Maria's Space: How to Be There for a Friend Through Pregnancy Loss

Monday, July 04, 2022

How to Be There for a Friend Through Pregnancy Loss


Miscarriage is more common than many people think, with around 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies ending in loss. This statistic is likely to be higher as miscarriages can occur in early gestation – before a person even realizes they are pregnant. If a close friend is going through pregnancy loss, they are probably feeling a wide range of emotions, and they will need their nearest and dearest to be there for them. At this time, you might feel compelled to care for and support your friend, but it can be difficult to know what to say or do. Here are a few helpful ways you can be there for a loved one as they cope with pregnancy loss.

Acknowledge Their Pregnancy Loss

Those dealing with loss might be hesitant to reach out to family and friends for a variety of reasons. They might not know how to share their pain, they may feel guilt over the loss, or they might not want to burden others with their emotions. Although it is a good idea to give your friend space to deal with their grief, you should also acknowledge their pregnancy loss and make it clear that you are there for them when they are ready to talk. Simply letting your friend know you are thinking about them can give them some comfort.

Listen to Them

People deal with pregnancy loss in different ways. Some might need a long period of time to get to grips with their experience. Others might find ways to pick themselves up and carry on as normal in a short space of time. Listen to everything your friend has to say without judgment. At this point in their life, they need a sympathetic ear so that they can vent their thoughts and emotions.

Get Them a Thoughtful Gift

Although no gift can take away the pain of pregnancy loss, it can show someone you are thinking of them. Flowers are a classic choice and can brighten up someone’s day – even if it is just for a short while. Alternatively, you can give your friend a thoughtful gift to commemorate their loss, such as a customized stuffed toy or a piece of jewelry. Journals, tasty treats, and self-care gifts, such as bath bombs and candles, all make great gifts too. Laurelbox gifts for miscarriage are an excellent choice for close friends. Their gift boxes can be tailored to your friend and will help show them how much you care about them.

Offer Practical Support

Besides the emotional impact pregnancy loss can have on a person, a miscarriage can also affect their physical well-being as well. With this in mind, offering practical support can be an incredibly thoughtful way of being there for your friend. This can include doing their weekly grocery shop for them, watering the plants, cleaning and tidying up around the home, and preparing meals. These small acts of kindness will be greatly appreciated and can help relieve stress.

photo source
Thanks to Becca Tapert @beccatapert for making this photo available freely on Unsplash 🎁

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