Maria's Space: 3 Story Books That TeachLife Skills Without Being Teachy Or Preachy

Thursday, July 27, 2017

3 Story Books That TeachLife Skills Without Being Teachy Or Preachy

I just read two books that are perfect for my kids. I have one cough cough Handsome who makes a BIG DEAL out of everything and one cough cough Goddess who is a constant procrastinator. I cannot wait to give them these books to read.

The two books are Boys Town Press titles and are not only fun but they build concrete skills and work on issues that many kids face, which make them perfect for parents looking for ways to address problems they're having or anticipate having. 

There was another one that is so beautiful in message. It is about prejudice and accepting others even though they may look different. I think every school should carry these books but especially this one.

Of Course It's a Big Deal!

By Bryan Smith
Illustrated by Lisa Griffin

This story will teach children in grades K-5 how to react calmly and appropriately to everyday frustrations.
I loved reading this book about a boy who loses his cool whenever things don't go his way. It totally sounds like someone I know. Hmmm...

Braden wants to drive a bumper car in the worst way but unfortunately he is not tall enough. He has a fit yelling that he "I hate this place" and "I just want to get out of here."  When he finally sits down his mom asks him if he thinks he was overreacting then tells him about when she was a little girl and overreacted and how her his grandfather sat her down and helped her learn to react calmly.

It takes some practice but eventually Braden learns how to calm himself and deal with situations better.

What I loved most beside the illustrations and lesson was how the book is laid out. I think the various text sizes and colors make things more interesting to read and kids will enjoy it. 

To Purchase

The second book is very very much like my Goddess who needs constant reminders and nagging to get anything accomplished. It drives me crazy. 

The PROcrastinator

By Julia Cook
Illustrated by Anita DuFalla

Children in grades K-6 learn how to balance doing what needs to be done while still finding time for fun.

In this book Norman or Noodle needs mom to constantly tell him to feed his cat, get his homework done, clean his room, and take out the trash. He has no time management skills and this eventually leads to a ton of stress.

I loved it and I am sitting down to read this with Goddess later. Hopefully she will see someone she knows in this story. I don't know if the message will reach her but the Roger the cat holding his bowl looking for food through the whole story will definitely catch her attention.

Like the Of Course It's A Big Deal, this book has colorful illustrations and uses various text sizes and color to make the book even more exciting. 

Finally...for the last book

The Judgmental Flower

By Julia Cook
Illustrated by Anita DuFalla

A new tale from Julia Cook's Building Relationships Series teaches children in grades K-6 the skill of valuing the differences of others.

In this story we meet Blue. Blue lives with it's blue family and in a flower patch with many different flowers.  When Purple starts growing near Blue, Blue tells his mom that he doesn't quite like Purple. In fact, he doesn't like anyone who isn't Blue. His mom goes on to tell him all the ways the are similar. They both have roots, drink water, love the sun, etc., Blue finally decides to give Purple a chance and they become good friends.

What I loved most beside the wonderful message was the illustrations. They are frame worthy!

Mom is telling Blue to open his heart! SO cute. AND look at the adorable flower in a wheelchair. I am completely flower respectful and love each and every one.

Disclaimer: I received complimentary books for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

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