Maria's Space: The Untold Story Of Millions Of Women In India #VeilofTearsMovie @veiltears

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Untold Story Of Millions Of Women In India #VeilofTearsMovie @veiltears

Narrated by Natalie Grant and tells the untold story of millions of women in India who are culturally oppressed for no other reason than the fact that they are women.  This film was shot on-location across the stunning nation of India in some of the most remote tribal villages in the world today.  You can see the trailer, you can go to

Have you ever watched a documentary and wanted to help the people the movie was about? That is how I was after watching Veil of Tears. After watching the movie I had an hour long conversation with my girlfriend about it on the phone. 

As mothers of daughters any country that doesn't treat their girl right is a personal attack on our hearts and we want to do something about it.

Veil of Tears is about an award winning documentary that tells the story of millions of nameless women and children in South Asia who are abused for being born female and the horrific, deplorable way they must live out their days. However, there is a ray of hope in the organization founded by K.P. Yohannan. Sisters of Compassion is a group thousands of female missionaries who go out and help the woman of India by showing Christ’s love and  physically serving the needy, underprivileged and poor. They take Bible college—and often several years of ministry—they go through an advanced six-month course of study, learning about leprosy care, family counseling, hygiene education and other practical ministries.
If you are interested in helping this group serve the woman and young girls of India. 100% of what you give goes into the field. I love writing that!

Whether you want to sponsor a missionary or provide for the woman the missionaries are helping you can find out how on their website.

Ways to Help

I love the idea of sponsoring a missionary. You will  get a packet including your missionary's photo and testimony, along with exclusive updates from the mission field that let you see how your sponsorship makes a difference.

Make a donation today
Order from the store where the proceeds will go toward the Hope for Suffering Women fund

Ordered your free church movie kit. Learn how you can get your church or small group involved in rescuing the women of South Asia.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary movie no monetary compensation was offered or received.


  1. Sounds like a movie that will really make you cry to see how women are treated in other parts of the world. You hear about it but it sounds like a movie that would bring it to life for you.

  2. Another example of how American women are lucky to be born in America. Thanks for having the Cool-it Giveaway.

  3. Very deep and intense movie, so many women are suffering around the world and this movie will make everyone more aware we need to help and do our part to end the suffering & pain these women are going through. Thank you for sharing this post.


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