Maria's Space: Make Ahead Meals by Jane Doiron

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Make Ahead Meals by Jane Doiron

One of the best parts of my blogger life is getting to read books that wouldn't have been on my radar in the real world. As an avid book reader I love reading but there is so much out there and I usually stick to a certain genre or just find what everyone else is talking about. While this is all well and good, it leaves some really great books out!

Thankfully, Jane Doiron has graciously sent me her Make-Ahead Meals For Busy Moms Cook book!

Not only are the recipes simple to prepare but they are also easy to follow, and most of them are made up of just a few ingredients and none will have you scratching your head. I can't tell you how many recipe books I have read that are waaaaayyyy over my head in the preparation department. I, like most moms or anyone who has to get dinner on the table quick for that matter don't have time for fancy recipes. I want:

Meals that my family can eat.
Meals that I can prepare in a short amount of time.
Meals that I can prepare and freeze ahead of time.


This is what I loved the most about Jane's book.

You will find recipes for everything! From Spaghetti sauce to Christmas Bark. Baked Chicken Chimichangas to Crab Melts. Tiramisu to Sausage Calzones.

Don't these Italian cookies look delicious? I am totally making these this year.  My great grandma made these every Christmas and it is about time I did too!

How about this Italian Restaurant Chicken made with Pinot Grigio and baby spinach. Delish!!!
Your biggest problem will be curbing your appetite as you read the delicious recipes.

Head over to Jane's Make Ahead Meals For Busy Mom's website and subscribe to receive these two meals and receipes for mini cheesecakes and chicken cannelloni.

Jane's Blog some information about her book and some recipes. Be sure to check it out here or hit the Make Ahead Meals button above with Jane's cute avator. You can also follow Jane and her cookbooks journey on Twitter.

The book is available on Amazon for $16.55 and the Ebook is available for $12.95 here


  1. OOOOhhh you had me at mini cheesecakes lol

  2. The Italian cookies got me craving for sweets! I've been a victim of one too many cookbooks that had overcomplicated procedures and ingredients. Now this, this would be perfect! Looking forward to getting that Tiramisu recipe :)

  3. OMG that Italian Restaurant Chicken looks so good, I love the paring of chicken and spinach, then throw in a little wine...mmmm!
    Plus the Italian cookies look so good, my ex-mother-in-law made the best I've ever tasted. I tried once, NO GOOD!


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