Maria's Space: Color Carnival #93 - Join Us Every Saturday!

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Color Carnival #93 - Join Us Every Saturday!

Thank you to everyone who voted without my reminder. I love you guys!

This week our winner with 2 votes is Sweet Memories and her beautiful beach, colorful parasail photo. I want to be there.

Welcome to another colorful week here at Color Carnival!

We will run till Thursday at midnight. At which point a voting button will show up, giving you time to vote and Saturday morning a new post will go up with the prior week's winner. Sound good?

Hope everyone had a great week.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Congratulations to Sweet Memories. Wish I was on that beach right now. =)
    Enjoy your weekend everyone.
    Thank you so much for the shout out last week, I couldn't post a photo because I had no computer. =(
    All better now.
    Lorie Shewbridge

  2. Lorie's Candy City there has to be the best one ever!


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