Maria's Space: Potty Training Book For All Stars Helps With The Transition From Diapers To Undies

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Potty Training Book For All Stars Helps With The Transition From Diapers To Undies

The 411:

As a preschool teacher who has potty trained over 40 kids over the past four years I can tell you potty training is not for the weak. It takes a lot of patience on the child and adults part. Anything that a kid can relate to on this difficult transition is helpful. My class loved hearing this book although I often changed the words. While I love the basketball concept my toddlers didn't understand coach so I changed it to mommy or daddy. For hoop I changed it to potty or bathroom. The illustrations are so cute and my kids loved pointing to the main character who I loved too. It can be a boy or girl which makes it easier for my toddlers to relate to. 

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