Maria's Space: The 4 Biggest Safety Hazards for Your Home (And the Solutions)

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The 4 Biggest Safety Hazards for Your Home (And the Solutions)


Your home should serve as a haven for both you and your family. Yet, accidents can happen in the property that could lead to minor, serious, or fatal injuries. To keep your loved ones safe and secure throughout the years, you must identify the potential dangers and their solutions. 

Find out more about the four biggest safety hazards for your home and how to protect your family from them.

1. Fire Hazards

According to the National Fire Protection Association, fires can lead to approximately 2,620 annual deaths in the United States. It is also responsible for 11,220 injuries.

There are, however, actions you can take to prevent a fire from breaking out across your property. For example, you must install fire alarms in your kitchen, hallways, and the basement, which you should check monthly. You also must never leave a hot pan unattended, and you should place a damp tea towel over it if it goes up in flames. 

Other fire protection tips include:

• Never leave a candle burning overnight or when leaving the home
• Extinguish all cigarettes
• Keep both lighters and matches away from children
• Hire a qualified electrician to regularly test your wiring

Some products could also protect your family in the event of a fire within the home. For example, you should consider buying various APFE Corp. fire protection products, such as fire sprinklers and fire extinguishers. Even with being extra diligent with fire safety, accidents can and do happen; therefore, investing in these products will ensure the ultimate protection for all who live under your roof. 

2. Poisoning

Children are curious by nature, so they will be eager to explore different kitchen cabinets. However, as a kitchen can contain many poisonous substances, you must take the steps to keep them out of your child’s reach.

For example, you must:

• Store cleaning products and other harmful substances in higher cabinets
• Add child-proof locks onto all kitchen cabinets
• Never leave children unattended in your kitchen
• Store paint and pesticides in locked garages or sheds


3. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning can prove fatal following lengthy exposure. There are also minimal signs of a leak, as the gas is colorlessodorless, and tasteless. While it is not always possible to experience carbon monoxide poisoning side effects, common symptoms can include:

• Feelings of nausea
• Dizziness
• Confusion
• Fatigue
• Breathing difficulties

You can prevent carbon monoxide poisoning by ventilating various fuel-burning appliances, such as water heaters, furnaces, ovens, and dryers. It’s also essential to install a CO detector that will alert your family if it identifies the presence of carbon monoxide.

4. Falls

Falls can happen in any environment, and the home is no exception. In addition to causing fatalities, it’s possible for every age to experience serious or minor injuries, such as broken bones, muscle injuries, and head injuries.

Thankfully, there are actions you can take to prevent falls in the home. For example, you could install safety gates at the top and bottom of staircases, which can prevent children from tumbling down. Stairlifts can also prevent seniors from experiencing a fall when walking up or down the stairs.

You also should:

• Stick down or remove rugs
• Declutter every room
• Tidy loose electrical cords
• Add a rubber mat into a bathtub and/or shower
• Install grab rails in a senior’s home

Accidents can happen almost anywhere in the home and with little notice. It’s for this reason why you should consider the above preventative products and tactics to protect both you and your family.

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