Maria's Space: September 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

4 Negative Health Consequences of Using Chewing Tobacco

 Tobacco has been around a long time, used by natives of America long before the arrival of Europeans, and then introduced to the European world in 1492 with the arrival of Christopher Columbus in South America. Since then, many forms of it have been used by people, including dip, chew, cigarettes, pipes and cigars. As the world was made aware of the long-term negative health consequences of smoking through studies and media, alternatives for cigarettes were developed and made available, such as e-cigarettes, which use e-juice like that sold at However, popular equivalents for chewing tobacco, a smokeless form of tobacco, have not been developed. Chewing tobacco carries its own associated health risks that should be kept in mind. Here are four of them.

1. Causes Cancer

Chewing tobacco, and other forms of smokeless tobacco, have been found to contain chemicals known to cause cancer, including nitrosamines, which are known to cause cancer in animals and may cause it in humans. Metals, hydrocarbons and even radioactive materials capable of causing cancer are examples of more harmful chemicals in smokeless tobacco. Many other harmful chemicals and substances are present in chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco forms. Smokeless tobacco is associated with mouth, pancreas and esophagus cancer.

2. Causes Addiction

Smokeless tobacco like chewing tobacco is highly addictive due to the presence of an addictive substance. Due to its addictive nature, it may also lead users down the road to smoking cigarettes, which are just as harmful as smokeless tobacco, maybe even more so.

3. Causes Other Diseases

Cancer is a major life-threatening illness that can be caused by chewing tobacco and other smokeless tobacco. However, it is not the only one. Chewing tobacco also causes mouth problems, including precancerous lesions called leukoplakia that have the potential to become cancer, dental and gum disease, cavities, stained teeth and degradation of bone and gum. Chewing tobacco and other forms of smokeless tobacco have also been linked to heart disease and stroke; they have been proven to raise your heart rate and your blood pressure.

4. Causes Pregnancy Difficulties

Pregnant women who use chewing tobacco and other forms of smokeless tobacco experience an increased risk of pregnancy difficulties. Such difficulties include stillbirths and miscarriage. There is also an increased risk of babies carried by those using chewing tobacco having low birth weight. 

Smokeless tobacco products like chewing tobacco are not harmless by any means. They get less exposure than cigarettes but bear similar risks. So consider the associated health risks before you buy that chewing tobacco.

Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite! - DIY Secret Decoder! Become A F.A.R.T. Agent & Decode These Messages!


Ways Your Snow Blower Shop Can Help You Get Ready for Winter

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

inter is just right around the corner and if your snowblower is not ready to run, you will be using your back muscles to shovel it out of the way. There is a lot of things that go into getting that snow blower ready for winter. You may find that you just do not have the time necessary to perform the work yourself. So, it will be necessary for you to enlist the services of a snow blower repair shop. There are many types of snow blower problems that you might need help with before you're ready to tackle the first big snowstorm of the season. 

There are many things that a repair shop can help you with that will get you ready for the winter season. They can do all of these and more with little effort.

  • They can change the spark plug on the engine. This includes making sure the new one is properly gauged and inserted into the slot. They will also make sure that the connecting wire is properly installed and secured.
  • They can inspect your belts on the blower. They will check for cracks and tears in the unit. Without a belt, the blower will not function properly. They will also make sure that the belt has the right tension applied to it. 
  • Your blower will also get a paddle inspection. This means that they will look over the paddles that move the snow to the blower unit. Any paddles that do not work well will need to be replaced. 
  • They will also check the shave plate. These are the parts of the paddles that scrap the snow from the ground.
  • They will also adjust the skid shoes. These are the adjustable parts of the snow blower that allows you to set the auger to a correct level. 
  • You will also find that they will replace any shear pins that are damaged. 
  • An oil change is probably why you took the blower into the shop in the first place. They can do it quickly and you will not have to dispose of the oil. 

The only thing that you might have to do is fill it up with gas and stabilizer. Your local shop will be able to tell you what stabilizer you should use. They might even have some available for you to be able to buy. But they are vital to helping you get your blower ready for winter. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

How To Celebrate Halloween During A Pandemic

As October nears, this pandemic is still prevalent and the safety of our families is always on the forefront. How can we celebrate Halloween with COVID? Their social and emotional wellness can be affected by not being able to participate in a festivity that creates so much happiness and connection. 

