Maria's Space: March 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Memory Rewind - April 1, 2010

This weeks Memory Rewind is from April 1, 2007

Here are my little homies. The glasses, the leather jacket. I don't know what they were playing but they were so small and so cute.

Here is Goddess and her Godmother. The kids on the side are her Godmother's children. The girl J, I watched her born and was the first person to touch her. When she came into the world I was the one with the video camera blubbering like a big baby as she held my finger.

I never had a chance to get closer to her son Lil' because well, Handsome, my first born was born 2 days prior. You know what it's like when you finally have your own baby. You see no other babies for a very long time. My eyes were filled with Handsome and I couldn't see past his little face.

Goddess looks so small in this picture. Awww....those were the days.

Personalize It Makes Heirlooms Created With Love

I am thrilled and honored to host my 3rd Etsy Artist this week.

Dear Readers,

Let me introduce you to Creative Mama, from Pittsburgh, the creator of Personalize It, Ms. Jen!

Jen is a busy little bee, creating, working and, the mom of a toddler. How does she do it?! I suggested that she write a book because that is one heck of a balancing act.

What I loved about Jen's shop was that she creates "mommy approved" items that work for her at home. All her items can be personalized and she loves creating custom orders. What perfect gift ideas for the New Mommy or New Home Owner. 

When my daughter was born I received a receiving blanket with her name and birth date on it. It is one of my favorite items and I can't imagine a time when I will dispose of it.

The item that caught my eye was her personalized receiving blankets. They are adorable and her best sellers.

Sweet right!?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ABC Wednesday "K"

This weeks, ABC Wednesday is the letter "K"

K = Kids
Last week my daughter got to make pizza with her class at a pizzeria. So cute but good luck trying to get her and her classmates to stand still long enough for a picture.


K = Kitten
Littlest Pet Shoppe Cat

K = Kiss

K = Kook
Dec 15, 2009 (5)

There Is Always A Silver Lining - Silver Lining Decor Giveaway

It has been so long since I have played host for an Etsy artist beside myself. I find it thrilling to search Etsy looking for talented, interesting artists to introduce to you.

My last jog around Etsy brought me to the Silver Lining Decor. First, I love the concept. I believe we must all look for the silver lining in all aspects of our life. It is there if we choose to look for it.

Let me introduce you to Rachel from Silver Lining Decor who was kind enough to talk to me about her shop, her cats, how she gets her inspiration and her love of vintage. Rachel, makes a lot of her pieces by sifting through antique shops looking for the perfect pieces to create something new. Love that!

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
"I am a twenty something interior designer, although currently I am not working due to the economic strain on our industry(as with many others).  I have been married for a year and a half to the love of my life who is so very supportive of everything I do.  I have 2 crazy but lovable cats.  Many people who come to my house claim that they are more like guard dogs than cats!   Never the less we love them.  As I search for a new design firm to take me in, I am throwing all of my extra time into my Etsy shop.  I've got lots of creative energy to burn!"

How long has your Etsy shop been online or why did you start your Etsy shop?
"I learned about Etsy when I was planning my wedding.  At the time I was doing a peacock inspired fall wedding, and finding peacock invitations was next to impossible...until Etsy!  I have always been crafty so shortly after I decided to open my own shop.  SilverLiningDecor started out with my hand appliqued wall art, but since I have been making jewelry most of my life, it branched off to that as well.  I just recently have started thinking about carrying vintage housewares as well.  I decided to test an item out, and a day later it ended up on the front page!  I think I might be onto something there!  I have been in business almost a year now and I love being part of the Etsy community!"

Where do you get your inspiration?
"I love anything vintage so I get most of my inspiration there.  I love sifting through piles of old jewelry to find things that I can turn into new treasures for the modern girl.  I visit all of the local antique stores and flea markets to find a lot of the items I use." 
She isn't just a talented jewelry creator she also makes adorable wall hangings.

What do you love most about what you do?
"I love the freedom of being able to create whatever comes to mind, and I love that other people actually enjoy and want to wear what I love to make so much."

Rachel has been gracious enough to offer one of my lucky readers the opportunity to wear her beautiful creations.

The bobby pins can be found here and the earrings were created for the giveaway and are made from vintage pink enamel flower finding with a faux pearl in the center, and stainless steel posts.

