Maria's Space: February 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow Day on February 29th

This year we have had very few Snow Days. There wasn't a lot of snow at all but from what I hear from the news it isn't over. Today was the perfect day for the kids to be off.

Last night I attended a high school meeting which lasted until 9:30 and didn't get to say goodnight. I always try to leave before 8:30 so I can say goodnight to the kids. I got home at 9:45 and they were both obviously asleep since bedtime is 9:00 and it was a school night. I kissed them both and felt a twinge of guilt as the night ended. This morning I woke at 6:12 a.m., said hello to Handsome who was already on the computer like he is every morning and turned the TV on so I could listen while I got my coffee. Returning to the couch with my steaming cup of wake me up juice I noticed the red bar at the bottom of the screen stating CLOSED. What? School closings? What is going on? Looking out the window, I see a perfectly normal, gray, February morning.

I sit and see all the schools in my area are closed. Grabbing the phone and turning it on I eventually get the text message from the Superintendent who states that because of the impending weather school will be closed.

Doing a little happy dance I tell Handsome who jumps up and runs to the window only to be disappointed that there is no snow.

Nope, no snow for until 11:30 a.m. Ended about 2:00 with only an inch but was followed by a lovely wintery mix. We will see what happens but as of now it seems like a joke that the kids were off but I won't complain.

We read books sitting under the covers with one on each side of me, watched movies, looked at pictures of the kids when they were small, watched old videos of the kids as babies, read some more and did some drawing. Great day and after missing bedtime, something I needed so badly. Good Times!

Hope you had a good day too.

Agorfabulous!: Dispatches from My Bedroom by Sarah Benincasa + Review

The 411 by Maria 

The book came out on Valentine's Day and has been staring at me since than to be read. I LOVE the cover. Sara is very candid and very funny. These are my favorite kind of books. Honestly and telling it like it is in a very real way is exactly how I like my female counterparts although I could never be as funny as Sara.

Sara is a great storyteller who uses truth and humor in a way that makes you feel you are talking to her not reading her book. Certainly people who meet her after reading her feel they have spoken to her before.

If you can have this many issues, (Sara spent some time peeing in cereal bowls and storing them under her bed because she was afraid the bathroom) and people still would love meet you (I do), you are truly a special individual.

Personally, I give Sara a lot of credit. I doubt I would be able to write about the things she has with such , yet her anxieties although very debilitating have enabled her to make me feel in my own wackiness very normal.  Thanks Sara!

If you love comedic writing yet want to understand or are dealing with phobias, this is a read for you. I highly doubt there is another book that should be in the Comedy, Autobiographical and Self Help category at the same time other than Agorafabulous!

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Trailer

I am so excited to see this movie!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up - Day 45 - 49

February 15, 2012 - As you can see, the kids take their yoga seriously.

February 16, 2012 - Goddess art! "Look what I found Mommy! It's the star off my old Dora watering can. Isn't it pretty?" Ohhhh ummmm...sure honey. It's pretty.

February 17, 2012 - Goddess' art work remains in the front yard still.  In this picture she is adding hair or a piece of old carpet she found.

February 18, 2012 - Wait, I see buds on the trees. Early Spring!???

February 19, 2012 - The great weather means time to get ready for next winter. There I am!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up - Day 45 - 51

February 8, 2012 - Handsome asked me to take this picture. Check out the prayer hands and shadow! Plus, the pictures behind him show him at 3, 4 and 7 years old

February 9, 2012 - Handsome in his very favorite shorts! Why they are a favorite, I don't know but for the past 2 years, they are the ones! Night two of the same pose. Go figure.

February 10, 2012 - We have our own muskrat who has taken up residence in our creek and backyard. We haven't seen him for a few days but for 2 weeks he visited and ate our grass or something for 2 hours.

February 11, 2012 - I love getting movies in the mail, but they are especially great when they are accompanies by popcorn!

February 12, 2012  - Handsome during his Blue And Gold Cub Scouts meeting! Can you tell how excited he was?

February 13, 2012 - Spartan helmet courtesy of a milk carton, some glue, paper, and a hair band offered by Goddess all designed by Teach who created the helmet. I gave him hell for not doing a tutorial for you guys. It came out awesome.

February 14, 2012- The best tea ever! Look for a giveaway soon. Everyone who has tried it, has only good things to say.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up - Day 32 - 38

February 1, 2012 - The beach looks so lonely on a winter day but it was so peaceful and quiet that the beauty was astounding.

February 2, 2012 - I love the bare trees of winter as they lay against the winter sky.

