Maria's Space: Summer Fun Has Begun With These Toys

Friday, July 08, 2022

Summer Fun Has Begun With These Toys

Summer is here and while I am working my kids and I have Mondays and Fridays to make summer memories to last forever. My kids are my life and I will do anything to spend time with them. 

My daughter and I had a blast with the Groovy Glow Wubble Bubble. It was easy to blow up. It comes with a little plastic piece that you insert into the Wubble. Just make sure you are putting it in the hole and not blowing for no reason. Once you blow it up, take out the piece and tie a knot or put a patch over it. We didn't do that the first time and lost air as we played with it.  

We had so much fun tossing it back and forth. It is actually really fun. It bounces easily and can not hurt you except for that time I put my camera up to get a shot of it coming at me and it knocked the camera into my face. Oh my gosh I thought I broke my nose. 

We laughed so much playing with this. It is safe enough for inside play and durable enough to be played with outside. 

We didn't notice is glowing in the dark but love how it looks when the sunset shines through it. 

My son was in charge of the All Pro All Pro Passer Robotic Quarterback. He loves playing catch with his father, but dad is sometimes busy with homework, his job and chores so I thought this would be great when he wants to play catch, but dad isn't available. 

It takes 4 C Batteries and is easily assembled. Once you put the ball on the launcher, pick your play. You will be able to see by the lights on the field display.  There are 9 different options, left, right, center, short, long, etc. Press the lock button! Pump up your pass with the include pump. Press the hike button and start running.  The toy will toss the ball to you.

I have successfully raised Triops in the past many years ago so I was so excited to open the Smithsonian Prehistorian Sea Monster Kit with my daughter. We used filtered water and made sure it was at least 76 degrees. 

We have 3 cats and the tank that was included with the kit did not have a lid. I had a brand new Beta tank that we decided to use instead. We used the Smithsonian Sea Monster tank and filled it twice to accommodate our tank. 

We were so excited but by day 8 didn't see anything. On the afternoon of day 8, I noticed a tiny swimmer. Ahhhhh life! Finally. I was thrilled and couldn't wait to show my daughter. Goddess and I searched the tank looking for more life over the next day. By the end of the next day we couldn't spot our swimmer. UGH. We know it is very small because even when we spotted him on day 8 it was very hard to see him. So we are on day 12. We haven't seen him since day 8 and hope he is still in there just eluding us. We are hopeful for more signs of life and will keep the tank going for 2 more weeks. We do plan on buying another kit. It was fun to set up and my daughter is excited about it I may even do one for my incoming PreK class in September. 

Will update when I can.

Our little Swimmer

Last but not least is the Smithsonian Telescope/Monocular Kit. We LOVE looking at the moon.  It is a nightly ritual. So, this was a definite favorite.

It is easy set up, just remove from the box, open the tripod and set the telescope inside. We actually prefer using it without or as a monocular. 

It took a second to try to figure out how to see out of it. Just pull the eye piece, or push it in depending on your vision. 

This is not a NASA telescope people so be serious but for kids who are interested, this is a great starting point before you go and spend hundreds on one and it sits in the corner of your house collecting dust. 

Disclaimer: I received all of these items as part of a review process. No monetary compensation was offered. These opinions are strictly my own.

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