Maria's Space: I Wish I Were A Fairy Tale by Crystal Walters - BOOK #Giveaway

Thursday, April 04, 2019

I Wish I Were A Fairy Tale by Crystal Walters - BOOK #Giveaway

What Could Be Better Than Living In a Fairy Tale World?
A new children’s book answers that question:
living in a fairy tale world made entirely of cake

Kauai, HI – Children’s author Crystal Walters, who confesses to having an obsession with fairy tales, has crafted a story about a young girl who dreams of what it would be like to live in one of the fairy tales she loves so dearly.
The most remarkable thing about the book is how Walters chose to illustrate it. Each page comes alive in a series of wonderfully-crafted cakes. Fantastic edible characters swim in the sea, sail on a pirate ship, hang out on the moon with the sandman, and enjoy many other fairy tale adventures. Walters painstakingly created nearly eighty sugar sculptures, each one acting out a part of the story. Then every scene was meticulously photographed and laid into a beautifully illustrated background.

The result is a charming book with remarkable detail on every page. Every character is unique. The cascading braid of a princess’s long blonde hair drapes over the main character’s little dog, while a mermaid relaxes in a waterfall of frosting. A friendly dragon sits on a chocolate boulder with a slice cut out of it and sitting on a plate with a fork – just to remind us that it really is all made of cake.

The 411:

This is an adorable hard cover book featuring cakes as our illustrations and a sweet story about a little girl who dream of what it would be like to be in a "real live" fairy tale. She would fly around on fairy wings and play all day. She could become a princess, be friends with dragons, hang with unicorns and even go on a trip with the Sandman to bring adventures to other children as they slept so they could dream of happiness and remember the stories even when they are feeling down and long after they grow up the story will live inside their heart. 

What a wonderful message to parents to continue to read to your children for these stories and these moments you spend with your child reading books they love, will forever live in their hearts. 

 As a preschool teacher I can tell you that children love being read to and as a parent, even my teens love being read to. Parents who read to their children are fostering a love of reading even when you don't realize. 

AND the books illustrations of the cakes on each page were just wow!

“When I finished writing the story,” said Walters, “I was thinking about how the book should be illustrated. I knew exactly how I wanted each page to look, from the chocolate colored tree stump where the fairies lived, to the cotton candy clouds where the unicorns played. I complained to my mother that while I can sculpt sugar paste and carve out cake, I couldn’t very well make a children’s picture book out of cake. She said, ‘Why can’t you?’ and the rest is history.”
Asked if she ate all her artwork after the photography was done, Walters smiled and said, “Well, of course. Wouldn’t you?”

“This enchanting story is magical and miraculous and will sweeten the lives of all whom are touched by it. It’s an instant classic created with love and confection.”

John Kelly, Detroit Free Press

About Crystal Walters: Raised on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, children’s author and illustrator Crystal Walters attended the University of San Diego where she graduated summa cum laude with a degree in English. A self-taught baker, she loves bringing stories to life through cake.
Ms. Walters splits her time between California and Hawaii. When she’s not writing or baking, you can find her hoarding books, watching classic movies, and swimming in the ocean, where she has a funny habit of turning into a mermaid. 
Walters is currently working on three additional works of children’s literature.
I Wish I Were a Fairy Tale, (ISBN  978-1-54394-632-1) Hardcover $21.99, 32 pages. Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble as well as: iBook for $1.99

To Enter The Giveaway Fill Out The Form Below Before 4/30

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.


  1. What a cute book my little granddaughter would enjoy this when she is born.

  2. Excited about this book!

  3. the book looks so cute-thanks

    tiramisu392 (at)

  4. I love how the author created the scenes in this book out of cakes and then photographed them for the pictures in the book.

  5. A Siamese cat appears in your video.

  6. This looks like a cute book for my grand daughter.

  7. my little niece would love this book

  8. This book sounds like a great book for my grand kids

  9. I used to read fairy tales when I was a kid and dream of being in them. I was even willing to kiss a frog if necessary! ;)

  10. I bet my niece wishes she were in a fairy tale, too! She'd love this book! And I'm sure she could convince her mom to try to make some of the cakes pictured!

  11. Oh, what a beautiful Siamese cat! We used to have 2 Siamese when I was a girl.

  12. I have 2 great nieces and a great nephew. 2 of these children are just starting school and learning how to read. They both love to try to read to their little sister who is just 6 months old. :) I'm so happy that they want to learn to read; I think they both would like to share reading this book!! :)


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