Parenting expert, guidance counselor, licensed educational psychologist, and board-certified behavior analyst, Reena B. Patel (LEP, BCBA) addresses how to ‘Halloween' during pandemic!
Here are a some of Reena's tips to help accommodate a traditional Halloween during this pandemic. 
  1. Decorate the inside and outside of your house. If you haven't before, this is the year to start.     
  2. Create a month of Halloween countdown. Why not? We do it for Christmas too. Make a countdown calendar and for each day have a Halloween surprise ready to share with your child. Example : an Halloween coloring sheet, candy corn puzzle, pencils, stickers. Nothing small that represents and leads up to the big day.     
  3. There are some companies that participate in themed activity boxes. Yes some are subscription plans, but you can even get one for the month of October. A fun way to do the open box surprise and see what arrives at your door 
  4. Connect with your child’s school and see what the teachers have planned. Volunteer to help your school create some fun Zoom Halloween activities. A week of Halloween Zoom costume dress up is a great example. 
    Get Baking! Baking is such a fun, creative way to interact with your child. 
  5. Have Halloween themed reading nights and movie nights
  6. Host a virtual pumpkin carving party    
  7. Plan a small social distance safe house party, get together with a small group of family and close friends. , include a fun halloween pinata

Monday, September 28, 2020

Book #Giveaway - Hunger Of The Pine by Teal Swan - ENDS 10/12

Hunger of The Pine by Teal Swan

Aria Abbott has never had a home. Drifting through the foster system for most of her life, she finally finds herself in a situation so unbearable that she has no choice but to run away. Sleeping on the streets pushes Aria beyond any suffering she has felt before; the only thing worse than seeing no escape is the knowledge that no one in the world cares enough to try and find her.

Enter Taylor, a homeless young man with a charismatic smile and a dream of fame, fortune, and the sunshine of LA. Swept up in his energy, Aria and Taylor board a greyhound bus and never look back.

In this bright new world, Aria will discover a whole community of people living in the shadows, in the margins of society. As Taylor follows his dreams, Aria follows her heart. But she will discover that it isn’t always clear who you can trust, that strangers can be kind, or treacherous, or sometimes as familiar as your own reflection, if you’re willing to look hard enough.



Question: Tell us what your new book, Hunger of the Pine, is all about?

Teal Swan: Hunger of the Pine is my first fiction novel, and is a poetic novel about life on the 
streets in America. The book centers on Aria Abbott, a teen in the foster care system. She has 
been placed in a Christian foster home where the father is molesting her and her delinquency 
problems have turned her into the 'scapegoat' of the family. When the tension between her and 
her foster parents rises, she runs away and begins her life on the streets of Chicago. She soon 
meets Taylor, another homeless youth who is dreaming of fame, fortune and the sunshine of L.A.
Together they board a Greyhound bus and never look back. In this bright new world, Aria will 
discover a whole community of people living in the shadows, in the margins of society. As 
Taylor follows his dreams, Aria follows her heart. But she will discover that it isn’t always clear 
who you can trust, that strangers can be kind, or treacherous, or sometimes as familiar as your 
own reflection, if you’re willing to look hard enough.

Q: What was your inspiration behind the writing the book?

Swan:  As far as I know, no one has ever written a poetic novel about life on the streets of 
America. I wanted to highlight homelessness through descriptive writing and used a main 
character as a lens through which to see a snapshot. I also wrote it because I feel that we as a 
society -- especially in America -- need to look in the mirror at homelessness and see that it is a 
problem caused by many systemic failures within society. For this reason, there are many 
'reasons' someone ends up on the street. And we aren't really solving those reasons. People are 
complex, and it we need to see them with more compassion and understanding. And, it is with 
this 'understanding,' rather than labeling people good or bad, that we may see the root cause of 
behaviors and accurately resolve that root cause.

Q:  You have written a lot of wonderful non-fiction books. Why did you decide to take the 
leap into fiction?

Swan:  I want people to feel the raw reality of a side of life that they might never have 
experienced themselves by using descriptive writing to emotionally put them there. I am a 
descriptive writer first and foremost. My other books are informational, which I love, but they 
were not an opportunity to exercise my skills as a writer . Descriptive writing is a whole other 
beast than writing non-fiction that is engaging yet informative. It is to convey an emotion  or 
sensory experience with words instead of to convey a concept for the purpose of comprehension. ​
I want people to love the writing in and of itself, and remember it for the writing, and for their 
experience learning about homelessness as well as.

