Maria's Space: October 2021

Saturday, October 30, 2021

My Life In Pictures May 1 - May 10, 2021

 May 1 - Ignore my husband's deck mess. Plants and plant food still in the beginning stages of our summer flowers. Jinxy loves being on the deck and wants to go out all the time but the moment he is out there he wants to go back in. Go figure. 

May 2 - The only photo of the day is me with a filter. Hmmm...

May 3 - NADA

May 4 - When I hear a song in the car that I have forgotten about or that I am hearing for the first time and like, I take a photo. Out of sight is out of mind as you get older.

May 5 - There were only photos of my preschool classes painting their Mother's Day frames which I cannot share. 

May 6 - Minxy Jinxy in all his big boy glory.

May 7 - She may not be a baby anymore, but she is my baby.

May 8 - Mother's Day Dinner at Outback

May 9 - Luna enjoying the beautiful day out on the deck

May 10 - Dentist appointment and I just had to grab a shot of this steeple.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Mental Health Expert's 11 Ways to Reduce Holiday Season Stress


The holidays are right around the corner and this year do yourself a favor: have a plan to deal with all the stress that comes with the season. How do you best do that?


Dr. Fumi Stephanie Hancock, PsychDNP, is the CEO of POB Psychiatric Healthand a bestselling author of 24 self-help books. 


Her advice:


1.      Shop Now! Getting your shopping done early has always been a good idea, but especially so this year. There are global supply chain issues, barges loaded with containers backed up at docks, postal service slowdowns, among other issues. Make sure you give yourself an extra-large margin of safety when ordering packages and have a plan B in place in case of out-of-stocks. It will be a major stress relief to have shopping crossed off the to-do list early. 


2.      No Sweat- While the thesaurus doesn’t actually list “Holidays” as a synonym for “stress,” you wouldn’t be blamed for expecting it to be there. Holiday stress is as traditional as the holidays themselves, so don’t worry if you are one of the millions feeling it. Sure, there can be a lot of pressure from family, traveling, finances, etc., but just slowdown and breathe. Whether you feel like you don’t live up to your family’s unattainable standards, or you’d like to escape from them faster than the zombies on “The Living Dead,” just remember that you can do this. There are loads of relaxation exercises, deep breathing, counting to 10 (or 10,000), rhythmic pattern tapping, or whatever works. Try any of them, allow your stress to roll off of you and go forward with peace.


3.      Realistic Expectations- A huge source of holiday stress is feeling a need to please and make it a special time for everyone. The problem is that sometimes we can have goals that are so lofty that they are no longer realistic. This will inevitably lead to a disproportionately large sense of disappointment. It is okay if you don’t hold a gala ball in your living room or don’t hold your guest entranced while serving 5-star cuisine. Let yourself, and everyone else, off the hook and simply enjoy your time together. 


4.      The Day After (Light at the End of the Tunnel)- If you find yourself obsessively counting down the seconds until the holidays and stressing out about it, try to take your mind off of it by planning what to do after the holidays. The big day will still be there waiting, but some of the pressure may be released if it feels more like a stop on the road instead of a brick wall at a dead end that you won’t be able to pass.


5.      Focus on What Counts (presence, not presents)- While you want to find the special gift that perfectly fits each person, or you’d like to be the one who gave the most and biggest gifts, take a step back and focus on what really counts. The gifts are really just a gesture of love and appreciation. It’s having each other that is most important. 


6.      Appropriate Budget- Gifts are a lot of fun, but don’t go overboard. Not only will you stress yourself out if you put yourself in debt in order to finance the holidays, but you will very likely stress out your loved ones as well. Have an appropriate budget and ask everyone who will be there to do the same. Nobody needs to max out the credit cards in order to have a happy holiday.


