Maria's Space: The Rio Rainbow Rio 2 is flying to DVD and Blu-ray on July 15th!

Monday, June 30, 2014

The Rio Rainbow Rio 2 is flying to DVD and Blu-ray on July 15th!

The Rio Rainbow
Rio 2 is flying to DVD and Blu-ray on July 15th!
Get ready to shake your tail feathers! Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment takes you deep into the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest for the most fun you’ll have all summer, as RIO 2 debuts on 3D Blu-ray, on July 15th. In order to prepare you for this burst of color, and all these crazy characters, we have compiled a list that we like to call: The Rio Rainbow!  Here we’ll take you through all of the colors of the rainbow with a character for each color of ROY G BIV! Perfect for your little ones to learn their colors and have fun at the same time!

Red: Pedro: Pedro keeps up laughing the entire film. From his antics with Nico, to his constant entertainment efforts, he always steals the show!

Orange: Rafael: The toucan with the orange beak! He seems to always be the voice of reason for the group, but this guy knows how to go with the flow.

Yellow: Nico: The littlest bird, with the biggest voice!

Green: They are in the Amazon. You do the math. Trees!

Blue: This one is going to be really tricky… but, all the Blue Macaws!


Purple: Gabi, the so-called “poisonous” frog that loves to chat about her undying love for Nigel. 

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