Maria's Space: 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Gone Girl: A Movie Review #20thCenturyFox


Based on the novel by Gillian Flynn. The movie is based on Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) and his wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike). On their 5th anniversary Amy goes missing and Nick is suddenly under investigation. Everything points to Nick offing his wife and even his twin sister is wondering if it is possible.

The 411:

I hadn't read the book but watched with someone who had and felt that the book did a better job of showing how much of a momma's boy Nick was and how his personality and the personality of his wife led to the end result of the movie which I don't want to spoil for you.

As someone who didn't read the book and basically had no idea what to expect, I felt that the movie was a drama with twists and turns that made it interesting enough although I had figured it out within the first 45 minutes how this 2.6 hour movie would end.  I love that the movie flips back and forth showing both perspectives because we all know there are three sides to every story. His side, her side and the truth!

Rosamund plays a great pyscho female and there were numerous times I was cringing over her actions.  I love how she doted all her I's and crossed all her T's and was excited as her story started to blow up in her face. She is one twisted chick!

FYI Even though there was a lot of hype about Ben's full frontal, I missed it however, I will never be able to unsee Neil Patrick Harris' full frontal. 

I seriously need to read the book Gone Girl now.

The movie will release January 13th! You can pre-order now

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary streaming of this movie for my honest opinion from 20th Century Fox. No monetary compensation was offered.

I'll Have A Blue Christmas....

The holidays are often bittersweet for me. Life has hit me hard over the past 48 years of my life but I choose not to spend much time thinking about that and try very hard to focus on the positives and I can find them everywhere even when my thoughts want to make me choose a different path. I refuse to let negativity by my way of life and know that I make a conscious effort every day to always smile and know that every day above ground is a good day.

This Christmas I choose to push away all the memories that if I let them will push me down. There will be time to focus on those but not now. I am a master at pushing my true feelings down. I've been conditioned and choose now to do so. So let's focus on the positive...if you choose to see it, it is there.

Positive - I have a wonderful friend who takes me all the way to Queens, NY to visit my grandparents. She stops off at her brother's house too for a double visit. He and his wife are wonderful people who accept me and my kids into their house as if we are old friends. This is the second time I  have met them and they make me feel like I am visiting family.

Positive - I don't get to see them often and the visits are short but feel so long but here are my grandparents. My mother's parents who have out lived two of their children. I am blessed to have them and love that my kids have great-grandparents in their 90s. God bless them both.

Positive - Blue is my favorite color. I see it everywhere. This little owl reminds me of my youth. In the 70s we all had owl decorations around. I love that this guy has a red heart.

Positive - This was spotted at my sister-in-laws house. It's blue, my favorite color and going there makes me feel like I am with people I know and love!

Positive - Look at all this red!This is my laptop desk where I do all my blogging but on Christmas Eve it served as an area to house all the gifts were were taking with us to my in-laws for family. I love being able to give gifts to those we love.

Positive - My kids are so patient. My son had been up for two hours before us. He had to wait for us all to wake before we got started. He was smiling, excited and so surprised. I love how they both take their time and enjoy the gifts they are so fortunate to receive.

I  hope everyone reading this has a blessed Christmas. It is the prayer I went to bed with on Christmas Eve and one I wish for all of you.

Smiling Sally

Monday, December 22, 2014

Use Your Neighboorhood Bakery For Delicious Semi Homemade Gifts You Just Don't Have Time For #givebakery

The Give Bakery Because. It’s Gifting Made Delicious program encourages people to visit the bakery department of their local grocery store to find a variety of treats that can be gifted to all the special people in their lives. 

With simple creative packaging, a baked good can become a personalized (and delicious) gift. It’s simple, easy and affordable—no baking required! 

The bakery department can also help you create the ultimate holiday hostess basket too. A gift basket will give the hostess a much needed planning break and offer him/her goodies that they can enjoy the next morning for breakfast or brunch. For example, the holiday hostess basket could include croissants and cinnamon rolls from the bakery department and a jar of jam, champagne and orange juice…and maybe even a magazine for a little extra morning entertainment. What you choose to include in the basket is up to you. 

What a great idea. My grandparents are in their 90's and I never know what to give them. This is a perfect idea. 

Visit the Give Bakery Because Pinterest page for more unique gifting and packaging ideas 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Catching The Color

The kids and I are loving all the Christmas lights around the neighborhood but especially ours. My husband hung some ornaments above the garage door and the lights create beautiful reflections of color that I cannot get enough of.

