Maria's Space: New Book Helps Readers Discover Meaning and Creativity Through Dreams and Writing

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

New Book Helps Readers Discover Meaning and Creativity Through Dreams and Writing

“This scrumptious book is a writer’s delight and a dreamers’ dream….Packed with fascinating tips, prompts, and exercises, Dreaming on the Page will spark your imagination and have you reaching for your pillow and pen.”
Jean Benedict Raffa, award-winning author of Dream Theatres of the Soul and the Soul’s Twins
New Book Helps Readers Discover Meaning and Creativity Through Dreams and Writing
Dreams have been an undervalued yet ever-present wellspring of inspiration and creativity for writers through the ages. Author Tzivia Gover, a leading voice in the field of dreamwork, has published a new book, Dreaming on the Page: Tap into your midnight mind to supercharge your writing, which offers readers a unique method for accessing our naturally generous and creative dreaming mind, whether we remember our dreams or not.  
“Dreams serve the writer, and when we write them down, we give new life to the dreams that have been living inside of us—eager to guide and inspire us—all along,” Tzivia says. “In my new book, I make these connections explicit and show readers what I have intuitively known for years: that dreams and writing are perfect bedfellows, and that by honoring both, we can live more fully connected and harmonious lives.”
Tzivia outlines five reasons why writers should record their dreams:
  1. Know thyself. Journaling dreams helps you better understand yourself from the inside out. Which in turn helps you understand your characters better, brings deeper empathy to your work, and makes you an all-around more interesting writer.
  2. Write regularly—and better. Building the habit of writing dreams each morning is a great way to build writing into your everyday routine.
  3. Never scratch for ideas again. As you record dreams in your journal, you are creating an encyclopedia of plots, landscapes, characters, themes, and ideas you can return to any time. You will never again have to begin a story, essay, or poem from scratch.
  4. Build a better relationship. As you interact with the raw and complex narrative structure of the storytelling subconscious mind on a regular basis, you build a relationship with your inner narrator. Over time you develop confidence in your ability to dream into a story at any time of day.
  5. Tone your metaphoric muscles. The metaphor-making part of our mind is highly activated when we’re dreaming. Writing dreams is a great way to build our literary muscles, including those that help us create metaphors and similes.
Dreaming on the Page also offers an effective outlet for anyone suffering from stress and anxiety to transform these troubling emotions through creativity using dreams as the catalyst. “I started writing this book before the pandemic, but with each churn of the news cycle, and each crisis we faced collectively during lockdown, I believed more and more that we need effective ways to engage with our stories. Personally, and in community, dreams and writing can help us make meaning from the lives we are living. Dreaming on the Page offers a way to do just that,” says Tzivia. 
The book offers readers prompts, journaling tips, and exercises based on the psychology, science, and spirituality of dreaming to make the inner muse accessible to everyone who has a story to tell or a poem to write.  Tzivia divides the book into three parts.  Part One provides an overview of dreams, how to capture them on paper, and how to create a Dreaming on the Page daily practice that includes creating rituals for sleep, dreams, and journaling.  Part Two, The Generative Dream provides exercises to jump-start your writing, and is packed with exercises and prompts inspired by dreams to get your writing started.  Part Three discusses getting published and creating community and connections through dreamwork and writing.
Readers will discover how to:
•Turn your dreams into poems and stories
•Supercharge your poetry and prose
•Blast through writer's block
•Use brain science to help harness your creative powers
•Have an endless supply of rich writing prompts
As we start a new year, Dreaming on the Page is the perfect book to help guide us to our goals. Whether it is to finish a novel, deal with stress and anxiety, or to follow thoughts in a journal to see where they lead, Dreaming on the Page will provide ideas to support our intentions. So, pick up your pen and get ready to dream.
“Everybody dreams. And everybody has a story to tell.” – Tzivia Gover
Tzivia Gover is an author, educator, and motivational speaker specializing in empowering people through everyday mindfulness, dreamwork, and writing. Using a unique blend of dreamwork and mindfulness-based practices, Tzivia awakens people to the extraordinary joy, beauty, and wisdom hidden within the ordinary moments of daily life. She has led events at the Esalen Institute, Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat, the New York Open Center, and a variety of conferences, colleges and universities, among many others.
Tzivia is the author of several books including Joy in Every Moment and The Mindful Way to a Good Night’s Sleep. She is a certified dreamwork professional, a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and has served as the education director for the Institute for Dream Studies. She has her MFA in writing from Columbia University, and is a certified Proprioceptive Writing instructor and Reiki Master.  She lives in Western Massachusetts.  For more information visit her website

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