What I Can Tell You: Rachel is a lovely, funny person. She is creative and her prices are awesome. Her cat story cracked me up. I always had a cat who was afraid of her own shadow. Rachel's are more like watch dogs. Love that!

How to Enter: Visit Silver Lining Decor, then come back and let me know about another piece you love.  (If this rule is not followed you will be disqualified).

Deadline: April 13, 2010 by Midnight

Do You Want More Entries? Please put each extra entry in a separate comment. You will get more entries that way.

*Favorite Silver Lining Decor on Etsy
*Make a purchase from Silver Lining Decor and get EIGHT extra entries - each entry needs to be separate.
* Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment) for FIVE extra entries
*Add me to your blogroll and provide the link
*Subscribe to Chotskies
*Follow me on Twitter, leave your twitter name
*Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one.
*Comment on a non-giveaway post and tell me which one.
*Tweet this giveaway and leave your link
*Add me to your blog roll and leave the link
*Follow me under networked blogs (on my left side bar)
* Post my button on your sidebar


Do not leave entries in the comment section, 
those are for comments about the post only!!!!!
A winner will be chosen by and notified within 2 days. You will have 48 hours to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

Bubbles with Handsome

Here are pictures of Handsome and I from 2006. He was 3 and having a problem with speech. This was part of my therapy for him. We put water, food color and dish soap in a plate then with the straw he was supposed to blow and make bubbles. Unfortunately, he couldn't do it at the time.

The Simple Woman's Daybook - March 30, 2010 - The End Of March

The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside my window...  Nasty, rainy, windy and just plain poopy out there.

I am thinking...  That the weather just has to get better. What kind of Spring vacation are my kids having?

I am thankful for...  My husband, My kids, My Friends and Family

I am wearing...  ~Too tight jeans and a black shirt with a painted blue flower

I am remembering...  that at 12:00 I have to pick up the baby

I am going...  To get my son off the XBox game in a moment to read a book. Wish me luck.

I am currently reading...  A children's book called Wright on Time : Utah

I am hoping...  to get to visit my family this week

On my mind... Easter and Goddess' birthday party.

Noticing that...   Time flies

Pondering these words... "Mommy, maybe there are ghosts, you just don't see them (said as she looks around my room)"

From the kitchen...  ~Croissant french toast. Yummy

Around the house... Some dusting done, shades and curtains soon.

One of my favorite things...  Hearing my kids sing

From my picture journal...
Goddess enjoying a day outdoors last week.

Ruby Tuesday - The Brickabrack

Join Mary and her other Ruby Lovers at Work Of the Poet's Ruby Tuesday.

Ok, I'm about to sound like a total idiot but here is my submission.
This is something I received from my traveling grandparents. I have no idea what country it came from but I have been carrying it around since I was approximately 8 years old.  You can see she is missing a gem from her crown because she has been packed and moved 30 times since I got her.

Anyone have any ideas what country my grandparents may have got her from?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monochrome Weekend- All Rolled Up

All Rolled Up

National Poetry Month - A Light In The Attic

Recently I found out that the month of April is National Poetry Month.

Thanks to a  Harper Collins Children's Publicist I was award the opportunity to review a few books!

So far, I have written about Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire, by Jane O'Connor, and The Wonder Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Time You Let Me In, 25 Poets Under 25.

Today I have A Light In The Attic by Shel Silverstein, the Special Editon with 12 New Poems.

Last night, while I lay thinking here,
Some Whatifs crawled inside my ear
And pranced and partied all night long
And sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a bolt of lightning strikes me? . . .
Here in the attic of Shel Silverstein you will find Backward Bill, Sour Face Ann, the Meehoo With an Exactlywatt, and the Polar Bear in the Frigidaire. You will talk with the Broiled Face, and find out what happens when someone steals your knees, you get caught by the Quick-Digesting Gink, a mountain snores, and they’ve put a brassiere on the camel.

With 12 never-before-published poems, here is a special edition of this beloved poetry collection, from the creator of Where the Sidewalk ends and Falling Up.

In A Nutshell: I have seen this book for the past few years but had never picked it up. It was always on the shelf at the library open and ready but I was always with my kids who were throwing books at me to read to them that I never had the chance.  It is chock full of mini poems for all ages but especially perfect for 12 and up. 

