Maria's Space: House of Beauty by Melba Escobar

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

House of Beauty by Melba Escobar

House of Beauty by Melba Escobar
A thought-provoking Colombian crime novel set in and around a beauty salon in Bogota
House of Beauty is a high-end salon in Bogotá’s exclusive Zona Rosa area, and Karen is one of its best beauticians. One rainy afternoon a teenage girl turns up for a treatment with Karen, dressed in her school uniform and smelling of alcohol. The very next day, the girl is found dead.

Karen was the last person to see the girl alive, and the girl’s mother is desperate to find out what she knows. Most important of all: who was her daughter going to meet that night?

 The 411:

I had a hard time getting into this book but definitely had to read until the end. Karen works in a salon and hears the secrets of the girls and women she works with. When Sabrina, one of the girls is found dead after being seen at House of Beauty, her mom and the police want to know what she knows. 

I found myself not able to follow who was speaking. Is it Claire, Lucia or Karen speaking, oh's not Karen. I thought it was Karen...ugh. Those are done in 3rd person chapters with Karen talking about Sabrina and Sabrina's the mom...I wish there was more to the story about the murder and why. Maybe it is a translation problem or maybe the writing. It is not for me to say but being able to follow the characters is rather important to the reader.

That depends. For each service, you receive forty per cent. If you’re successful and our clients book a lot of appointments with you, after a few months you could earn one million pesos, including tips.”
“I accept.”


Disclaimer: I received a copy for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

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