Maria's Space: The Pink Of The Irish

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Pink Of The Irish

I was asked to come down to watch an Irish Step Dance Group perform and was amazed at some of the dancers. While I am far from Irish, the quick feet and legs have always amazed me. These photos are of the older girls in the group but the little ones 5 & 6 years old amazed me even more. They had taken 5 classes and were performing in front of a crowd. The outfits, the hair, the feet, the music were all very inspiring. Wish I had a better shot. The crowd was behind me moving my arms and hitting into my back because it was standing room only but I still had a great time and a great meal.


  1. ich liebe diese Musik und WIE es getanzt wird
    LG vom katerchen

  2. Love those costumes ! I'm guessin' you're as Italian as I am :)

  3. We have girls dancing at our Wegman's every St. Pat's. They are so cute and I could watch them dance all day.

  4. My daughter and I are both fascinated by this form of dance. What beautiful footwork they do and those costumes are brilliant! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog for Pink Saturday!

  5. The older girls look so graceful; the younger ones must have been so much to watch - cuties!


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