What I can tell you:  The poems are all short, perfect for little attention spans. Each poem comes with a sketching for your child to focus on while you read to them. Perfect!  I think this is the perfect introduction to poetry for young minds.

"I shot an arrow toward the sky It hit a white cloud floating by.
The cloud fell dying to the shore. I don't shoot arrows anymore."

BTW...Look at all these awards the book as received:
* ALA Notable Children’s Book
* School Library Journal Best Book
* Library of Congress Children’s Books
* William Allen White Children's Book Award (Kansas)
* Garden State Children's Book Award (New Jersey)
* George C. Stone Center for Children's Books Recognition of Merit Award
* Buckeye Children’s Book Award (Ohio)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday Memes - So Many Monday Memes

This Blue Monday I have a picture of some Yoga blocks. Last weekend I was at a birthday party which happened to be in a Yoga studio. Just had to snap this for Blue Monday.

I probably could have used this for Blue Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday.

What annoys you about people that you spend time with outside your home (coworkers etc)?
That everyone seems to always be too rushed to be polite.

What annoys you about people in your home? The respect level is at an all time low.

What annoys you about talking on the phone? The constant interruptions from my children.

What annoys you about the over-used terms that people use? They can use whatever they want. There are no terms that "annoy" me.

What annoys you about restaurant foods? That it is too friggin expensive

What annoys you about restaurant servers? That they make me wait for a check. I don't want to end up being upset with my kids who are now running out of patience while we wait toooooo long for you to bring the damn check. If people have kids you should want to get them served and out as quickly as possible.

What annoys you about reading other blogs? Nothing. I love reading other blogs. The slowness of my computer is the only annoying thing.

What annoys you about memes? Nothing. If I were annoyed I wouldn't participate. I don't HAVE to participate, I choose to participate.

What annoys you about commenting on blogs? My computer is too slow and I spend enough time on the computer. I hate waiting and have to bail out sometimes.

What annoys you about people who chew gum? People who crack their gum. I love gum and chew all the time. Cracking your gum is rude and annoying.

What annoys you about driving on the highway? The people who sped up when I put my directional on.
The people who cut into my line with no regard to safety. The folks who tailgate. The idiots who beep because they want me to move, go faster, or whatever. Move to another lane ass! That is why we have passing lanes. I have kids in the car and I am not speeding for you.

What annoys you about shopping at Walmart? Spending money and the smell. The one by me just smells dirty and cheap.

What annoys you about kids? The same thing I love about them. That they challenge me constantly!

What annoys you about your gender? That they always seem to have a problem dealing with another woman. Not everyone is against you! Not everyone has an agenda.

What annoys you about the opposite sex? That they are terrible body language readers. I think most men don't think before they speak. Woman think too much and men just don't. Grrr...where is the happy medium?

What annoys you about shoes? That I need them to protect my feet! I wish I could be barefoot all the time.

What annoys you about shopping for clothes? Everything. Price, trying them on. I hate shopping period.

What annoys you about music? Nothing.

What annoys you about drinking alcohol? Huh? It costs too much!

What annoys you about pizza? It's fattening.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunday Stealing 35 Questions - Part One

1. How far away is the last person you kissed? He is an arm length away sitting on the other end of the couch. Or, maybe it was my son who I just kissed goodnight 18 minutes ago. In that case he is about 20 feet away.

2. Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever? Ummm...I don't people really use that word? I can't picture anyone saying, "yo, baby, I'll be with ya forever."

3. Last person you were in a car with? My kids. Before that, Clary.

4. Any plans for tomorrow? Yes, I want to go to breakfast with my family. We haven't gone out for breakfast in so long and I am looking forward to it.

5. How long does it take for you to take a shower? 10 minutes unless it is a shaving day than add 5.

6. Best friend or close friends? Both please! You can never have enough friends. Friends rock.

7. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Yes. If I wake up it will be a good day.

8. Did you kiss anyone friday? I kiss my family every day.  Doesn't everyone?

9. Ever thrown up in public? Too many times.

10. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW? This question and coming up with an answer for the next one.

11. Who was the last person you talked to? My sister-in-law Marta. She rocks and it makes me happy to chat with her. You have no idea!

12. What is the WORST subject they teach at school? Is there really such a thing. If it is being taught and you can learn it..learn it!!!!

13. Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with? I get along with everyone.

14. What is your favourite colour top to wear? White

15. Have you ever been in a car accident? I don't want to answer this for fear of jinxing myself.

16. What's the closest thing to you that's green? The couch I sit upon.

17. Where would you like to be right now? Right where I am

18. Write down some lyrics to the song you're listening to? I am listening to the Devils play the Canadians.

19. How many dogs do you have? Two. They are called left and right and are in dire need of a pedicure.

20. Is anything bugging you right now? Yes, the fact that I have not added a picture to this meme yet.

21. Is life going right for you now? Life is good.

22. Is there someone you care about more than yourself? My children. I cannot imagine a time where I wouldn't give my life for either of them.

23. What made you laugh today? My kids. My husband. My sister in law. Clary. My peeps are funny.

24. What was the last movie you watched? New Moon.

25. Whats the last conversation you had about? Spartacus on Starz

26. What were you doing at 7:00 this morning? Trying to get my daughter to stay quiet so she didn't wake up the rest of the house. It didn't work.

27. Do you like your hair long or short? Since I have only had short hair one time in my life, I would have to say long.

28. Do you want to see somebody right now? I am looking at him.

29. Do you like the rain? I like it when we are all home, off the road, safe and sound.

30. Did you have a valentine this year? It was good. We were all together.

31. The last person you kissed needs you at 3 am, would you go? Yes! Of course.

32. Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else? Yes! My children any day. Everyone else, your on your own baby.

33. Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you? Ahhh nope.

34. How do you feel about boys smoking? Smoking is one of the biggest turnoffs for me. Plus, I don't like my children being around it. I hate it and despise the fact that nonsmokers are forced to breathe in someone's vice.  Boys, girls, no one should smoke.  Nasty, disgusting, expensive, dangerous, unhealthy, habit!

35. Could you see yourself with someone forever?  Sure.

Self Portrait Sunday - March 27, 2010

Here are the reasons for playing: Come on, admit it, you look through your photo albums or computer folders and see very few photos of yourself. Maybe it is because, like me, you are usually behind the camera. Or maybe, it's because you never feel you look good in photos so you tell everyone, "don't take any of me."

Well, take the future you will wonder why you thought you didn't look good! You look good, be proud and show your smiling face!

Here I am sitting in my car waiting to pick up the baby from school. It was a crappy, rainy day but...Self Portrait must prevail.

April is National Poetry Month - Time You Let Me In

Recently I found out that the month of April is National Poetry Month. I had no idea.

Thanks to a  Harper Collins Children's Publicist I was award the opportunity to review a few books!

So far, I have written about Fancy Nancy: Poet Extraordinaire, by Jane O'Connor, and The Wonder Book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

Today I have Time You Let Me In (25 Poets under 25) Selected by Naomi Shihab Nye
Reviewing a book of poems is like telling a mother about their child. Poems are written from the soul. I do not feel that you can review someone's poem. Everyone is coming from a different place. There are poems that resinate more with me than others but all of them are written from the soul of the writer and I wouldn't feel right actually disecting or interrupting someone's words, feelings or experiences.

What I Can Tell You: Is that the book is chock full of authors under 25. The last pages of the book gives a brief bio of each contributor. I loved reading the poems of each and then heading to their photo and bio to see if they had a website. Some of them do.

Each contributor has a page with their name and then a collection of 4 pieces.

I do have a few favorites such as Tala Abu Rahmeh, a Palestinian poet and writer who hopes to own her own art gallery by the time she is 27.

"I walk away into a world of concrete wilderness, 
but even the matallic rectangles of barbed wire know a mama, 
like mine, lived in all different directions."

Or Amal Khan

"A Song has murdered the moon
It hangs over my street tonight
With a texture like sponge."

To purchase this book You Let Me In Go here

Thanks to Harper Collins Children for the opportunity to read this book.

Home Garden Planning

Thanks to Mom Central I heard about a movement being sponsored by Triscuit called Home Farming. This comes just at the right time since my daughter is beginning to do a garden this year.

I am so excited about this plan because Triscuit is actually including platable herbs seeds in four million boxes. Is that not the coolest?

