Maria's Space: July 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Christian, Thriller, Mystery, Suspense Movie Entitled Awakened Hear No Evil

Newspaper reporter Jacob Harker (Rob Boltin) loses his job, forcing he and his wife, Haley (Gwendolyn Edwards), to move into a small rental house owned by Webster Cain (Michael Monks). In the process of moving in, Jacob discovers a discarded audio recording of 60's blues singer Carol James (Hannah Hughes). Captivated by the voice on the recording, Jacob conducts an investigation into Carol James' life and death.

Through his pursuit, Jacob becomes haunted by an evil spirit. While the spirit seductively persuades Jacob, drawing him deeper and deeper into its own malicious plot, the spirit attacks and terrorizes Haley, creating both fear and distrust in the Harker's home. Haley sees her husband turning into someone less recognizable each day.

The 411:

When Jake and Haley move into a rental after he loses his job they appear to be a normal couple who definitely love and respect each other. When Jake finds an old audio reel containing a beautiful voice singing he feels emotional and wonders who this voice belongs to. He plays the reel for the man he is renting from and finds out that the voice is that of a Blue's singer from the 60's, Carol James who has since died. So taken by her voice Jacob decides to investigate what happened to her.

Jacob's obsession with Carol is changing who he is and if that isn't enough he is being haunted. Who is haunting him? Is it Carol. Haley has her own issues only she is being attacked by something she can't see.   The movie is definitely different from any other Christian movie I have seen but it wasn't terrible.

I will never understand why couples keep so much from each other in movies like this. I think  if they just shared what is happening things would be fine!

There is scripture quoted but that is as Christian as it gets.

It was an interesting movie!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. No monetary compensation was offered or received.

My Family's Dinner Choice Is Super Easy On My Busy Nights #GotADiscount

Pizza, Italian for “Life Force,” * is an important part of our lives. Shareable, delectable, beautiful — pizza has it all.  This pizza has a preservative-free, naturally rising crust that gives you 21 grams of whole grains per serving but still has that awesome Freschetta® taste you experienced before. The Freschetta® Artisan is crafted with 100% real cheese, a three tomato sauce and is available in Four Cheese, Margherita, Chicken & Fire Roasted Veggies and Pepperoni.

My son will eat pizza every night if I let him. He loves it and I am not surprised. My husband has told me that from 7-17 he lived on Pizza only it wasn't anything like Freschetta it was a cardboard, frozen pizza that I have never served my son nor will I ever type the word. In fact buying it when we first moved in together was down right embarrassing. I am hardly embarrassed to buy my son Freschetta pizza.  As an Italian mom I love cooking for my family however my kids love this stuff!  In fact, I love it! It looks and smells homemade and this is coming from someone who grew up with the smells of my Great-Grandma's pizza wafting through the house whenever we visited.

Every Artisan pizza is crafted with:
  • 51% multigrain crust
  • A unique blend of 3 whole grains — 21 grams per serving
  • Freschetta®’s special three tomato sauce
  • 100% real cheese
  • A wonderfully textured, naturally rising, preservative-free crust that has a sweeter taste
While we are partial to Freschetta Pepperoni and Four Cheese I cannot wait to try the Chicken and Fire Roasted Veggies.

FYI this is the only type of frozen pizza my daughter will eat. She likes the "spices they put in their sauce". I can't tell you that they are adding anything different but I think it is because she can see the oregano on top.

Disclaimer: I received a coupon for Freschetta and a pizza cutter as part of a BzzAgent.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Our Fun Filled Week Included, Pools, Lakes, Boat Trips and Parks

What a great day we had on the lake. My friend Madelaine, my kids and I met for breakfast last week. Afterward she treated us to a ride on her pontoon boat. My son's second time on a boat, my daughter bragging that it was her third and I were so excited and happily boarded.

She took us around the lake and then docked us at a place called The Cove. The kids got out and swam with the ducks while Mad and I caught up.

