Maria's Space: Friday Night Belly Ache

Thursday, February 06, 2020

Friday Night Belly Ache


Friday Night Belly Ache

I hope tomorrow morning my little man is feeling better.
Today was the first time since he was 21 months old that he complained about his stomach. We have been fortunate with illness, or ailments in this house for the last 3 years.
He started complaining at about 1:30 right after lunch. He basically said, “mommy, my stomach hurts.” He said it again about 5 more times within the hour. When he finally went to the bathroom I figured everything would be ok. He again, told me that his stomach hurt. He went to the bathroom again (odd). No diarrhea, no vomiting (thank God), just complaints about his stomach.
We were on a play date so I finally took him home at 3:00 figuring that he just needed to lie down.
When we got home I thought for sure he would perk up, ask for Wii and turn back into my rambunctious, spirited, 5 year old. This did not happen!
He asked me to lie down with him so I did. I got up after 10 minutes to assist the Goddess with some potty stuff.
When I got back to my bed, he had moved to his bed and was under the covers. I left him and started cleaning. I came back about 20 minutes later to see him still lying down. Strange.
He didn’t want pizza (his favorite) and asked me to rock him.
I held him on my lap as he just made faces and closed his eyes. Sensing that the Goddess and her daddy wanted to play I took him with me into my room because really, who wants to have someone bouncing around when your stomach is sick?
We got into bed and he was out in less than 8 minutes. That was at 7:10 p.m. He is still sleeping soundly. I hope that whatever it is, settles and that basically he just has a sour stomach.
I hope that when he wakes in the morning, he once again asks, “can I play Wii” the moment he opens his eyes. I will say, “no, it’s too early” and we will get on with our day.
I hope!

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