Maria's Space: Wordless Wednesday - My Little Ones

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - My Little Ones


  1. There's resemblance in their looks :)
    Getting both my kids to pose for a picture is like going to war :P

    My WW @ Its Not a Weekend;Its a Lifestyle & Napaboaniya APAD

  2. Two beautiful kids. He will look after her!

  3. Awe, sweet picture! They will love this one when they are older!

  4. Hey everyone, thanks so much for checking out my wordless.

    They do look alike. They are so used to the camera they actually ask if I want to take a picture when they are playing together.

    I hope he will look after her Sandy, that is one of my goals. I am constantly telling him that she is his little sister and he has to protect her.

  5. such a sweet shot! :)
    happy WW!

  6. Awww - sweet!
    I hope they continue being sweet to each other in the years to come :)


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