Maria's Space: The Perfect Summer Is A Family Friendly Movie & You Get To See American Idol Jason Castro

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Perfect Summer Is A Family Friendly Movie & You Get To See American Idol Jason Castro

Available Aug 5th

The Perfect Summer:

Growing up in Chicago, cautious Jake knows nothing about water sports---until his single mom decides to uproot the family and move them to a beach town where everything revolves around surfing. Now a friendless outcast, he's in over his head in every way. Could his grandfather---a washed-up surfing legend---help him win some respect?

The 411 by Maria:

I love family friendly movies were estranged families are brought together due to circumstances and finally find the love they were missing out on.

Jake and his mom live in Chicago but end up in a sleepy little surf town after the death of his father. Thankfully mom has a place to stay while she gets a new job and begins her new life taking care of her and her son alone. She lands in her estranged dad's house. Who is a loner who lives a quiet life, volunteering at the church and trying his best to get close to his family.

On a mission to find Wi-Fi Jake ends up at a little surf shop run by Jason Castro of American Idol fame and so it begins. A pretty girl, a jealous ex boyfriend, a new life in a small town, and a challenge to learn surfing round out Jake's new life.

A story about starting over and letting others help you and "never living with regrets".

Sweet story! Eric Roberts was great as grandpa and while Jake looked a bit too old to play the angsty teen, my kids and I enjoyed it.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered or received.

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