Q: Why did you decide to tackle the topic of youth homelessness?

Swan:   A Great many people don't relate to homelessness or the issues surrounding it. But a great many do and those people are drowning in the feeling that they were just born to suffer. I wanted to show the reality of homelessness and make it relatable to those who don't understand it. But I also wanted to insert some answers and hope into this novel for those who do. To be 'real' it had to be a mixture of "this is too much to surmount" and "you can surmount it". It needed to be tragic but also inspirational. And people who relate to these characters, especially the main character will not have thought of themselves as a protagonist.. as significant...As someone capable of love and triumph and of finding belonging and love... until now!

Q: What do you think society can do to help the homeless population? 

Swan:  The issue of homelessness is not an easy one because so many systemic factors within society contribute to it. This means there is not a one size fits all solution. For example, the failures within parenting and beyond that the foster care system cause youth homelessness. Society's complete lack of care for the mentally ill and the fact that there is literally nowhere for them to get help if they don't have money, contributes to homelessness in the mentally ill and veterans. The fact that a person on social security is not getting enough money to afford both food and housing and often medications causes senior citizen homelessness. The lack of prioritization within society when it comes to understanding and finding solutions for the needs of those who are in need, create this multivariable factor scenario where suddenly a great many people are on the street. It's time to see the broken-ness of our system and stop thinking things are being taken care of by 'someone else' when they are not.

Q: What do you hope readers take away from A Hunger of Pine and Aria’s story?

Swan:  I want people to feel the raw reality of a side of life that they might never have experienced themselves by using descriptive writing to emotionally put them there. Also, a better and more empathetic view of the homeless population. We tend to be so uncomfortable with homelessness that we compartmentalize it and tell ourselves that we could never be in the same position... That homeless are like a 'breed' of people or another species unto themselves. Understanding this why  behind homelessness actually makes it impossible for us to keep this 'separation' alive. To keep them marginalized. When we stop seeing people as "other", when we relate to them, we suddenly have the motive to do something because we identify with them instead. I wrote this book to create this identification, understanding and relatability so as to close this perceptual gap.

TEAL SWAN is an international speaker, best-selling author, and a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today, having integrated her own harrowing life experience, she inspires millions of people around the world towards truth, authenticity, freedom, and joy. Swan  is also the author of six internationally published books, the creator of hundreds of frequency paintings, as well as the popular "Ask Teal" YouTube series, which currently has more than 80 million views and almost one million subscribers. She is also the owner and founder of Teal Eye LLC, a company focused on bringing self-empowerment and healing back to the individual. In conjunction with her vision of creating positive world change, Swan founded HEADWAY FOUNDATION, a nonprofit company that enables ideas, goals and ventures that are aimed at positive world change by ending suffering. In the years to come, Headway Foundation will encompass programs, centers, scholarships and products that better our world; such as in the areas of justice reform, education, environmental endeavors, end of life care, health, parenting, integrative medicine and food industry reform. Headway Foundation seeks to create the changes within our society that will create a better life for all beings who call this earth their home.

Swan was born with a range of extrasensory abilities, including clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. It was  because of these abilities that she ended up being targeted to become a victim of abuse. In her own words: “Without the abuse and suffering I experienced, I would be someone who could give you a lot of esoteric information about the universe at large, but who would have no real grasp on the reality of human suffering or how to heal it. I would have only had ½ of the picture of human existence. The gift of my own suffering is that I now have the full picture and that has drastically changed both what I teach and the way that I teach.”

For more information, visit and connect with Teal on Facebook, Instagram,  YouTube and Twitter .


Tips and Tricks for Celebrating with Kids or Teenagers

Although you might know exactly what to do to make your partner or friend feel special on their big day, it can be even harder to celebrate with kids and teenagers. Whether you want to help them to enjoy their own milestone or simply want to get them involved in your own celebration, here are some top tips to make sure that everyone has a great time.

● Give them a personalized gift

One of the most effective ways that you can celebrate with both kids and teens is to get them a thoughtful gift to commemorate the occasion. Gifts always go down a treat, and will allow your children to have a physical reminder of their achievements in the future. In order to find a gift that kids of any age will love, you consider looking for unique birthday gifts from The Gift Experience. Their personalized selection of items is perfect for those approaching milestone birthdays, such as their 18th or 21st, with tumblers and photo albums that you can engrave with their name and age.