February 3, 2012 - My Daisy troop had a great time making Blinglets.

February 4, 2012 - Handsome and his Cub Scout troop had a great time during the Terror Trail. They came in 3rd place and each boy was allowed to take the trophy home for a week. You can see how excited Handsome was when he was able to take his home.

February 5, 2012 - It isn't a great picture by any means but the moon looked amazing. It was freezing out and very late so I quickly opened the door and snapped quick shot from the doorway.

February 6, 2012 - I took the kids to see the lake draw down and this is one of my favorite pictures of the day.

February 7, 2012 - Another not so great picture shot from the doorway of my kitchen. My neighbor takes pride in his backyard and spend a lot of time on his lovely Koi pond. These are the lights that are around it. With a tripod and actually going out onto the deck, this would have been a much better photo but...

Friday, February 24, 2012

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up 28 - 31

January 28, 2012 - Look what I got at Kohls! It was a bargain although I am thinking of returning it. Possibly defected. Only works part of the time. Although she looks like a Super Model with that pursed lip.

January 29, 2012 - Kids birthday parties are so much fun, why should the kids have all the fun. While I didn't jump into the pit of Styrofoam blocks I did manage to spend some time on the trampoline. Although there will NEVER be pictures of that thank goodness.

January 30, 2012 - Lake draw down has been interesting this winter. The winter has been so warm this is the first year since moving to New York that the lakes haven't frozen over. Praying for a very wet spring since the lakes are down by mega feet.  Headed to the beach for a morning walk and noticed some DPW dudes working on the beach for clean up. Loved how their vehicle looked sitting there with the lake in the background.

January 31, 2012 - Some of Goddess' artwork. I love how much effort she puts into her work.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up 20 - 27

Oh my gosh, I have been meaning to toss these up forever.

January 20 - Waiting for the kids at the bus stop. Why not take a self portrait?

January 21, 2012 - Leafy ice-pop - Goddess removed this from a bucket that was on the deck and I thought it looked interesting enough to be in my 365 Challenge Pics.

January 22, 2012 - My Perfume! My sister-in-law got this for me from New Zealand and I love it! I don't wear it but feel very special to have it.

January 23, 2012 - The beach....I love you more than all the grains of sand on the beach.

January 24, 2012 - Mad Science at our School was so much fun. The kids and the adults loved it! Who knew helium was so flammable?

January 26, 2012 - Waiting for the kids at the bus stop so why not take a picture of my cell!?

January 27, 2012 - Goddess took my candle and designed a little bunny! So cute.

Love Female Vocalists? Check out

Teeth & Tongue
 Gets Dressed Up with Debut Single, “Unfamiliar Skirts"
SXSW Shows Announced! 

"There are names often invoked for an artist in this line ­ Patti Smith, Kate Bush, PJ Harvey­ and Cornelius manages to be a beguiling combination of all three."
-Rolling Stone

Melbourne, Australia based artist, Teeth & Tongue, is finally making her U.S. debut just in time for SXSW. Her new single, “Unfamiliar Skirts,” from her second release, Tambourine, exhibits a sultry combination of hypnotic vocals and gentle rhythms, unique to the style of Jess Cornelius-- creator and front woman of Teeth & Tongue.

The conception of “Unfamiliar Skirts” illustrates the fluidity behind the melody. The song was written and arranged in just one evening while making use of an in-home studio, and those first simple demo recordings resulted in Teeth & Tongue’s mesmerizing first single, now nominated for EG Award’s “Song of the Year.”

Starting out playing in full rock bands, musician Jess Cornelius decided to go solo and stock up on some old drum machines, a keyboard and an electric guitar to form Teeth & Tongue. With all the instrumental essentials, the kaleidoscope sounds of mixed genres came nothing but organically to her.

With an unmatchable sound and stage presence, Teeth & Tongue has toured with bands such as The Mountain Goats, The Dodos, Sons and Daughters, J Mascis of Dinosaur Jr., Lydia Lunch and Dawn Landes, as well as performed at high profile music festivals, the Falls and Laneway.  Cornelius takes to the stage solo with the accompaniment of a drum machine, electric guitar and layered vocal samples to create a live set that must be experienced.

Teeth & Tongue will be headed to SXSW this March as well as playing a handful of U.S. shows. With Rolling Stone and MTV Iggy already fans, be sure to take a listen to what everyone is talking about. It’s time to get familiar with Teeth & Tongue. 