Earth Day is around the corner, Jaime Oliver has a show on that is going to revolutionize the way we think about feeding our children and Spring is here; is this not the perfect time to think about creating something that you and your children can do together? Something that gets the whole family involved, outdoors, growing the foods that our bodies require!

Triscuit has launched the Home Farming Movement in collaboration with the non-profit organization Urban Framing. Together, Triscuit and Urban Farming plan to create 50 community-based home farms across the country in 2010 in order to connect communities through growing food together.

There are really no excuses not to do a garden. Produce is expensive and it is so easy to grow your own. Live in an apartment? Why not have a little windowsill garden? This year, we will not be taking the garden off the deck. My plan is to grab a couple of long flower boxes and start small.

Look for the box above for your packet of Dill or Basil seeds (I love fresh Basil). When you get your box of Triscuit crackers home, dig out your seed packets and start sowing!

  • Take the seed card out from the box & soak 2-4 hours before planting.
  • Starting at one of the corners, peel the seed card into two pieces to expose the seeds.
  • Place both card pieces in an 8" pot full of dirt with the seed side up. Cover the cards with a quarter inch of dirt.
  • Keep soil moist, but not overly wet, with 6-8 hours of sunlight everyday.
  • Seeds should sprout in 10-12 days.
What I love about this site is that you enter your zip code, your space limitation, how much time you will be able to garden and the site will tell you which produce are the right fit for you.

Disclaimer: I wrote this post as part of a Mom Central Campaign. I will receive a $20.00 gift card.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I Wanna Win

Enter at Mommy Mandy for a chance to win the ultimate in Easter Baskets.

Enter to win a Charlie And Lola DVD at Jolly Mom 

Enter to win a Charlie and Lola DVD on The Dirty Shirt

Who Doesn't Love Babies???

BzzAgent Badge

As a BzzAgent I have been fortunate enough to become a Baby Ambassador. Babies is a movie coming out this Mother's Day.

The adventure of a lifetime begins…
Directed by award-winning filmmaker Thomas Balm̬s, from an original idea by producer Alain Chabat, Babies simultaneously follows four babies around the world Рfrom birth to first steps. The children are, respectively, in order of on-screen introduction: Ponijao, who lives with her family near Opuwo, Namibia; Bayarjargal, who resides with his family in Mongolia, near Bayanchandmani; Mari, who lives with her family in Tokyo, Japan; and Hattie, who resides with her family in the United States, in San Francisco.

Re-defining the nonfiction art form, Babies joyfully captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal to us all.

A Focus Features presentation of a Chez Wam/StudioCanal co-production with the participation of Canal +. Babies. Executive Producers, TBC Productions, Chez Wam. Original Idea, Alain Chabat. Adapted by Thomas Balmès. Edited by Craig McKay, A.C.E., Reynald Bertrand. Produced by Alain Chabat, Amandine Billot, Christine Rouxel. Music by Bruno Coulais. Directed by Thomas Balmès. A Focus Features Release.

In theatres Mother's Day Weekend, May 7th.

Here is the trailer

Amazing isn't it?

Following the lives of four babies from four different parts of the world is so interesting. My daughter asked to watch the video 3 times.

Follow Babies on Facebook

Look at this babies face!

This is Ponijao who lives in Namibia with her family, including her parents and eight older brothers and sisters. Ponijao’s family is part of the Himba tribe, and lives in a small village with other families, following traditions including speaking their own (Himba) language. The men in the Himba tribe are generally off looking after the cattle and searching for grass, so Ponijao is most often with her mother and other female relatives; she plays, eats, and is bathed through the traditional method of mixing concrete red ochre with oil. Ponijao’s favorite things to do are dance and play with other children in the tribe


Friday Photo Flashback - The Wedding

Here we are on our Wedding day. It rained! I hated my hair. But I love the look on my husbands face. Looks like love or it could just be too much beer but honestly who cares. He looks dreamy! It's my favorite picture from that day. This was the last picture the photographer took and we both look done! Him, tired! Me, ready to take off the damn dress! I was so hot from dancing and carrying around the big dress. Plus I was wearing boots and when my feet are hot man look out.
Friday Photo Flashback

Friday Follow & Friday Fragments

Damn it. Why do I have to do jury duty when the kids are on Spring Break? It couldn't be at a less convenient time!

Snow day make up at Goddess' preschool. She may not be able to go because of the whole Jury Duty thing. Grrr...

