Maria's Space: Buzz, Buzz, I have Something To Tell You

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Buzz, Buzz, I have Something To Tell You

Dear Readers,

Thanks to Mom Central, I heard about a web-based program called BrainFuel – designed to maximize our children's learning potential.

Upon entering the main page of Brain Fuel you come to 4 different options: Brain Food, Brain Health, Brain Games, and Brain Forum. Brain Fuel came at just the right time. A lot of my friends and I have had discussion last week about who does and who doesn't spend time in the summer doing school work with kids. Personally, I do. I think kids do get summer amnesia and need to keep training the brain. We play "Mommy School" in my house almost 3 days a week. It used to be everyday but that was before the kids started school.

Kids want to learn and they want your time. So spending time with them teaching them something isn't school to them. It is getting YOUR time which is what matters to most kids.

The first place I headed was Brain Games. The games are from Lumosity and promote:

- Quicker thinking
- Improved memory
- Increased alertness
- Elevated mood
- Better concentration

I love playing computer games and thought this was be a good place to start. I played the Word Bubble game which I think is a great game for kids above the age of 9.

Besides the game section, Brain Fuel, provides Moms with some great information about meals, exercise, brain facts, and much more. All the information is laid out in a fun and easy way to read. Have questions? Check out the forum where parents get a chance to discuss what works and what doesn't with our kids this school year.

Brain Fuel was created by California Innovations, a company that believes in producing innovative products with integrity. Check out their awesome insulated lunch bags and diaper bags.

Oh and before I leave you, when you head over to Brain Fuel's main page, enter to win $30,000 and more (it's at the corner of the page on the right side.)

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of BrainFuel and received an insulated lunch bag from California Innovations to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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