Thursday, March 8th –– The Starry Plough, Berkeley, California
Saturday, March 10th –– The Homeroom, Los Angeles
Sunday, March 11th –– The Echo, Los Angeles
Tuesday, March 13th –– SXSW –TBA, Austin, TX
Wednesday, March 14th –– SXSW Flavorpill Party, Lipstick 64, Austin


Get Fit With Flirty Girl Fitness - Are You A Flirty Girl?

Ha! Love that question. The moment I write the word flirty, I get silly and flirty. So...the question is this...are you a Flirty Girl?

What is Flirty Girl?

I've found the fun way to get fit!

Flirty Girl Fitness helps every women (or man, we have to be very PC here), get flirty, fit and Fabulous.

Flirty Girl Fitness is by far the most fun, workout you will ever do.

What I really love about Flirty Girl is that you sign in and immediately get access to live classes. For a lot of us finding time for exercise is hard. I have been walking 2 miles a day but that gets boring and doing the treadmill is never something I can get into. Spending time in front of my Wii Fit is fun and I love it but there is nothing like taking a fitness class especially one that is fun.

The new LIVE Classes are always streaming daily and include signature Flirty Girl Classes, like Booty Beat, Video Vixen, Hottie Body Boxing, Bikini Bootcamp, Sexy Sculpt, KickAss Cardio, and so much more.

I LOVE  the Video Vixen class. I completely suck at it but LOVE it. So much fun. All the moves are completely broken down. You are watching a live class and learning with the other participants.
Before you know it you have the routine and are having a great time.

Check out some of the sample classes listed at the website.

You can check out a class schedule here. There is something for every time so no matter when you get on the computer you will find something that fits your schedule.

You can try a 7 day pass for $10.00 or sign on for the $15.00 unlimited monthly pass. Much cheaper than a gym membership and you don't have to drive there.

Let me know if you check it out, I want to know what you think.

Believe me, I have done all the other exercise videos. They are all great but midway through I am tired, bored and knew in the back of my mind I will not be doing them again anytime soon. This is different. This is like going out and dancing with your girlfriends.

Pssttt…don’t be surprised or insulted if your man isn’t suddenly asking you to work out more often. He just wants to watch!!!

The Mommy Hook

Moms never have enough hands. Gripping my bags, while holding my kids hold my finger or wrist just never feels safe to me. And...oh my gosh the skin on my hand feels like it is about to rip open from the bag digging into my skin. Not anymore....with The Mommy Hook. I really wish I could video tape how I use mine. I put all the grocery bags onto it, take one of the kids on the other hand with the second also holds the Mommy Hook! Makes crossing the street easier, less painful and safer! I love it. Why didn't I come up with this idea?

I remember how hard it was for me when I had baby 2. Handsome was still only 2 and really needed to be held too. It was impossible to shop especially in the mall with my bags, pocketbook, the baby in the stroller and hold his hand. Ahhh...this would have made things so much easier. 

Like The Seat Pak, I am always looking for longevity for my dollar. Money is hard to come by and I never have enough. So I am constantly on the lookout for products that I can get a lot of use out of. Can't purchase it if it doesn't have longevity.

Even without infants I still use my Seat Pak and now, I use my Mommy Hook! So, if you are like me and looking for something to give someone something they will get a lot of use of...check out The Mommy Hook.

Awesome gift idea for all caregivers and after! I think my 96 year old grandmother could use one too.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Swing into Spring With A Strawberry Shortcake DVD Giveaway



Strawberry Shortcake is back just in time for Spring and is so sweet you will need two helpings!  Touching the hearts of children for decades, this wildly successful franchise is back with two more magical tales, Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Brick Road and Strawberry Shortcake: Bloomin’ Berry Garden, blossoming on DVD March 6 from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.

First, Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Brick Road follows Strawberry and her friends as they retell the classic “Wonderful Wizard of Oz.”  When a cyclone blows Strawberry to the strange land of Oz, she runs into trouble with the Wicked Witch and must journey to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard how to find her way back home.

Next, Strawberry Shortcake: Bloomin’ Berry Garden shows that it’s time for garden growing fun with Strawberry and her friends as they prepare for the Spring Flower Festival!  But when magical sparkles make the Berrykins grow tall and the girls shrink down small, they discover that even when they’re tiny, they can make a big difference.

Print out this adorable Strawberry Shortcake coloring page
Enter below before March 7th! US & Canada Only

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Celebrate National Margarita Day Tomorrow

Look at those beautiful glasses! Even if you don't have one for National Margarita Day, you definitely need one for the next time you celebrate. My girlfriend got me a personalized glass for Christmas this year and there is nothing like pulling it out. I think of her each time I use it.

