing bulldog clips or grips to make sure curtains can be tied back and that they’re not a strangling hazard 
• On arriving at the property, get on the floor and make sure you take a child’s eye view of any potential hazards. Look under beds, on the floor and check underneath cushions. There should be no obstructions or anything that could be put into the mouth of a risk-taking child! 
• If your child is to sleep in a crib, take out pillows and make sure that the slats are no more than two inches apart to prevent little ones falling through in the night 
• Is there a balcony on your apartment? If so, check that the rail is secure enough and that any doors that lead to it are secured at all times when it isn’t being occupied 
• Check any tables and furniture: if the corners haven’t been covered, then use masking tape to loosely cover them with cotton wool or a flannel to prevent little ones from bumping and grazing their heads on them. 

A vacation with a family needn’t be stressful or worrying.With a little forward planning and know-how, you can make any property safe to stay in. 

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