Maria's Space: 5 Ways to Protect Your Family from Zika Virus this Summer

Thursday, June 16, 2016

5 Ways to Protect Your Family from Zika Virus this Summer

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – (June 16, 2016) – As many people learn about the Zika virus in the media, there is a lot of concern as to whether or not it will reach America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although most cases of it have been abroad, they report that cases among those traveling will likely continue to increase, and that the imported cases could result in the local spread of the virus throughout the country. In other words, it may have been an issue that was largely in parts of Africa, Asia Central America, South America, and the Caribbean Islands, but it is likely to become an issue this summer right here in America.
“There is good reason to believe that this summer we will have to contend with the Zika virus,” explained Manny Castro, co-founder of Zika Shield, a company that makes all natural mosquito repellent products. “The more people know about the virus and how to help protect their family, the better off they will be in helping to avoid it.”
Zika, according to the CDC, is a disease caused by the Zika virus, which is spread to people primarily through infected mosquitoes. The most common symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain, and red eyes. Additionally, the CDC reports that there is a scientific consensus that Zika virus can also cause microcephaly, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and other severe fetal brain defects. The best line of defense against getting Zika is to avoid being bitten by the mosquitoes that carry the virus. Here are 5 ways to protect your family from the Zika virus this summer:
  1. Avoid bites. It’s important to avoid mosquito bites in order to avoid the Zika virus. This means taking measures to avoid being in areas where there will be a lot of mosquitoes, so you may have to plan your summer activities accordingly. Know the types of environments mosquitoes are drawn to, so they can be avoided and you can plan your activities accordingly.
  2. Know Zika. It’s important to know about Zika in order to help avoid getting it. For example, the mosquitoes that spread Zika mostly bite during the day, rather than the summer pesky ones that people are often familiar with that come out at night. Also, those daytime mosquitoes that spread Zika also tend to spread dengue and chikungunya viruses.
  3. Mosquito control.Take measures to keep mosquitoes away from your home, both inside and outside. These measures include not allowing water to be held, such as in planters or toys, where mosquitoes often lay their eggs, ensuring that screens are in good working order on all windows, and avoiding leaving them propped open.
  4. Dress the part. If you will be going out during the day in an area where you may come in contact with mosquitoes, be sure to use mosquito repellent and dress wisely. Opt for wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt, so that less of your skin is exposed.
  5. Choose wisely. Not all mosquito repellents are created equal, especially when it comes to fighting off the Zika virus. Opt for a mosquito repellent that is all natural and contains oil of lemon eucalyptus, such as the Zika Shield repellents, so that you get the best coverage, reduce risks of bites, and protect yourself from toxic chemicals.
“Most people are used to the summer evening mosquitoes, but when it comes to the Zika virus we have to think differently,” added Castro. “Protecting your family from mosquito bites all day long is necessary this summer. It’s the best way to avoid becoming infected. We have helped make that protection simple and effective.”
Zika Shield offers the number one mosquito repellent that is made from all natural ingredients and is non-toxic. Offering both mosquito repellent bands and spray, the products contain oil of lemon eucalyptus, which is the only plant based ingredient recommended by the CDC as an effective way to help protect against mosquito bites. The repellent bands offer 72 hours of continuous protection from mosquitoes, while the spray offers six hours of protection each time it’s used. The all natural mosquito repellent bands and spray can be purchased online with free shipping. The company stands behind their product and offers a 100 percent money back guarantee. To learn more about Zika Shield, visit the site here:

About Zika Shield
Based in New York, Zika Shield was created by Manny Castro and Ryan Manfred. Their mission is to provide people with easy-to-use products that effectively repel mosquitoes to avoid the Zika virus and other insect carrying diseases. Their products, both repellent bands and spray, are all natural, plant-based. To learn more about Zika Shield, visit the site here:

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