7.      Diet & Exercise- The holiday stress can manifest itself in a number of ways, including mega doses of binge eating and drinking. These usually only make the stress worse. Give yourself a double dose of stress busting by exercising and eating right. Physical exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel great and reduce stress. Eating healthy foods in sensible portions will also help you feel better physically and mentally. 


8.      Gratitude- When feeling stressed out or plagued by anxiety over the “what-ifs,” take all that energy and redirect it. Focus instead on what you are grateful for. Let the positives rule your mental preoccupation and let yourself feel the gratitude wash over you. Stress will drain away instantly. 


9.      Grandma, the Dog & the Kids- With so many things to worry about doing yourself, don’t forget to make arrangements for children, pets, and any elderly relatives who might need special accommodations. Are you bringing the dog with you? Is there enough on hand to distract the kids when you’ll be busy cooking and wrapping gifts? Does everyone have their medicine and emergency contact numbers available? Take care of this early so there won’t be any unnecessary hassles later. 


10.   My Own Private Hawaii- Even when the stress level has far surpassed the known limits and you are incarcerated between Uncle Jim and Grandma Myrtle with no emergency exit door clearly marked, you still always have the ultimate escape hatch available. Simply close your eyes and let your mind take you to any location you wish. You can still be with the family physically, but mentally relaxing in the tropics or skiing in the Swiss Alps. Just have fun on your personal adventure and don’t let the family stress you out. 


11.   Donate and Volunteer- If you really feel stressed about the holidays, you may need to step back to reconsider how bad you actually have it. Chances are, there are many who are far more unfortunate than you. Donating money and volunteering your time will help you to become part of a cause much bigger than yourself. Not only will you be grateful for what you have, helping uplift others will be the best way to send stress packing and put a smile on your face that will last well past the holiday season. 

Photo source 


Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Things to Do When You Turn 65

Turning 65 doesn’t have to feel like a choreOn the contrary, many people who retire at this age find it’s an opportune time to let loose, enjoy themselves, and start new plans for the twilight years of their life. Not only does turning 65 come with several financial and legal perks, but it can also be a great time to rediscover yourself and what you love. Below are a few things to do when you reach this special milestone.

Look into Medicare

Did you know that turning 65 makes you eligible for Medicare Parts A and B? In addition, you also have the option of enrolling in Medicare Part C (also known as Medicare Advantage), which covers vision and dental. This can be a real lifesaver for those who were previously receiving health insurance through their employer. 

However, it’s worth noting that Medicare doesn’t cover the cost of all your medical expenses, such as prescription medications. Therefore, it’s worth looking into supplement plans such as the Medicare D Prescription Drug Plan and/or Medigap, offered by private insurance companies and helps fill the financial gaps of a regular Medicare plan.

Attend to Legal Matters

When you turn 65, it’s also an important time to get your legal and financial affairs in order. If you’re an organized person, you may have already done this; but if you haven’t, make sure you set up and/or review your will, any powers of attorney, as well as for instructions for long-term medical care. The benefit of having this set up ahead of time is that you can rest assured that your needs will be taken care of in the way that you want. It also eases the burden on your loved ones in the event of long-term illness or death.

Investigate Assisted-Living Options

While you may not want to think about giving up your independence, it’s nonetheless important to investigate assisted-living options. You never know what could happen in terms of illness or disability, and it’s best to find someplace you like and will be comfortable in. Otherwise, you run the risk of having the choice made for you, and you could end up in a facility that doesn’t meet your needs or preferences. There are many excellent assisted living facilities, such as, that provide private, comfortable accommodation and tailored levels of care.

Research Your Perks

Turning 65 also means that you’re eligible for a number of perks. For example, there are travel discounts available for people aged 65 and above. This could be great news if you’vehad your eye on an exotic or tropical holiday abroad! If you haven’t looked into it yet, check with your airlines and travel providers for what deals they offer for people 65 and over.

Another perk for people of this age group is a property tax break. If you own your own home, you may be entitled to deductions once you hit 65. These vary by state and municipality, so be sure to check into it as the discounts can certainly add up.

