Maria's Space: Movie Lover App & DVD Giveaway

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Movie Lover App & DVD Giveaway

I love apps. Going from a Blackberry to a Droid was something I was very nervous about. It was the apps that lessened the pain and every day I find something new I want to try on my phone. So many cool games, accessories and such. Makes waiting with the kids in the doctors office much more bearable. Check out this app by 20th Century Fox for Movie Lovers!

Interesting, my movie moment is from Juno!

Try out this interactive app!

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Debuts New “Own The Moment” Mobile App
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment has released a new app for movie lovers, Own The Moments, available today on iPhone and Android.  The mobile app allows fans to get a daily movie moment featuring trivia and a clip or photo from one of Fox’s most notable films from the classics to today’s biggest new releases. Fans can then share, like and comment on the movie moment with their friends.  

Download the app now to see what today’s moment is!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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