● Allow them to invite friends

Although you might want your celebration to be a family occasion, your kids, and particularly teens, will be much happier if they are given the option to invite their own friends. In order to keep them out of your hair, you could host a teen party or create a teen-friendly zone where your kids can hang out with their mates and enjoy themselves away from the adults. However, you should never force them to celebrate with you, and if they want to party all night with their friends and other loved ones, then you should give them the choice to do so and plan your own celebration for another time.

● Enjoy their firsts with them 

There is nothing better, though, than celebrating their big day with them. Whether you decide to attend your child’s graduation, or go with them to the pub for their first legal drink, being there with them will help you to create memories that will last a lifetime. 

● Give them your attention

Most importantly, as a parent, you should give them all of your attention on their big day. For instance, you may choose to take them out on a one-on-one trip without their siblings or other relatives, or decide to take them on a vacation or day trip that they have been dreaming about. This will help them to feel noticed by you for what they have achieved.

● It’s all about the little things

However, although you might want to go all out and plan something huge for your beloved children, it is all about the little things that you do to make your kids feel special. For instance, you might consider taking a commemorative photo with them which you can hang on the wall or gift to them. You might also think about decorating the house and gardenin bunting, balloons and other celebratory items to make ensure that their big day stands out from all the others.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Just Released as a Perfect Halloween Haunt

 Genesis: Fourth Thriller/Romance in a Book Series

Atlanta Author Releases Her 4th  Book in Time for A Full Moon on Halloween


ATLANTA  (Sept. 24, 2020) – Atlanta-based Author Anne Schlea just released her fourth book in a series designed to deliver that prickly spine, cold wintery chill that comes with this time of year, particularly for Halloween.   Released on Sept. 16,  Genesis, available at is a fiction, paranormal fantasy that is part thriller, part romance in the Retribution Universe series.


“I’ve always held a fascination for ancient places and artifacts imagining what kind of stories they could tell, and the secret mysteries of the unknown. I invite readers to come live in this fantasy world full of other world beings for a while,” said Anne Schlea, author of Genesis, The World of the Fallen and The Retribution Universe Series.


Here is an excerpt from the new book:


Genesis – New Release: Sept. 16, 2020 - The Old One is the first of the vampires.  She takes the human Daniel under her wing, bringing him along on a journey that leads to the origin of the vampires. 

Daniel landed in Berlin, Germany, over a year ago because he kept the wrong friends.  Little did he know that he’d come to love the old city, his job, and his life in Europe.  Now that Aiden has arrived, a quiet, red-headed, refuge from a war back in the states, Daniel is settling into a domestic life he never dreamed he’d have.

The arrival of The Old One, the mother of all vampires, turns Daniel’s domestic happiness on its head as she drags him away on an adventure through archeological sites of Europe, America, and Egypt on a hunt for origin of vampires.  

Can Daniel, an ardent agnostic, walk through the birthplace of religion without questioning himself?  And can he win the heart of a woman so destroyed by her past that she barely has hope for the future? 

About the Author

Anne Schlea was born and raised in Northwest Ohio where she spent much of her childhood on her Grandparent’s farm.  She graduated from Woodmore High School and then went on to Berry College in Rome, Georgia, where the first chapters of the Retribution Universe began to take shape.


Anne is an avid reader with over three thousand books in her personal collection.  As a teen, she read the entire paranormal fiction and romance sections of her local library.  Today, Anne lives in the northern suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, a short drive from the Appalachian Mountains, with her husband and her cat.  She loves visiting wineries, making music, running her business, and hanging out with her Siamese cat, Rosanna.





How to Look After Yourself as an Emergency Responder

Photo by Aidan Bartos on Unsplash

Whatever type of emergency responder you are, you will be only too aware that this is a highly demanding and challenging job. You are facing a great deal of stress on a regular basis, so it is vitally important that you look after yourself as thoroughly as possible. Proper stress prevention and management techniques should become a key part of your schedule. If you don’t look after yourself, you are less likely to be able to look after those who need your support. 

Prepare for a Response 

Preparing for a response can be done in numerous different ways, but you need to ensure that you are properly trained and confident in what you are doing. You should also make sure that you have all the correct equipment – a lot of which can be foundat Explain to your loved ones about your job and how you need as much support from them as possible and establish a means of communication if you can. You don’t want to worry about what is going on at home during a response.