Photo source


Friday, October 15, 2021

Ways To Save Space In Your Home

If you're like most people, you have more stuff than you do space. While you've likely reduced what you own, sometimes you just can't get rid of everything. That's where making some other changes can come into play. Here are some ways that you can save room in your home. 

Loft Beds

Consider using loft beds Chicago if you don't have enough room in your children's room for a bed and a play space or desk. A loft bed is just like a bunk bed, except there is no bottom bed. Instead, it has an empty space that you can use however you would like. Whether you decide to put a desk in the space or your child's dresser, you're going to be thankful for the extra room. 

Magnet Shelves

If you have a small kitchen without much storage, consider using a magnet shelving system. They are one or two shelving units with a powerful magnet on the back of them. It can be attached to the side of anything metallic. Most commonly they are put on the side of a fridge or washer and dryer unit if you have one in your home. 

The magnets are incredibly strong, and the shelves don't move at all. You could use the extra shelving for laundry supplies, spices, or even drinking cups. Some of the shelving units even come with extra side hooks for rags or oven mitts. 

Sliding Storage

If you have small spaces in your home that don't fit anything, you should look into sliding storage racks. They are small racks, often as little as 5 inches wide, that can fit into those areas. Even though the racks aren't very wide, they can be as tall as you need them to be. A rack as tall as the height of a regular kitchen sink can easily have five shelves, which gives you a lot of space to store things. 

6 Questions To Ask Before Starting A Family


Thinking  about starting a family? Well, you should give it some serious thought before you go ahead. Having children will fundamentally change your life. Here are six questions to ask before starting a family. 

Can you afford child care? 

A child requires a lot of time, energy, and money. Before you think about starting a family, ask yourself if you can afford child care. You will have to pay for daycare or stay at home with the kids when your partner is at work.


When considering having children it's important to think about how this might affect your career. You could have to take a career break or change your job. Do you have the financial means? It's going to cost thousands of dollars a year just to keep a kid alive!


What about other expenses?

Are you thinking about buying a bigger house? Having children will change your life. When you have kids you need more space, what with all the equipment, etc. You might want to consider moving to another part of town or even the municipality. If you are thinking about selling your house then weigh up the pros and cons first. Is it too much of a hassle? 


Can our relationship survive parenthood? 

For some couples, having children is the best thing that could ever happen to them. However, an increasing number of couples find that parenthood is too much and they end up splitting up. This can be a huge financial and emotional burden. Do you both want children? If only one of the parents wants to have kids then it might not be worth going ahead.


Is your family protected?

Often, when people think about starting a family they don't think about their own personal protection. Ask yourself if you are covered by insurance in the event of something happening to you or your partner? Do you have life insurance? You should speak with a family law attorney just to lay things out on the table.


Can you take time off work?

If you are thinking about starting a family, then this will impact your income. What effect will it have? It might be worth looking into what your maternity leave options are before getting pregnant. If you work for yourself, then you might want to consider taking some time off work, even if it's just six months. Think about how much money you will need to cover your living expenses. If you are thinking about taking a career break, then what will be the effect on your career?


Do you have health insurance? 

Another important factor to consider is health insurance. You might not think of this when you are thinking about having children but your family will need medical coverage. Do you have any pre-existing conditions? If you do then you might want to get additional health insurance for the new baby. Maternity care costs can be very high, so it's important to think about this now.

Your baby needs vaccinations and check-ups throughout its childhood. Who is going to pay for the child's healthcare? You need to be prepared for any unexpected bills. You might also want to consider if your house or car insurance will cover you in the event that your baby gets injured at home or in a road accident.

Photo owned by me

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Get Organized In 2022

There is no time like now to get organized for the upcoming year! It's never too late. Keep yourself on task with this planner.

College can be overwhelming and stressful! When you write everything down, it actually makes you feel better. Staying organized and spreading out what you need to do over multiple days and weeks makes assignments and goals seem less ominous.