It was paradise and the best part was to watch my kids play as if they were friends. No fighting after weeks of being on summer vacation. Ahhhhh it was a beautiful day. Afterwards to keep up the fun I took them to the park. We ended up having to leave 40 minutes later due to the heat but it was a really great end to our day outdoors and unplugged

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sizzling Summer Lips!

 I love make-up and and all kinds but especially eyes and lips. You can get away with not doing everything else as long as your lips and eyes are done!

Hard Candy is a name brand I have come to know and love. Besides the fun names on their make-up they are really affordable (approx $6.00)!

Last month I received a lip plumping serum from Hard Candy and was so excited to try it. I have tried them in the past always liked them but this time what I loved most was that while Hard Candy has the fruit extracts that add to the plumpness this didn't try out my lip line and it didn't burn. There is that menthol feel but nothing like I have experienced in the past with others.

The shade I have is called Lion Tamer. I like it as it is really glossy, adds volume and has great color. Almost like a nude with a touch of shimmer

So That Is What A Moth's Eye and A Decomposing Fly Looks Like

This USB/Android Cord Microscope is amazing. The cord is a 2-in-1 USB or Droid cord due to the fact it transforms with a flip (see the video).

The box comes with a QR Code for PC or Android Phones. We simply downloaded the software that was in the booklet that comes with the microscope. At first it doesn't look like anything is downloading because it simply turns on your computer camera. But when you look at your apps you can see it is downloading. Once downloaded you can see what you are viewing with the microscope right on your computer. You can take pictures or video. It is really amazing how much 200X magnification is.

The magnifier can come off the base or keep it in the base which is completely adjustable and lockable. It also comes with 4 tip attachments.

The LED light can be adjusted with a knob on the wire.

The camera is also waterproof.

Amazing price point!

Picture 1 - Nickle (look at that blue? We did not see it with our naked eye, What is that PlayDoh?)

Picture 2 - Dead Fly's leg - YUCK!

Picture 3 - Strand of my daughter's hair and multiple strands. Oh look a split end!

Picture 5 - Dead moth's eye. GROSS!

Picture 6 - Decomposing ant body is just so narly!

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a discounted product for my honest opinion. My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. No monetary compensation was offered or received.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Elena of Avalor Soundtrack #GIVEAWAY

Have you heard about Disney Channel's new series Elena of Avalor about a teenager who reluctantly rules over the land of Avalor as a crown princess until she is old enough to be Queen.

 Elena of Avalor premieres this Friday, July 22 (7:00-8:00 p.m.) and I am thrilled to offer my readers a soundtrack giveaway.  The EP features 7 songs. 

Elena of Avalor track listing:
  1. "Elena of Avalor"
  2. "Ready to Rule"
  3. "Festival of Love"
  4. "Sister Time"
  5. "The Magic Within You"
  6. "My Time" (Bonus Track)
  7. "My Time" (Instrumental)

The theme song is performed by Gaby Morena with the Anthem "My Time" performed by Aimee Carrero.

I love the CD soundtrack it has a party vibe and the songs are upbeat and have a tango feel to me. They make you want to dance.

Our favorites were Elena, Festival of Love and Sister Time (sister, sister, sister time!). There are only 7 songs on the CD which would be shocking for a Disney soundtrack. Wonder if there will be more or perhaps these are just the original songs. Whatever the case maybe, I love soundtracks that I can play in my truck that are kid friendly. 

We can't wait to watch it!

To stay on top of all the newest information follow and on Twitter

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. No monetary compensation was offered or received.

The Butterfly Who Wouldn't Leave

My daughter received clothes for a review from Kidpik last month so we headed outside for a photoshoot. We we down to the last piece which was a dress when she spotted a butterfly. She put her finger next to it on the grass and it hopped on. We think it was a new hatchling because it spent about 25-30 minutes walking on her until she finally placed it on our bridge and walked away. I really need to play with these shots in editing but I love them so much. It was a beautiful moment!

