Maria's Space: LifebankUSA "Peace of Mind" Giveaway

Friday, March 15, 2013

LifebankUSA "Peace of Mind" Giveaway

When I was pregnant with Handsome I checked out LifebankUSA as the source for holding my son's cord cells in case we ever needed them. It is a company I am proud to stand behind because if this is something you believe in, this is the company for you.  
I am happy to let you know that Lifebank USA is hosting an awesome Britax car seat giveaway on their Facebook page.  They will be giving three people a chance to win a Britax Marathon 70-G3 Convertible Car Seat valued at $231.99.  We have purchased two Britax seats in 9 years and absolutely swear by them. They are a little more expensive than many others but cannot be beat in the safety of your children and really this whole post is about just that. Parents NEED the Peace of Mind to know that their children are safe and protected. It is something Teach and I spent many months researching when we were new parents and we have found that these two companies give us that!

Lifeblood USA
As the only company that offers cord blood, placenta blood and tissue banking -- and the first to release placenta-derived stem cells for a successful transplant -- New Jersey-based LifebankUSA is a technological leader that is pioneering key medical innovations in the field.  Owned by the Celgene Corporation, a world-class biopharmaceutical company, LifebankUSA also operates a robust donation program and collects cells from anywhere in the US for use primarily in advancing medical research.

Through cord blood banking, you can collect and preserve potentially lifesaving stem cells, and doing so could one day save the life of your child or a blood relative. You can bank even more stem cells by collecting them from 2 usable sources of stem cell-rich blood: the umbilical cord and the placenta. This service is called Placental and Cord Blood Banking, and it's available only from LifebankUSA. Whether you choose Placental and Cord Blood Banking or Cord Blood Banking alone, there are many important reasons to choose LifebankUSA.  

"LifebankUSA is a pioneer in placenta-stem cell technology. Our stem cell banking program meets and exceeds the highest standards in the industry-and we are the only company that can provide access to technology that allows you to boost the number of cells you can recover after birth."

- Robert Hariri, MD, PhD

CEO and Founder of LifebankUSA

There’s only one opportunity to save your baby’s stem cells for the future...
As an expectant parent, your baby’s health means everything. Right now, he or she is protected in the womb and will soon enter the world. There is a lot to think about and prepare for, but an invaluable step you can take when your child is born is to preserve his/her stem-cell rich cord and placenta blood The ability of stem cells to save lives via cord blood banking has proven successful for replacing abnormal or diseased cells, and treating life-threatening blood disorders such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.  In fact, since 1988 stem cell transplants have been used to treat some 80 diseases.[link to]

When you bank with LifebankUSA, we include tissue banking (tissue from the placenta) for free.* Placental tissue contains mesenchymal cells (MSCs) and MSC-like cells. While stem cells found in cord blood and placenta blood have been used to successfully treat patients, there are currently no approved 
uses for stem cells derived from the umbilical cord or placenta tissue. Possible therapeutic applications are in early research stages and LifebankUSA's parent company is actively involved in their development.

LifebankUSA will store the placenta tissue for you as part of our complete banking package using our cryogenic tanks for long-term preservation. In the event your baby's tissue cells are ever needed for future therapies, the tissue may then be processed and cultured using available technology at that time.†  Tissue banking is just one more layer of protection and peace of mind offered by LifebankUSA.

*Storage fees apply after the first year

†Clients will be responsible for the cost of shipping the tissue and any culturing or expansion of the cells.

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