That’s why the Class Tracker Ultimate Student Planner makes a great gift for the college student on your list!

This isn't your ordinary mass-produced daily planner. The 2021-2022 Class Tracker College Edition makes it a breeze for college students stay on top of assignments, key deadlines, daily tasks, and extracurricular activities. It has weekly pages designed specifically for a college student’s overly-scheduled life including pages to record class schedules, set goals, take notes, and keep track of self-care. It’s dated August 1-June 30. An undated version is also available.

Other features include: coiled bound with rounded corners and brightly colored covers with poly protection for stand-out sturdiness. Colors include black, light blue, pink with navy, and mint with pumpkin.

$24.99. Available at:

Little Ellen's Happy Elloween Episode Today

New episodes of Little Ellen premiere Thursday, Oct. 14 on Cartoonito on HBO Max, including a fun, spooky episode to help get you and your preschoolers into the Halloween spirit.

In “Happy Elloween,” Little Ellen, Freckle and Becky decide that they’re old enough to go trick or treating without an adult for the first time. Then, they question their decision when this Halloween proves to be the spookiest one yet!

Here is a fun look at the new trailer:

About Little Ellen: Little Ellen is a 2D-animated preschool series that explores the world through the eyes of a hilarious and unpredictable seven-year-old Ellen DeGeneres. The series follows Little Ellen (voiced by Laurel Emory) and her best friends-Freckle (voiced by JeCobi Swain) and Becky (voiced by Johanna Colon) –on fun, everyday adventures  with her across the musical city of New Orleans, teaching lessons of resilience, optimism and courage along the way.


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Pop Up Book Lovers - Check Out The Weather Pop Up Book by Maike Biederstaedt

The 411:

This pop up weather book from @prestel_publishing was so exciting for my class. I read it to them during circle time and they literally gasped with each page I opened and everyone wanted to touch the red truck. Is it not the coolest! The illustrations are stunning!

While my class wasn't interested in climate change they loved all the beatifically constructed 3D forms. It was a great way to discuss the weather. We discussed the ship on the ocean, the tornado, the dry desert, and frost. My class are 2.5-3 years old so it was on a very broad/elementary scale but they truly loved it! 

Like Dogs From Terror Films - A Review #likedogs


From director Randy Van Dyke, and starring Annabel Barrett (the upcoming “Clifford the Big Red Dog”) and Ignacyo Matynia (“Luke Cage”), witness the terror of Like Dogs this October.

Abducted, and treated like animals, 2 university students are unwilling participants in a behavioral experiment gone horribly wrong. It gets personal when the pair learn they’ve each been specifically targeted. Once people start dying it’s a race to escape and survive.


From Terror Films, Like Dogs is available on Digital.

The 411:

Well now! This was a movie! Treated like dogs in a laboratory by a demented over the top mad man, woman. Well you see that is where the plot holes are. I was definitely interested from the beginning. A woman is dragged into a van, she wakes in a cage, chained to a wall eating food out of a bowl. Wait, there is another guy also there. He is chained too. Plot twist...not gonna tell you but I was like Wait! WHAT?! No! That's insane. BUT then another plot twist and that is where I got lost. 

Low budget film but that was okay for me. The set or I should say the dog cages seemed like real dog cages and that worked well with the narrative, the lead actress was great. The thought of psychological test on unwilling subjects was interesting but the twists made it seem like the film makers were trying too hard. Wasn't torture to watch just wish they had stuck with one angle. 


Disclaimer: I received a complimentary screener for my honest opinion. NO monetary compensation was offered. 

Sick Kids? Try Paw Patrol's SOS KIDS For Free


facebook ad.pngThe sick weather is already hitting. I work in preschool and we have seen RSV, Covid, Coxsackie, and more viruses. When your child is sick and not eating or drinking enough making sure they don't dehydrate is important which is why I love sharing this with you!