Got amazing note from my son's speech instructor yesterday. One of those notes you want to frame after crying for a moment. I am so proud of him. He has come so far.

Made an appointment to speak with the school superintendent regarding yesterday's post. I'll let you know how it goes!

Last week Handsome and his class made green eggs and ham in celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday. So what did mom make at his request?
Green Eggs and Ham

Your damn straight I did! Why should school have all the fun? He has asked for green eggs three times this week. Not bad for a kid who gave up eggs for a while.

Pulled Easter stuff out of storage. Not decorations but at least 20 stuffed animals that I put away unless it is Easter time. My kids hate that I put them away every year but honestly, how many stuffed animals can we take care of. They have at least 25 each in their rooms now.

Since we took Easter baskets out of storage Goddess assumed that Easter was here. This morning my husband said she flew out of the bedroom, ran down the hall to the dining room to check her basket. So glad I didn't see it happen because it would have broken my heart. Showed her the calendar today and told her how many times she had to go to sleep before Easter came. I wondered why she kept setting the baskets up at the table with their name tags. I kept removing everything and she kept putting them up. Poor kid, must have been disappointed when she saw nothing.

Easter 2009
Picture 089

Friday's Are So Busy These Days

Fridays are one of my favorite days of the week. It means my family will soon be able to spend the day together (usually). It's just the 4 of us but we like it that way. There is something about the comfort of having us all under the same roof even if at times we are all doing our own thing. The time comes soon enough when one of our chicks will fly the coop and I appreciate each moment with them.

My question is:
If given a choice this summer, to go absolutely anywhere, where would you spend the summer?

I would spend the summer in Connecticut at a shoreline bed and breakfast. My kids have never been to the beach and I think it is time. 

Seriously, are the Littlest Pet Shops not the cutest things to take pictures of? Look at that face.


I found this awesome meme a week ago. Feed Me Books Friday is a fantastic idea and I plan on participate each week. Instilling the love of reading starts early. I have seen pictures of myself laying in my crib, sleeping with a book over my face as young as 9 months old. There are also pictures of my son holding a book open while sleeping as young as 6 months old.  My mom was a big reader and my sisters and I always saw her with a book. The three of us are huge book readers. Connection? Maybe, maybe not. But reading is good and I read to my kids every chance I get. In fact, if they came to me with a book while I was vacuuming (the cleaning can wait), I stopped the vacuum in the middle of the floor to read.

Book Description

Fancy Nancy Clancy is so poetic, even her name rhymes. And with limericks, couplets, free verse, and more, poetry is plenty fancy! So when her teacher Ms. Glass gives Nancy and her classmates an assignment to come up with their very own poems, Nancy is determined to write one that is superb. 

My daughter is very creative so I can only imagine what she will come up with when she can finally write.

Fancy Nancy is a great role model for kids. I love that she is not afraid to be smart!

There is one part of the book where she tells us how her teacher shows them how to make a poet-tree (get it Poetry?). Each branch will have a leaf with a poem from the students. They also create poems using the first letter of their name to create words that describe them. Goddess has been walking around doing this for a day now! S-Sister is one of them

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday, The Last Day Before Spring Vacation, Wish Me Luck!

Thursdays have become so busy. There are so many wonderful things to join and contribute to. Are you doing any Thursday meme's that I haven't found yet?

There is Jen's meme called A Thousand Word Thursday. I love this one mostly because I get to search the photo archives and also because I used to have a blog called, Memories Through Photography which I absolutely loved. This was during my 4+ running blogs. Yikes, what was I thinking?

This week, here I have a photo from March 2004
I have many favorite pictures of Handsome. I think this is a favorite because of the natural sunlight on his face, because of his smile and because he was so proud of himself for standing. Oh, and lest we forget the hair that is sticking up. So cute.

Last week I grabbed the button for a meme called Letters That I'll Never Send. Here is my first letter if you care to read. (Honestly, this one may actually be sent).