Identify Signs of Burnout 

Unfortunately, burnout is a common situation amongst emergency responders. It can be categorized as a feeling of extreme exhaustion, anxiety, and the sense that you are overwhelmed. There are plenty of coping techniques that can prove to be effective including managing your diet, getting enough exercise, and talking to people about your situation – whether this is with a trained professional or just a friend or family member close to you. There are also negative coping techniques such as binge eating or drinking, which are going to have a bad effect in the long run.

Develop a Buddy System

A buddy system refers to two responders providing support for one another. Just the simple act of talking to each other about your lives can go a long way. Assess each other’s strengths and weaknesses so you are in a better position to offer support. Acknowledge when you are facing a tough situation, but also celebrate your achievements – however small they may be. You could also offer support in each other’s personal lives wherever this is appropriate. Look out for the signs of burnout that we discussed above and encourage each other to engage in positive coping techniques.

Practice Self-Care Techniques 

There are plenty of self-care techniques that can prove to be effective for an emergency responder, starting by limiting your working shifts, though this can often be tricky in this line of work. Writing in a journal, practicing meditation and yoga, reducing your use of stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine, and getting enough sleep are all effective techniques that you should build into your everyday life.

When you work as an emergency responder, it is vitally important that you look after yourself properly – both for you and the people you are caring for. Hopefully, you have found something useful in the techniques above that will help you take care of yourself that little bit better.


Friday, September 25, 2020

Top Beauty Hacks for Any Woman

Thanks to GREG KANTRA @gregkantra for making this photo available freely on Unsplash 🎁

Beauty hacks aren’t to enable you to conform to society’s standards or let you do what all women are doing. Beauty hacks are there for you to make your own style and routine as simple as possible, and find the most confidence you can with your own personal style. With beauty hacks, you can choose to take them or leave them, but what’s certain is that any woman can easily embrace any hack they like into their routine in order to promote their best self. 

Here are some great beauty hacks if you’re looking for inspiration! •

Multi-Task With Your Lipstick On The Go 

Having a staple lipstick in your bag throughout the day is a must for any touch-ups of color, but you can also go the extra mile with your lipstick and have it help you in other beauty ways. You can use a spot of lipstick on your cheeks to add color as a blush, or you can even use around your eyes for a spot of uplift and color.

Choose a color that is easily suitable for all means, such as a soft pink or blush red. 

It also means you can eliminate carrying too many cumbersome beauty products around with you, knowing you can depend on your trusty tube of lipstick when needed!

Use Deodorant for More Comfortable Feet

If you suffer from over-exerted feet, which easily build up a sweat, then consider spraying your feet with deodorant before putting on your shoes, especially when wearing shoes that require bare feet like heels. Deodorant will help your feet to remain fresh and dry throughout the day, and you can always take your deodorant spray with you to do touch-ups when your feet most need it.

Consider Whitening Treatments for Your Teeth 

While good teeth health is important and you should be doing everything you can to make your mouth and teeth the best they can be, it’s often difficult for the busy working woman. Avoiding staining foods and drinks isn’t always easy when you’re working on the go and need your cups of coffee, or maybe you’re just unsure of what best steps you need to take to have your teeth shiny and white. 

Consulting with experts like means you can grab whitening treatments to reinvent your smile, and also gain any advice regarding the best treatment for your teeth. • Have Glasses as an Alternative for Contacts If you’re wearing contacts, then you’re going to be more concerned with your eye makeup or the appearance of your eye area. If you’re busy or perhaps if you didn’t get as much sleep as you’d hoped, slipping on a pair of glasses can be great for covering any tired eyes, dark circles, or even just so you don’t have to think about your makeup as much.

Take A Time Out on Nail Color 

Experimenting with nail color is great fun, as well as allowing you to show off more of your personality. However, if you’re looking for a more easy-going beauty routine at the moment, then going au naturale with your nails can be a boon. You don’t have to worry about staying on top of your color or your nail appointments, and neither do you have to worry about your nails chipping. It also means you don’t have to worry about the color of your outfits in case they clash with bright nail polish! No matter your preference or routine, always make sure you check for easier and better ways to embrace your own sense of beauty.

Duolingo Launches Children’s Literacy App, Duolingo ABC

Available on iOS, the Free App Helps Children Ages 3-6 Learn to Read

Duolingo, the company behind the world’s most popular language-learning platform, has announced the launch of Duolingo ABC. Available on iOS, the free English literacy app teaches children ages 3-6 how to read. The app is designed specifically for younger users to enjoy independently, as the company’s goal is to help children have fun while they practice reading and writing.

