Maria's Space: How to Manage Your Garden if You Hate Gardening

Thursday, June 03, 2021

How to Manage Your Garden if You Hate Gardening

Having a garden with your property doesnt mean that you have to be a passionate gardener; you can enjoy having your own piece of outdoor space while loathing the idea of having to maintain it. Gardening isnt for everyone, after all, but if you have outside space, you still have a responsibility to keep it clean and organized for the good of your own health and property  especially if you have a young family. 

If the idea of regular garden maintenance is making you feel stressed, however, here are some helpful ideas to make it more bearable

Hire a Gardene

Solution number one, if your budget allows, is to hire someone else to take care of it for you! If you simply dont have the time or energy to do any sort of garden maintenance whatsoever, you can benefit from a professional gardener who can take care of it for you. They may even be able to make some suggestions on how to improve the layout and features overall so that you can benefit from improvements without doing any of the work yourself!

Check with Other Family Members (or Maybe Even Friends)

If hiring a professional gardener isnt an option for you, maybe you have family members who are happy to help out, whether extensive gardeners themselves or just sick of seeing the sight of an overgrown garden every time they come around! 

It may be a cheeky request, too, but you can always see if your friends are willing to help out when youre sharing a few drinks in the garden. Maybe theyd be happy to do a bit of weeding whilewaiting for the BBfood!

Invest in a Riding Lawn Mower

If your garden is completely grass, and the idea of garden chores is one that fills you with dread, then mowing the lawn is presumably a job you eagerly avoid. However, keeyour lawn neat and tidy is essential for a clean and attractive garden space

Even for garden enthusiasts, heaving a heavy lawnmower back and forth regularly can be quite a tedious task. With a zero turn lawn mowerhowever, you can rest easy (on the back of your mower) knowing that all you have to do is sit and let the machine take care of the hard work for you!

Go for Simple and Easy 

The best way to deal with an aversion tgardening is to make it as simple as possible for yourself and avoid hefty responsibility. For example, if you dont want to deal with grass, consider replacing it with paving or decking. Likewise, if youre not interested in plants or flowers, then diup existingones and avoid replacing them  or look at the most manageable plants possible, which require little attention. 

Choose furniture which is easy to clean and store, and don’t add any extra features youre not willing to invest time in to care for or clean.

In Conclusion

Whether you enjoy gardening or not, having outside space is a blessing, and its one you should be taking advantage of. So even if you hate gardening, make sure youre doing what you can to create a useable and clean space.

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