Maria's Space: The Monastery Of The Heart-An Invitation to a Meaningful Life by Joan Chittister

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The Monastery Of The Heart-An Invitation to a Meaningful Life by Joan Chittister

Every age has answered the questions and challenges of spiritual living in its own particular ways through its languages, arts, and lifestyles, giving seekers various concepts for guidance. In this original manifesto, bestselling author Joan Chittister delivers a roadmap based on the ancient Rule of Benedict that stands as a practical model upon which to build a satisfying life, despite the seemingly limitless (and at times meaningless) supply of options in the modern world. By giving spiritual seekers—individuals, couples, families, and small groups—a new opportunity to live a better life from the very center of their world without ever having to withdraw from it, Chittister’s new approach redefines Benedictine living for modern day seekers while remaining firmly rooted in its monastic values.

What I Can Tell You: I have never heard of Joan Chittister and this is one of the most wonderful things about being a book reviewer. Sometimes things cross my desk that would have never been on my radar. 

I am one of those people who go by the motto "everything happens for a reason" and I do believe there is a reason this book came my way. 

Being more spiritual than religious I was worried that I would come away thinking I was preached to, feeling that this book was way beyond what I believe or know. This is not true. Joan Chittister speaks of what's in our hearts, family, togetherness, reflection, soul searching, and community. 

Her way with words gets inside you and makes you want to listen, learn, read, think and pray.

"The truth is that work has a spiritual function. It is done for the sake of the soul, not for punishment of the body or for the gratification of the ego. Good work is meant to build into us a respect for the order and beauty that the cultivation of the spiritual life demands."

I love chapter 21 where she breaks down the steps of Humility (the ladder that reaches between us and God.) 

There is still time to register for the E-COURSE on this book, "Creating a Monastery of the Heart with Joan Chittister," led by Joan Chittister, Mary Lou Kownacki, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, May 9 - June 3, 2011. Details are here.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest opinion. I received no monetary compensation.

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