The app can be downloaded for iOS at:

"We created Duolingo ABC to tackle the global problem of illiteracy,” said Luis von Ahn, CEO and Co-Founder of Duolingo. “Teaching people how to read and write can change lives. By taking everything we know about how people learn languages, and how to keep learners motivated with gamification, we believe we can make a dent in global literacy rates.”

Developed by learning scientists, the new app includes over 300 fun, bite-sized lessons teaching the alphabet, phonics, and sight words. Duolingo ABC is aligned with Common Core standards and based on recommendations by the National Reading Panel.

Duolingo ABC does not feature ads or in-app purchases and is available on iOS. It can be found in the App Store in the United States, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite & The Link To Their TikTok #CatsandDogs3

Do you like to sit around and take selfies with your pets? As you scroll back through the photos, there is always one where you can really see their smiles and the love in their eyes! And filters? Who doesn’t love a fun filter with neon glasses, funny hair, or something silly with their animals?! Pet costumes have recently flooded stores everywhere for Halloween – and while every pet may not love a great costume as much as we do – there is something adorable about dressing up our pets that humans can’t get enough of!

 Pablo the Parrot (voiced by George Lopez) tries on a pirate costume at the shop.

Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite! - the all-new original movie from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment – is NOW available on Digital – and is coming to Blu-ray™ Combo Pack and DVD on October 13! Check out this clip from the film with Pablo the Parrot (voiced by George Lopez) – as he tries to find a fashion look to fit his nefarious villain persona! 

 Old Ed (voiced by Garry Chalk) in full relaxation mode

About Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite!
It's been 10 years since the creation of the Great Truce, an elaborate joint-species surveillance system designed and monitored by cats and dogs to keep the peace when conflicts arise. But when a tech-savvy villain hacks into wireless networks to use frequencies only heard by cats and dogs, he manipulates them into conflict, and the worldwide battle between cats and dogs is BACK ON. Now, a team of inexperienced and untested agents will have to use their old-school animal instincts to restore order and peace between cats and dogs everywhere
Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite! features an all-star comedy lineup lending their voices to this new generation of four footed and two winged friends including Melissa Rauch (The Big Bang Theory) as Gwen the cat, Max Greenfield (The Neighborhood, New Girl) as Roger the dog, and George Lopez as Pablo the Parrot. The film is directed by Sean McNamara (Soul Surfer) and written by Scott Bindley (The Last Summer). Producers are Andrew Lazar (Cats & Dogs, Get Smart) and David Fliegel.

Friends if you have TikTok check out the @catsanddogs3movie –
All images are courtesy of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.






From the Toy Charts to the Top of the Music World, the Newest L.O.L. Surprise! Toy Series, REMIX, Brings Together Fashion, Music and Entertainment and will Launch with the Loudest, Global YouTube Viewing Party Ever!


L.O.L. Surprise!, named “Toy of the Year” three years running, is celebrating the launch of its new line L.O.L Surprise! Remix with the ultimate, global live stream event: L.O.L. Surprise! REMIX Live viewing party which will be held on Saturday, September 26 at 9 a.m. PDT on the L.O.L. Surprise! YouTube channel. A one-of-a-kind music and dance event that brings together Fashion, Music and Entertainment, will have new music to hear and dance to, a live show to watch and backstage access to the unlimited Remix UNBOXING, where L.O.L. Surprise! stars will unbox the all new L.O.L. Surprise! line of toys, apparel and more! 


The L.O.L. Surprise! REMIX Live viewing party will be hosted by Tahani Anderson and is a one-of-a-kind music and dance show. Renowned choreographer, Marvin Brown, orchestrated the dances and state of the art digital scenery, which will be presented in a 360-degree virtual reality experience. The new album which will be featured during the show, brings together 5 genres -- Pop, R&B, Hip Hop, Country, Pop, Rock – so there’s something for all B.B.s. to enjoy.  The album will be on Spotify, Apple Music, and more, on September 25 when the new REMIX collection hits shelves nationwide! 


Get up, off the couch and join the fun! You won’t want to miss this unforgettable, biggest viewing party yet!  



Saturday, September 26 at 9 a.m. PST on the L.O.L. Surprise! YouTube channel