Lolita Healy, celebrations expert and the woman behind Designs by Lolita, wants you to celebrate the Lolita way…by celebrating every one of life’s moments.

Tomorrow,  February 22 is National Margarita Day!

Whether you enjoy your margaritas frozen or on the rocks, serve them in style with the Designs by Lolita’s  “Love My Margarita” collection. Enjoy this warm weather cocktail staple in freezing February to remind you that spring is just around the corner. Lolita’s hand-painted designs come in fun warm weather themes like “Key Lime Pie” and “Strawberry Fields.”

Each glass features a special margarita recipe on the bottom to get your party started. Ole!

Make someone remember you whenever they pull out their glass by visiting Designs by Lolita or her retail store,

Kids Will Definitely Want To Snuggle Their Wuggle Pets

You have probably see the commercial!

Wuggle Pets is an assortment of eight collectable baby pets that children bring to life with an easy 12-piece starter kit. The kit includes one fun filled factory, a Magical Unicorn and a Cuddle Puppy, two bags of fluffy stuffing, two bags of magic dust, two sheets of personality charms, two birth certificates and a zipper lock.

For only $7.99 for each individual kit and $19.99 for the entire Starter Kit, this activity-toy will keep your child captivated for hours and will help them to develop hand-eye coordination skills. Wuggle Pets are available online at

The 411 by Maria:

We received our Wuggle Pets last week and Goddess was dying to open the box. When I finally said I was ready she grabbed it and proceeded to try to cut it open with a scissor. Quickly stopping her, I grabbed the camera and the scissor and told her that it was a simple insert flap that she had to unflap. After she opened it, we were off.

Here is what we did...

As you can see, it is very easy for a child to do themselves. I personally love that the gift is unplugged. My kids spend way to many hour plugged into something. There are no batteries, just some kid power and a happy heart to create your Wuggle.

Goddess selected the horse out of the two pack, the other was an adorable dog which Handsome will do next although she is begging to do fluff it for him.

The price is very reasonable and since filling her Wuggle she has put down her beloved "Doggie", even sleeping with her Wuggle which she named Rainbow. "I love horses and rainbows so I am naming him Rainbow!"

Today she clipped her Wuggle to her coat and he went to school with her, something Doggie is never allowed to do. She originally was going to put him on her backpack but worried he would get dirty.

She is ready to get the whole lot of Wuggles and is asking for them for her birthday which is coming too soon. 
  • We like the little window so you can see the fluff going into your pet.
  • We love how adorable they are.
  • We love that you can give them a personality (now that Goddess knows what a personality is).
  • We like the little storage area where we are keeping extra personality tokens  and the zipper key.
  • We like that you can clip them and bring them with you.
Great idea for a kid party and classroom craft

Follow Wuggle Pets on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary beginner kit to facilitate this review.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Conception A Movie Review

The 411 by Maria

The movie starts out with a class full of kids asking teacher David Arquette where babies come from. After that we meet 9 couples on the night they are about to conceive whether meaning to or not.

  • A Lesbian couple who are deciding which one of them should get pregnant and their thoughts about raising a child.
  • New parents who are struggling to find a new normal
  • Young teens 
  • A couple who are taking hormone shots
  • A couple discussing whose relationship has fallen into a rut could use a little romance
  • A young couple dealing with financial and relationship problems
  • A couple on a blind date
  • A cougar and her young boyfriend
  • A couple who appear to have a very active sex life
I love the way they montage the couples though different spinets.  Each couple dealing with different situations all dealing with sex and sexual relations. Even though we don't get to know each couple well, we do get to know them! It is like a twitter post. You don't need a whole lot of dialogue to know what is going on here.

Sexual relations aren't always about sex. Sometimes it about being close, making up, newness, feeling sexy, experimenting, but this act of nature sometimes results in life which is always beautiful.

My favorite parts of the movie are the split screens and the many different relations.

Nothing too deep here but I actually enjoyed it. It was nice seeing Modern Family's Sarah Hyland and Julie Bowen although not together, in a movie.

Immortals on 3D Blu-ray Combo, Blu-ray and DVD March 6th


Featuring Alternate Beginning and Endings Visually-Striking Film Explodes on 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack, Blu-ray Triple Play and DVD March 6

The 411 by Maria 
OK..this was the second time I saw The Immortals and the second time was much better.  The first time, we said, before we comment, we should see it again!

