Maria's Space: First Time Author Laurie Plissner's Louder Than Words, Speaks To Us With A Giveaway

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

First Time Author Laurie Plissner's Louder Than Words, Speaks To Us With A Giveaway

Louder Than Words A girl with no voice, only one friend, and a synthetic speech machine that makes her sound like she’s channeling Stephen Hawking—definitely not a candidate for prom queen. When Sasha’s family dies in a car accident, she is so traumatized she loses the ability to speak, along with most of her memories. Four years after the crash, seventeen-year-old Sasha is contemplating a lonely, quiet future…until she meets a boy who seems to know exactly what she’s thinking.

Enter Ben: black belt, honor student, mind reader. After saving her from a pack of bullies, Ben tries to help Sasha find her way off of her silent island and back into the real world. But afraid his unusual talent will impede her recovery, Ben soon retreats, leaving Sasha alone, angry and in love.

The 411 by Maria:

I am a big believer in the perfect cover but this one doesn't work for me. You get no sense of what the book is about and that can deter a lot of readers but in this case it shouldn't!

This is a wonderful little story (272 pages) about Sasha a 17 year old girl who is suffering with an interesting Post Traumatic Stress disorder called Selective Mutism. As if high school isn't challenging enough with social and study issues, Sasha uses a voice box to speak except with Ben, a boy she runs into at the library.  Ben has an interesting gift of his own and he and Sasha were destined to meet.

Part medical drama, part mystery, part love story, Plissner takes us on a journey of young love and putting the pieces back together to reclaim your life.

You will find yourself wondering about everyone in Sasha's life and their part in her family's accident. BTW, nice twist Laurie! I had no idea.

This is a quick read with an interesting premise and great characters. While it is listed as Young Adult, I wouldn't recommend to my daughter until she is at least 18 as the girls in the book talk about oral sex and more and Sasha finds herself in a violent situation.

All in all, great book which I completely recommend as a must read.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would like to read this! I love YA books (and used to be a YA librarian), and I have read and enjoyed other books by Plissner.

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  2. Myself!

  3. for me!

    tiramisu392 (at)

  4. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I am entering for me and then after I read it I will give to my Local Library

    pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
    thank you

  5. Entering for me, then I'll pass the book on to other family members.

  6. This would be for my Niece!


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