Dear School Personnel,

This letter is to the aids who are greeting our children in the morning. We, as parents are dropping off our most prize possession into your care every morning. YOU, are the next face they see after the people who love them most say "good-bye" for the day.  So, why may I ask do you have such nasty, negative, bitchy, annoyed attitudes in the morning?  The day has yet to begin and already your face shows us that you do not want to be there. Do you think that makes us comfortable to hand off our children to that? I can only imagine that you are extremely unhappy in your job. If this is the case, do you think that this is the place for you? School is hard enough for the youth of today. They leave the safety of their home, the loving arms of their parents to enter a competive, overly structured, cold, environment. Is it any wonder that there are so many unhappy, combative, full of attitude children in school?

In the morning when you are "interrupted" by the loving, caring parents who are there to drop of their children and make sure they are on time, is there a reason for your cold, hard, nasty faces to not have a pleasant word. Can you not utter a "good morning" before you rudely say "No, it is not time." Or some other "excuse?" This morning it was "No, we cannot open the door, the school is not open yet we are having bus drills."  Do you think that the parents who drop off everyday on the other side of the school know about your bus drills?  Do you think that they do not have children to bring to another school (who will now be late yet again), or a JOB to get to?  Why is the door to the school not opened on time?  The children are going to the gym! They are not roaming around the school! Why DO you continually make children wait outside in rain and freezing weather? Does it make you feel good? I am not suggesting that the school doors be open ahead of time. I am not suggesting that you go above and beyond. I am simply stating that YOU do not have the right to be rude! You MUST do your job with a smile and on time! The world does not revolve around you!

The next time I drop my child off, I EXPECT a smile on your face even if it is a fake one. You nasty old bitch!

Ahhhhh that felt so good!!!!

(This letter may in fact become a face to face meeting with the schools superintendant when school reopens)

This weeks Memory Rewind is from April 2005
This is 12 day old Goddess. She was so pink and after having a big baby boy who always looked very boy to me even as a newborn, I was thrilled to have my baby girl.

She is the reason I know there is a God. After losing my mom at 12 years old I always wanted a daughter. I felt like I missed out on a relationship experience and really wanted to be the mom of a girl. Having one of each is just such a blessing. I get to play the mom I always wanted to be. My friends son's always told me I would be a great "boy" mommy. I like to run, roll, wrestle, jump, scream, yada, yada..and I always thought I was destined to be the mom of boys. Then came this little pink girlie thing. Now, she is very much in between the girlie girl and the tomboy. It will be fun to see how she progresses but back in 2005, she was a Girlie girl because she had no say.

Welcome to the March 25th version of Thursday Thunks

They pick a subject, and we interpret it anyway we want. Write about it.
Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post.

1. I got nothing. What should I ask next week? Although I think Kimber should do it next week. Somehow. Dude, I've got nothing either but that next wind chime question is really titillating. Thanks for that.

2. Wind chimes - annoying or not? Depends. Outside with the wind doing the work beautiful. In side with some tool running their hands through them really fucking annoying. (oppps...Lor..I just wrote the F Word)

3. Camping - camper or tent? Since I don't see myself laying on the ground anytime soon, I would have to say Camper but...if a certain "Scott" or "Brit" were to ask me.....

4. Told ya I got nothing. This really sucks. I should have had Bud do this, huh? Yes, but whose to say Bud's questions, wouldn't be just as...wait....hmmm...did Bud give you question #7?

5. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? I actually do have one. It is B.

6. So this week my kid had to type a research paper for English.... then she had to email it to her teacher! Is that not just the oddest thing ever? Blew my mind away. Yup, crazy especially since I honestly didn't know you had a kid.

7. Wow. These questions suck. They suck bad. Do you like to suck through straws? For what type of beverages? I don't care to suck through straws. Is this a trick question? Is this Bud asking? Bud, if it's you; yeah, I love sucking anything through straws especially jello.

8. What do you do with your cell phones when you do those wonderful "upgrades" to the newer, fancier phones? They sit in my underwear drawer. I always think I am going to donate them but always worry about people getting my information off of them. Honestly, not a big upgrader so there are only 2 phones in the drawer.

9. It's allergy season - unless you've completely missed all the people walking around with kleenexs stuck to their nose... what are you allergic to? I am allergic to some of these questions, they are actually giving me hives and my butt itches.

10. What did you sleep with as a child? I was begging for a dog, so I slept with a pink stuffed dog. It was very calculated, I was praying my father would see how much I wanted one and buy me one. Come to think of it, my son has started doing this now. I'm onto him...he gets NOTHING!