Theseus played by Cavill is his mother's son. He will do what he can to protect her but when she is cut down right in front of him, he takes revenge and do what he can to stop King Hyperion played by Mickey Rourke. Chosen by the Gods to stop the powerful, evil, bloodthirsty Hyperion who is on a mission to be the most powerful of all the world. Hyperion seeks the Bow of Epirus which will allow him to overthrow the Gods of Olympus. The Gods are not to interfere with man but do.  The future of humanity will be dependent on Theseus according to the Oracle Phaedra who is played by the stunning (Freida Pinto).  

Well, lets see where to begin. Personally, I wasn't bored. It just never went were I wanted it to go.  The fight scenes the few that there are were nicely choreographed, the death scenes not overly bloody.  Since it was the producers of 300, I was expecting, some great fight scenes, memorable dialogue and some beefcake. Well, I got the beefcake, the fight scenes didn't have me oohhhing and the dialogue, well, not much to report. Nothing stuck with me.

Everything was either under or over acted but I did love Mickey Rourke's voice. He is totally the evil villain and his costumes cracked me up especially the Venus fly trap looking helmet. 

I was excited to see Kellen Lutz, (Emmett Cullen from Twilight) but he looked like a way too gay Greek God with his golden ear muffs.

The only scenes I remember was the less than lusty sex scene with the Oracle and Theseus, oh and the scene where she gives him water from her mouth. My husband and I both cringed. 
On another note, I had no idea Greece was so cliffy. 

If you like Greek History, bloody fight scenes, hunky men with contoured abs, this is for you.

Jeremy Fink & The Meaning Of Life Review & DVD & Book Giveaway

Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life

The 411 by Maria
After seeing the movie, I found out this was a best selling book and now I must read it.

The movie stars a young actor named Maxwell Beer who reminds me of a very young Robbie Benson. The movie is narrated by Jeremy who receives a package in the mail from his deceased father containing a wood box with the wording The Meaning of Life  - For Jeremy Fink to open on his 13th Birthday. I was smitten and very excited to find out what his father would put in such a box.

I love the relationship between Jeremy and his friend Lizzie whose mother left her and her father. They share something very special and in this coming of age movie. It is nice to see them allowed to stay innocents which made the movie even better to this mom.  Boys and girls can be friends and together they try to solve the mystery of the box. 

Mira Sorvino does a great job as a loving mother raising a son. She always has all the answers and knows exactly what to say.

The setting of the city allow the children to do what they must to solve the mystery of the box and gain access.

While I don't want to give too much away, let me say this; the story unfolds, peeling back magical layer after magical layer to reveal one of the most wonderful feelings between two people. The unconditional, undying love of a parent. Jeremy is a very lucky, much loved boy and his parents are special people who longed to make his 13th birthday something he would always remember even if Dad couldn't physically be there.

This is a book and movie I can't wait for my children to be old enough to really understand. Perfect tween/teen/parent movie.

See this movie, even if you don't buy it!

Extra bonus: Michael Urie from Ugly Betty! He is adorable!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fun, Simple Exercise for Kid's Minds & Bodies!

Power Brain Kids
Power Brain Kids Cover_150 DPI
12 Easy Lessons to Ignite Your Child’s Potential

The 411 by Maria:
We love this book! My kids and I are having a great time doing the exercises.   They LOVE exercise, yoga and all things that they deem fun, easy and makes mommy happy. While they never do Yoga together, they love doing the easy exercises they found in here. While I read to them, they practiced the poses. They especially liked the partner exercises, circuit drawings and music drawings. In fact, I think music drawings are something I could really get into. You simply "feel the music" and allow your body to express itself on paper. I used a pencil and the kids used crayons. It took them a minute to understand that you don't have to draw ballerinas or musical notes. Just flow.... I loved it!

Each exercise has a picture and a simple, easy to follow breakdown. I would love my school to get more involved in something like this.

While my son loves his daily exercise with Wii, I love that he is unplugged as he goes through this book.

Goddess doing, Infinity Drawing
Between studying, going to after school practice and finding time to be a kid, children have more on their plates than ever before. Drawing has a number of valuable benefits including helping to increase hand-eye coordination, but this exercise can also be used as a calming meditation to help children focus more clearly on all they have to do on a daily basis.

1. Illustrate to the child what a “lazy eight” infinity symbol looks like.
2. Draw the infinity symbol with a crayon. Preferably, use large paper so the child’s whole arm can move, not just the wrist. Keep tracing the symbol for several minutes until the movement is smooth and balanced.
3. Now, switch hands and keep tracing. Though tricky, this helps activate the other side of the brain while helping kids become more ambidextrous. Continue until the movement is smooth and relaxed. Optionally, try drawing the infinity with eyes closed.

As you can see, they LOVE it.