The kiss good-bye

ABC Wednesday

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Back-to-School Tips for Getting Kids to Brush Regularly

MIAMI, Florida – (July 19, 2016) – As the new school year moves near, many parents are left with the age-old struggle of how to get their child to brush their teeth regularly before heading off to the bus stop each day. The good news is that for those parents who put in the effort, their kids will usually develop good oral hygiene habits. Prior to the school year beginning, parents can start working on helping their child develop good daily brushing habits.

“It’s important that parents get kids started young with good oral hygiene habits,” explains Dr. Bruno Sharp, a fourth-generation dentist who created a line of natural fluoride-free products called Dr. Sharp Dentistry, and is celebrating his 10th year as a Natural Oral Care provider. “For some families it may seem like a tall task, but it’s one that is important enough to keep working on. Most kids will come around and stick with the habits that they are being taught.”
Here are some back-to-school tips for helping kids establish good morning oral hygiene habits:
  • Teach them why. Discuss the reasons why they need to brush regularly, so they know why they are doing it. You can make this easier and still keep it age-appropriate by picking up some kid’s books about brushing, too.
  • Make it fun. When parents make brushing time fun, little kids are more likely to want to participate. Have a brushing song or fun routine that goes along with getting the job done each day.
  • Give them rewards. Kids love to get rewards, even if it’s a sticker added to their sticker chart. Once they meet their brushing goals, take them to the store to pick out a book. This will help to keep reinforcing the habit.
  • Praise their efforts. Rather than focusing on what they fall short of or miss, stick to keeping it positive and giving kudos for the parts they do well. They can always go back and improve areas missed, but positive reinforcement goes a long way.
  • Help and hold accountable. Up until kids are around 8-9 years old, parents may need to keep going into the bathroom with them to ensure proper brushing is being done. While it may seem like a pain, it’s helping them to establish lifelong habits that will benefit them greatly in the long run.
“The last thing parents want to do before school each day is to argue with their kids about brushing their teeth,” added Dr. Sharp. “When you make a plan and stick to it, you are usually going to be more successful in getting them to create the brushing habit. It’s all about looking after their best interest.”
Another issue that parents should be aware of with school coming back is fluorosis, which is marked by changes in the appearance of the tooth’s enamel. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), children eight and under are at risk for the condition, because they still have adult teeth under their baby teeth. Dentists such as Dr. Sharp are warning parents to avoid fluoride for their children because of the potential health risks, as well as fluorosis.
Common sources of fluoride, according to the CDC, include toothpaste (which also come with a fluoride warning label right on the label), drinking water that has been fluoridated, and other oral hygiene products, such as mouthwash. They also recommend that parents not allow children to swallow toothpaste that contains fluoride, yet they advise that unintentionally swallowing it can lead to a greater amount being ingested than intended. Dr. Sharp, however, recommends that parents avoid fluoridated toothpastes altogether in an effort to remove the risks associated with children ingesting fluoride.
Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care now offers their product line in small, convenient travel size options. His product line includes children’s toothpaste, adult toothpaste, fresh mint mouthwash, and dental tape. All products are safe to use, made in the USA, and are gluten-free, have no artificial colors or flavors, are vegan, non-GMO, alcohol-free, fluoride-free, and cruelty-free. Plus, they help whiten teeth and have xylitol, which is a natural sweetener that also helps to fight off cavities. The products are safe for the entire family. To learn more about Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care products or see where they can be purchased, visit the site at:
About Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care
Dr. Sharp Natural Oral Care is a line of natural oral care products that were created by a fourth-generation dentist. All products are made from natural, safe ingredients, and are made in the USA. The product line includes toothpaste for children and adults, mouthwash, and dental tape. For more information, visit the site at: Follow them on Facebook and Instagram @drsharpnaturaloralcare.

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Dilly Duck Takes A Shower

This is Dilly! Dilly was one many duck babies but when they were being picked off by predators my friend took Dilly inside. So for now Dilly lives in her house until she is a little more prepared to run when in danger.

Dilly loves baths obviously! Look at that face.

All clean and puffed up after drying

for more Mellow Yellow visit Monday Mellow Yellows