Maria's Space: Here’s How You Can Deal with Separation Anxiety when Leaving your Child

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Here’s How You Can Deal with Separation Anxiety when Leaving your Child

As a mother, you may find that you are fighting a constant battle. You have to battle to try and keep
your child happy and healthy, but you also have to deal with any feelings that you have as well. 
At times, you may find it hard to leave them at home. This can be difficult, but there are things
you can do to work through this and there are also things you can do to help your child as well.

Prepare the Sitter

If you are having a babysitter, try and write down your daily routine. You will also want to write
down your child’s favourite toys and even the clothes that they like to wear the most. This will 
help to keep them calm when they are away from you and it will also help you to feel confident
knowing that your child has everything they need as well. Of course, this is easier said than done 
but it can go a long way when it comes to putting your mind at ease. If you are really struggling
 with your emotions then it may be worth talking to someone who has a masters in school counseling
as they will help you to understand how your child feels and they can also help you when the time
 does come for them to start school as well.

Ease Into it All

It’s hard to go from spending time with your child every single day during the holidays to having them
out of the house. It helps to have them spend an hour or two with a family member and it also helps 
to ease them into their new routine as well. For example, if you are going to have them stay with 
a family member or even at daycare between the hours of 9am and 5pm then try and leave them 
for the morning and then gradually increase this. If they are starting a new school for the first time
after the holidays then this is going to be tough on them as well, so show them where they are
going to be staying and talk to them about any questions that they have.This is one of the best ways 
for you to really feel at ease and if you know that they are happy then this will really help you as well.

Know that It’s Normal

When your child starts school, you will be going through a rollercoaster of emotions and this is 
completely normal. You need to take note that it’s normal for you to feel worried, scared or upset 
at the thought of them growing up. It may be easier for you to talk to other people about your child 
and it also helps to meet up with other parents as well. This is one of the best ways for you to really
 understand what you are going through and it will also help you to come to terms with what is
 happening as well. This can work wonders for both you and your child.

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