Maria's Space: Transitioning From Summer To Fall

Friday, August 17, 2018

Transitioning From Summer To Fall

As the hot, humid days of July are in the past, the cooler days of the fall are quickly approaching. As the children prepare for school, it's time to prepare for the fall. If you are someone who loves the fall months, you'll be elated around this time of year. However, if you're someone who loves the summertime, the transition might be challenging for you. In order to ease into the new season, consider these three tips.

1. Purchase scented candles. Visit your local bath and beauty shop. Many boutiques sell beautiful candles that smell amazing. It's not uncommon to find tons of scented options that are specific to the season. Purchase a few scented candles that you'll enjoy lighting. As you light these candles, it'll help you associate a positive scent with happiness. The same concept can apply to your scented body wash gels and perfumes. Many people associate scents with specific memories. If you work on creating positive memories, match a scent to that time. If you remain consistent in this effort, you'll be surprised at how much your mind can change.

2. Create great memories with friends. Sometimes, fun-filled experiences are the best when you're feeling a sense of anxiety about change. Each week, set up a fun date to meet up with a girlfriend. You two can go shopping, swimming or hiking. Dinner and a good movie are always nice. As you fill your schedule up with these types of experiences, it might help you reshape the way you feel about the changing season.

3. Start new routines. It's nice to switch things up. Shake up routine by cultivating some new habits. If you are used to a specific skin care regimen, visit a clinic that specializes in dermatology denver. Get a great skin care analysis and try some new products that'll make your skin glow. If you're used to working out in the afternoons, try a heart-pumping workout to start the day instead. If you've always wanted to learn a new instrument, find a teacher to help you begin the process. It's all about your mindset. As you reprogram your mind to appreciate the beauty of the season, your heart will definitely catch up

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