Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday - Knight

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ABC Wednesday - Knight

I was hard up for an idea for ABC Wednesday this week. I had some problems coming up with "K". I could have easily gone with kids. I have two and obviously have thousands of them but...I decided to go with "Knight".

The day before Goddess started school I took her to the Children's Museum. She had a great time playing dress up. One of the costumes was for a knight. I seriously need to take her again! This time with her brother. They have both been there but separately. It is much easier for mom to keep an eye on them if I have only one but they seriously want to go together.


  1. What a fun place for the kids! And a great K word! Love your photos! She is such a cute "knight"!


  2. OMG, she looks so adorable!!
    I know what you mean about keeping an eye on two of them at once.
    I'm sure they'll have so much fun together when you take them that you won't have any problems.

  3. Ree, I thought the first pic was Kaitie lol. Love it.

  4. Looks fun!

    I read it wrong at first and thought you'd said you have thousands of kids! ROFL!


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