Maria's Space: Coloring Book To Soothe The Soul

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Coloring Book To Soothe The Soul

Psalms to Color and Soothe the Soul allows readers to express their praise for God by coloring in 47 beautiful scenes that include passages from the Book of Psalms. The floral patterns, nature scenes, and imaginative designs provide ample opportunity to engage in joyful coloring that will inspire and soothe the devoted reader's soul. Simply add your own personal touch of color to the illustrations, and you will be rewarded with bliss.

The 411:

I love adult coloring books. They are the perfect way for me to totally veg out for a while. I can't read while the TV is on or the kids are around but I can color. It totally relaxes me and gives me the chance to think about nothing!

You can use crayons, gel pens, colored pencils and markers to color in this book and nothing bleeds through. This is always the most important thing to me because I would hate to ruin a page to color. Recently I have been bringing these to work and during nap time at the preschool some of us have started coloring. 

The pages in this book are almost frame worthy even without color. They are so detailed and inspiring. 

Here are a few of the pages:

This pages took me 4 hours and I bet if you had taken my blood pressure afterward it would have bottomed out at RELAXED!

To order a copy for yourself

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. I am not employed by any company I review for. No monetary compensation was received.

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