Maria's Space: 3 Things To Know Before Shipping a Car

Saturday, August 21, 2021

3 Things To Know Before Shipping a Car


There are many reasons why one would have to ship their car. Maybe the distance is long, and one does not want to drive, or they own too many vehicles and cannot drive all of them. Whatever the reason is, you have to ensure your car is in safe hands, and it will get to the destination in good condition. Here are some of the things to keep in mind when shipping a vehicle. 

It Can Get Risky Depending On Your Shipment Method

The car can be shipped in either an enclosed or open trailer. An open trailer is cheaper, but it comes with risks like theft, damage, and road debris. Cars in an open trailer are usually secured with wheel nets or nylon straps to prevent damaging the car. Enclosed trailers, on the other hand, are a bit costly, but they also have minimal risks. 

Read Reviews

A car is an expensive investment, and that is why you have to be sure you are shipping it with the right company. Kia dealership Santa Ana recommends reading online reviews and seeing what other people are saying about different car shipping companies. You can also talk to your friends, colleagues, or a local car dealership for recommendations. 

Avoid Making Decisions Based on Cost Alone

As much as cost is among the major determining factors, it should not be the only one. It is best to go for quality services to ensure your car is kept safe. The price of vehicle shipping companies usually reflects the quality of services, the equipment used, and the service level. However, that does not mean cheap will always be wrong. That is why you should look for other things like how long the company has been operating. 

Once you have found a good shipping company, give all the information on your car like cut-off switches, alarms, and kill switches. This information makes it easier for the driver shipping your vehicle to do it safely.


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