I took this one with my car headlights on. It was when I shut them off that I got the above photos.

A wagon full of candy! Who wouldn't want that?

I never liked this kind of candy but think it makes a beautiful photo especially in the cupboard it rests in.

I would love my tree to look like this! This is a tree in the candy shop window. Love all those colorful ornaments.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

A New Kinda Christmas Carol Story - REVIEW

I just finished Scrooged A Musicals Novella by Laura DeLuca and have to tell you, I loved it! It is perfect reading for my evening of sitting with the Christmas tree lights on and a fire in the fireplace.  A Christmas Carol story especially the one with Mr. Magoo is one of my favorite Christmas stories.  Ebenezer Scrooge gets a message from beyond on Christmas Eve that makes him change his nasty ways before it's too late. It's a book about second chances and how it is never too late to change. Laura DeLuca's take on the story is about the same only this time she uses characters from her Trilogy The Dark Musicals.

In Scrooged, "Scrooge" is Stan the father of main character Rebecca. Stan has never liked Rebecca's boyfriend now husband Justyn and Christmas Eve didn't change that.

Stan leaves his daughter's home early after an argument and falls asleep watching A Christmas Carol. Well, if you are familiar with the story you can imagine what happens. After being visited by various spirits from the past, Stan must decide if he will get the message and change before it's too late.

Scrooged had me laughing, worried and at the end crying because I was so happy.

Some of My Favorite Items From #FrostyVoxBox #@Influenster

Last week I received a box full of some awesome products. Some I've heard of and others I am happy to be introduced to. 

When I opened the beautiful red box, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Here is what it looked like!

Immediately I saw the Celestial Tea which I was a peppermint sample. YUMMMMM. I am a coffee and tea girl not playing favorites to either. I love them both.

I was having a dry eye problem so the eye make up remover was the first thing I used. I was told by the school nurse to go home and remove all my make-up, take my contacts out and rest my weary, red eyes. I did so immediately. Thanks Rimmel! It is about time I got back to taking better care of my skin! I have used it every night since. It is soothing and removes my eye make-up easily.

The first thing the kids noticed was the Vines! They are like Twizzlers but bite size and much wider and chewier. My kids love all gummy type snacks. These are a hit. We have purchased three bags since I got them in this box.

Boots No 7 Protect & Perfect Intense Advanced Serum is a true favorite. It was only a sample but thankfully the price makes it manageable. Honestly, after using I am quite surprised at the price. I thought it would much more expensive. It glides on the skin and if I had more I would have lathered my whole body with it. It felt wonderful and I am sooooo picking up the biggest bottle I can find this week.

The Candy Cane Celestial Seasonings Tea was a two bag sample and they were gone in one day. I love tea but especially when it is different. This was truly different. Nice, clean and minty.

The NYC New York Color Expert Last Lip Color in Sugar Plum is a stunning color and exactly what I would have picked. I like natural color not something that looks like I am wearing lipstick. This was the perfect compliment to my skin and I believe it would be good on all skin tones. It's a nice subdued colored with a little shimmer.

I don't have a photo yet but I am in love with the Rimmel Scandeleyes eye liner that came in the box as well. It goes on so smooth. Lasts all day and doesn't smudge. What more can a girl as for? I am not a huge make up wearer meaning I don't make up my face BUT I wear eye liner and a tiny bit of mascara every day even if I am staying home. Usually I purchase the kind that don't have to be sharpened so I am interested to see how it will be when I have to sharpen it. More on that later.

Can you see how much my kids loved the Fruit Vine Bites. We only got the bag opened and in 5 minutes I got to sample about 4.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary box for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Harley Davidson Gift Ideas + FLASH GIVEAWAY

I know soooo many people who would love everything on this list! My cousin is a huge fan and living in a lake town with country roads we get our fair share of bikers who wear some impressive gear. While I don't ride, I love the Harley Davidson brand and these products and have created a gift guide.

LED Resin Biker Santa Ornament

Set of Wine Charms

Women's Cable Knit Scarf

Stainless Steel Travel Mug with Handle

Women's Mystic Dual Chamber Full-Finger Leather Gloves



Men's Valve Full-Finger Gloves

Holiday Stocking

Harley Davidson has generously offered one of my readers the chance to win a  Women's Cable Knit Scarf. I love the color!

Fill out the giveaway tool below for your entry by Christmas Eve 12/24/14

Disclosure: No monetary compensation was offered to host.