Maria's Space: Four Seriously Smart Home Improvement Ideas for Expecting Couples

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Four Seriously Smart Home Improvement Ideas for Expecting Couples

When you’re expecting a new bundle of joy, home improvement projects may very well the last thing on your mind.

That said, prepping your home beyond baby-proofing is an absolute must for three distinct reasons:

·         You won’t have the energy: when that baby comes home, you simply won’t have the time or energy to undergo any major home projects
·         Money will likely be tight: there’s no denying that babies aren’t cheap, and likewise any extra money you might have had for home improvement will inevitably go towards must-haves for your baby
·         Comfort is key: many home improvement projects ensure that everyone in your home is safe, comfortable and has enough space now that your home has a new plus-one

Whether you’re looking to spend some of your savings or look into personal loans for home improvement, what projects should you consider taking care of prior to delivery day?

Redoing the Garage
With a new baby means a lot of clean-up, plain and simple. For many couples, this means decluttering the garage or making room for a new family vehicle that can comfortable transport the newest addition to your family. If your garage has any nagging leaks or damage (think: chemical spill that have gone neglected, chipped paint) that needs to be dealt with, a totally clean garage is a necessity to expecting couple.

Setting Up a Nursery
if you think that you can get away with sticking a crib in an office and calling it a day you’ve got another thing coming.

Repurposing an existing room into a nursery or your baby’s room remains a top priority. Even if you’re in a smaller space, you can’t expect to have your child sleep in your room forever, can you? Having a dedicated space for your child is worth the financial and space sacrifices to make a reality. You’ll thank yourself down the road for confining your child’s sleeping space, changing room and toys into a single area.

Spruce Up Your Bathroom
Representing the most important rooms in your house from a financial perspective, a modern bathroom is a nice touch to any home but can be a massive headache from a DIY perspective. If you don’t want to deal with plumbing yourself, consider smaller touch-ups such as fixtures and lighting. Either way, a new bathroom is an investment that can actually increase your home value over time, making it a smart move regardless of its current status.

Beef Up Your Backyard        
Need new grass or tired of your current backyard filled with junk? Consider the importance of letting your child have a place to roam and enjoy the great outdoors when they’re old enough.

Beyond improving the curb appeal of your home, a well-maintained backyard can make your house feel so much bigger with additions such as an outdoor play area or patio.

Don’t let your home fall to the wayside just because you’re bringing home a new bundle of joy. Instead, make the most of the time before delivery to spruce up your space and ensure that it’s the perfect spot for your growing family.

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