Maria's Space: Free Birds & Chris Powell Help You Get Fit!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Free Birds & Chris Powell Help You Get Fit!

In the film, the character of Jake (voiced by Woody Harrelson) is a turkey in excellent physical form, taking great care to keep his prized pecs and glutes in top shape. In honor of Jake's commitment to fitness, here are five ways that kids can stay healthy and active--all from world-famous trainer and host of "Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition" Chris Powell.

Get Fit with Your Friends from FREE BIRDS and TV’s Toughest Trainer Chris Powell

Kids, we know it may seem more fun to live a lazy life of pizza, TV and fuzzy slippers like Reggie from FREE BIRDS, but if you want to be big and strong like Jake, it’s going to take work! That why we asked trainer and host of ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition,” Chris Powell, to share some tips to help you get moving and eat things that will keep you healthy. If you follow his plan, pretty soon you’ll have pecs and glutes as impressive as Jake’s!

Tip #1: Eat Breakfast.  Mom is right, it really IS the most important meal of the day!  Eat something hearty that’s going to give you a lot of energy, like eggs and toast, or yogurt and granola. Start the day strong!

Tip#2: Get to school at least 15 minutes early for recess. Run, jump, climb, and play your favorite sports. You’ll get some extra time with your friends, you’ll get stronger and faster, and you’ll supercharge your body and mind for learning!

Tip #3: Eat fruit every chance you get!  Fruit is nature’s dessert, and comes in all kinds of fun flavors. You can never go wrong with classics like apples, oranges, bananas, pears, grapes and pineapple. But also try exploring new and crazy fruits, like starfruit or kiwi, grapples or mangoes!

Tip#4: Cut the soda. Any way you look at it, it’s just not good for you!  If you crave sweet beverages, try naturally sweetened waters!  There are all kinds of new flavorings for water coming out with natural sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit – find one that you love, and hydrate!

Tip #5: Be a lean and mean gamer.  When you’re done with your homework, instead of vegging out on the couch with your PS4 or Xbox 1, get up and try playing one of their MANY active games. Get off the couch and LIVE the game! Run, jump, balance, shoot…get involved in your video games and get fit in the process.

Enjoy the hit family comedy FREE BIRDS, and see Jake’s impressive physique in action, when it hits Blu-ray and DVD on February 4th!

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