"PAW Patrol® x SOS Kids is a healthy 10 calorie hydration drink with low sugar with added Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Zinc! Everyone can try this PAWsome new character-laden line of low sugar, better-for-you kids’ hydration drink mixes - request your free samples here."

kidssamplepack_550x825.png?v=1629751933I received a box from SOS Hydration last week. Today I researched a bit more tried one to see what it taste like. There are so many electrolyte drinks out there and I was excited to see there are so many flavors, that it is low in calories, carbs and sugars and that it taste great. I am not loving that the first Ingredient is sugar but maybe that is perfect for the kid packs. When my kids were little and got stomach viruses I used to give them anything they would tolerate like water or Gatorade so they wouldn’t dehydrate. The SOS mix has a complete electrolyte balance and tastes amazing!

The taste was great and knowing that it provides speedy hydration with all the minerals necessary makes me want to share this with everyone!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered. 

How to Make Traveling With the Family Easier


Going on a family vacation or heading out to visit relatives in another city can prove to be a great experience for your family. You get the chance to step away from daily life for a little while and go somewhere different for a change. There is the opportunity to see new things and make new memories together that can last a lifetime.


That being said, traveling with the entire family in tow isn’t always the easiest thing in the world to do. There is much more to coordinate and manage compared to when you take a solo trip. Additional luggage, higher costs, and the risk of the little ones becoming irritable while in transit can all make your trip a lot more stressful than you would have hoped.


The key to having a successful trip with the family is to put in a bit of extra work and planning aheadof time. If you are able to get things organized and put the right measures in place, you can actually end up enjoying smooth travels with the family.


With that in mind, here are a few tips that can help you to make traveling with your family easier and less stressful.


Bring Only the Essentials


One of the biggest traps that you can fall into when you are planning on traveling with kids is that of over packing and bringing too much luggage. Not only can this be cumbersome, but if you are planning on using air travel then checking too many bags can end up costing you big time. 


Instead, take the time well before your trip to make an individual packing list for everyone one in the family. Those lists should contain only the essentials for each person. If you aren’t really sure what each person is going to need based on their age and the destination that you are heading off to, do a bit of research. 


For instance, you might think that traveling with a baby implies the addition of a vast number of items for your little one. However, this list of baby travel essentials is much more compact yet comprehensive than you might have thought. 


With some well thought out packing lists for each member of the family, you can avoid bringing along too many unnecessary items when you go on your trip.


Bring Snacks


Traveling tends to be the sort of thing that makes a person hungry regardless of how old they are. However, when you have young children in your group, you run the risk of ending up in a rather frustrating situation in regard to food. 


In order to avoid the irritability and crankiness that comes when kids get hungry, do yourself a favor and pack multiple snacks for everyone. There are even some airport friendly snacks that are easy enough to whip up and hand out to your hungry little ones when you are on the go.


If you are traveling by air, you won’t have the luxury of being able to bring along juice boxes or other drinks for the kids. However, you are permitted to bring empty water bottles through the security check point that you can then fill up on the other side with water. 


Not only will your stash of snacks keep hunger at bay, but it will do so in a way that will end up being far more cost effective than paying for food either in the airport or on the road.


Bring Activities


As an adult, you likely get bored enough when you have to sit around the airport and wait for a connecting flight. If there is a delay, then you can end up sitting around for even longer. Imagine how bored and frustrated kids can become when in such a situation.


Even if you aren’t foreseeing any delays at the moment, it is always a good idea to bring along plenty of activities for the kids to enjoy when they are either sitting around at the airport or on the flight itself. There are some creative and compact activities that travel well so that you don’t have to bring along things that are too cumbersome.


For instance, a travel case for coloring books and colored pencils can provide a great deal of entertainment, and you can never go wrong with a fully charged iPad. By having enough activities to ward off boredom, you can keep everyone calm and happy for the duration of your travels.